The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1358 Big Event

Chapter 1358 Big Event

After another seven days, Qin Rui, Feng Roudun, and Feng Qianli finally came out of the pool.

Lao Feng's skin, which had become rough this time, suddenly became much tenderer. The whole person also looks very young, with a dignified appearance and thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Qin Rui's old face was still the same as before, and the comparison between the two was terrible. At first glance, they look like two generations, Qin Rui is the old uncle, and Old Feng is the young man.

As soon as they came out, they were called away.

I was strongly asked to recall the entire process of being stationed at Lanshi Market.

Qin Rui thought about it again and again, feeling that he and others might have been tricked as soon as they arrived at the market.

He remembered that they smelled the quiet fragrance of flowers when they arrived at the market.

At first Qin Rui thought it was some special spiritual grass or the scent of spiritual flowers.

Now that I think about it, it might be the newly developed spice that was used to trick them and make them intoxicated.

"We were probably parasitized when we were in a trance. But everyone is very vigilant. Even if they are parasitized by them, they don't dare to move easily. That's why we have been allowed to live for so long. Otherwise, we may be parasitized. It was eaten up within a few days.”

"That's right, my soul was swallowed alive. It didn't even have time to chew and devour me! After I was rescued, I barely lost much memory." Feng Qianli also said.

"What is that little vine?" the boss among the masked men asked.

"I don't know." Feng Qianli told the truth.

"A new alien race?" the masked man boss asked.

"Qin Rui, have you heard of that before?" Feng Qianli first asked the people around him uncertainly.

"I seem to have heard about it, but I probably haven't seen the real thing, so I can't be sure." Qin Rui thought for a while and then said.

"What is it?"

"Soul-swallowing vine. It should be a larval, mutated soul-swallowing vine." Qin Rui guessed.

"How are you sure it's a soul-swallowing vine?" the masked man boss asked in confusion.

"Feeling." Qin Rui said again.

A certain boss: "..." I need evidence, not feelings. You bring up the book, open it and let me take a look and prove it, it feels better than saying anything.

"Qin Rui, can we find something useful?" A certain boss asked again.

Qin Rui rolled his eyes at him speechlessly, "I'm talking about Qiao Lin, it would be nice if you could tell me my guess. Looking for evidence, isn't that a matter for you secret guards? You have become the deputy mountain master, how can you do things in your heart? So you don’t have any points?”

The boss of a certain masked man simply pulled off his mask.

"I can't find anything in this ghost place even if I want to. I don't understand why the family's stronghold here, both overt and covert, was removed in the first place?"

"Is it possible that the head of the family feels that some problems will inevitably arise here one day? Otherwise, we have retained our strongholds in some secret small worlds, and we may not have to evacuate all strongholds from the big world of Baidou." Qin Rui frowned and guessed.

"Are you thinking too much? Sixty years ago, the head of the family could have thought of this?" Qiao Lin clearly didn't believe it.

"Hmm, I don't believe it either. Besides, there are too many forces in Shenting here, and the battle is very strong. Our people don't dare to reveal their identity here easily. I don't think they can hold on for long about the Lanshi Market. They will be directly slaughtered," Feng Qianli said.

Qin Rui frowned again after hearing this and said very worriedly.

"Actually, at the beginning, I thought that the aliens would never set up a stronghold here. At first, they chose to occupy Lanshi directly.

I always feel that there is something else going on here that we don’t know yet. "

"There's nothing we can do about it. Now we can only wait for the day when the truth comes out." Qiao Lin said carelessly. Anyway, if it doesn't work, just start.

Qin Rui's eyes flashed, and he decided to go back and contact his senior brothers, teachers, and ancestors. He didn't believe that he was the only one who felt something strange.

"Qin Rui, your appointment letter is here. When do you plan to take office?" Qiao Lin asked again.

"When do we, Lingshan, plan to leave the Baidou World?" Qin Rui asked.

"Don't expect that you will be employed after leaving Bai Dou. I will inform you now. Your mountain master has said that you have to return to Lingshan to work for him tomorrow. Because I have to go out. I have to continue the follow-up of Lan Shi. Investigating."

Qin Rui twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly. "Okay. I'll go back tomorrow."

"Over at Lingshan Mountain, something abnormal has happened somewhere in the Eternal Glacier. Alien mutant ice silkworms have appeared. Mutated milliliariae have also appeared. You know, millidae are not easy to deal with. I heard that the mountain owner has been having a lot of headaches recently." Qiao Lin said worriedly and with a gloating tone.

"Is there any problem with the personnel?" Qin Rui asked again.

"No. The Demonic Lily is quite useful." Qiao Lin laughed.

The Demonic Bell Orchid is very sensitive, but its ability to withstand strikes is too poor.

Both he and Lao Feng now have new ones. It turned out that the one was dead.

Especially his Qin Rui's one, although it didn't die immediately, it gradually withered and didn't last more than two days.

So after he and Lao Feng came out, they both got new ones.

"Okay, I'll go over and help him deal with the Eternal Glacier. Free him and sort out Lingshan again to see if there are any mistakes."

"Don't be too stressed. The headquarters sent another strategist. Ranked second. His name is Cao Ruiyu. He is a very good young man. Before I left there, he had already started to get started." Qiao Lin said with a smile.

After hearing this, Qin Rui's expression immediately changed.

Qiao Lin continued to laugh at him.

The literati looked down on each other, and the competition between them was much more serious than that of martial arts professionals like myself.

Qiao Lin planned to continue watching Qin Rui's jokes.

"I think you are too busy." Qin Rui scolded angrily.

Qiao Lin made a wicked smile.

A masked man walked in quickly and delivered the latest information.

Lanshi was razed to the ground, nothing was left.

No matter what kind of alien race or market, everything is gone.

"Who did this job? It was too hasty and a bit too unusual. What are you trying to cover up?" Qin Rui thought.

"Try to find out as much as possible. If there is really no news, then continue to wait." Qiao Lin said helplessly. He also feels the pressure, but there is still too little information he can grasp now.

Just when everyone was making various speculations, a shocking news suddenly broke out in the Bai Dou world.

It is said that in a small battlefield world in the Northern Wei Qiu, some creatures died.

The flesh and blood were devoured, and the souls and souls of more than nine million creatures of various races were taken away.

At this time, both the fairies, monsters, and humans were all furious.

How cruel should you be?

Are you playing with mass extinction?

(End of this chapter)

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