The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 136 Water Mushrooms

Chapter 136 Water Mushrooms

But it's useless to think about it now, Chu Dashan has made up his mind not to come back.

In October, Xun Shijia brought the Miryang guards over to collect the autumn tax.This autumn tax does not collect money, only grain.Unless it is a family that has no food at all, all the food is collected.

As soon as he harvested the grain, the whole old Chu village followed suit.

The elixir part of Chu Dashan’s family can only collect spirit coins and spirit stones as taxes, and the family paid more than 700 spirit stones just for paying taxes.Herbal medicines are not allowed to be called silver and spirit coins, and they grow their own crops of ordinary food.

After thinking about it, Chu Dashan simply handed over 40 catties of coarse grains and [-] catties of fine grains.

The extra part is considered as my own contribution to the Miryang Guards!

Xun Shijia was overjoyed when he heard this, and happily called many Miryang guards to come over to carry the grain.Carrying so much grain back at this time is very effective in promoting the continued collection of grain.

Chu Dashan actually handed over so much food, and the clansmen in the old Chuzhuang were angry again and scolded their father. You paid so much, and we paid too little. Are you embarrassed?However, because of the large amount of food handed in this time, the soldiers of the Miryang Guards had a good impression of them, so in the future, if they had nothing to do, they would pat on their horses and wander around their village.

This made many small groups of refugees not dare to make up their minds, but these things are for later.

At least now the people with the surname Chu in Old Chuzhuang are about to hate Chu Dashan to death.

It's a pity that Chu Dashan has been squatting in the valley for a long time now, and he can't hear the opposition from outside.As soon as the autumn tax was over, Chu Dashan asked someone to give up the ten-acre fish pond next to his paddy field.

As soon as the water was released, the small fish were directly picked up into the bucket with water, and the big fish were also put into the bucket. Except for the food that was directly sent to the Chu family compound and the Qingongyuan, the rest were put into the freezer.

Although the small fish pond is only about [-] acres in size and only waist-length, the fish are really big, probably because they are eaten too well. The largest fish weighs [-] or [-] catties. It is really big and fat that even a baby can't hold it. fish.

After all the big fish were taken away, the fish pond was re-dug to dig out the silt, and then the water was re-filled, and finally the half-big fish and small fish were thrown back into the fish pond.

The long-term workers then quit their work and left.

In fact, according to Chu Changjie's idea, the small lake outside the Chu family compound should also be cleaned up. The fish cubs there are not afraid of being hot, and they all swim along the stream into the hot spring lake that is steaming all the year round.

Although it is often possible to see scalded young fish floating past on the shore, more small fish have adapted to the hot water environment and actually took root and sprouted in the hot water lake.

These two ten-acre small lakes at room temperature and hot water were about to be taken over by the big herring, but Chu Dashan didn't take it seriously at all.

As soon as he talked about clearing the lake, he said to wait until the end of the year before the snow falls.

In fact, it is easy for him to think so. The fish pond outside is good morning and early morning. After all, it is not under the nose.The small lake in the valley is not clear, but it is also possible to eat slowly.

With the example of the predecessors, five or six hunters moved to them around the autumn harvest.

Anyway, as long as people here want to buy land and repair yards, the Chu family will give discounts!Anyway, they are all rocky beaches, and there is no money to make, so they can only be used for yard repairs.Move here to build a big yard, and then buy a few acres of woodland nearby, you can live a small life, and you can live well without going to the mountains to hunt in the future.

That's why more and more people moved to the Chu Family Valley.

Except for those who moved, there were some hunters who came all the way to trade wild game with the Chu family. This year, the mountain products were worthless, and the Chu family did not accept all kinds of nuts.But all kinds of dried mushrooms, dried fungus, dried Ganoderma lucidum, etc. are collected by the Chu family.

Peach Blossom Every night, Barabala collects all kinds of mountain delicacies at his own house, and Barabara brings out a basket of fresh water mushrooms with soil.

"Shuiguzi, a high-grade spiritual root, is dying..."

Taohua hurriedly carried the basket of water mushrooms to the small lake of her family's hot water, and then chose a place to plant all the water mushrooms on the shore of the shallow water.Then brush with rooting and sprouting.

The small white mushrooms that were not planted in this basket with a radius of one foot immediately changed from a dying state to a normal growth state.

"Shuiguzi, top-grade spiritual root, recovering..."

Seeing that the attributes of these water mushrooms had changed, Taohua managed to set up a simple protective formation around them.

Prevent the surrounding small animal fish from running to the water mushrooms and chewing them.Her worry was completely correct, as soon as the peach blossom man left, a group of small fish would swim over smelling the scent and want to eat the little white mushroom.

It's a pity that there is an invisible formation around the little white mushrooms, so they can't get in.

The anxious little fish clicked and clicked on the invisible formation barrier, and the bite was loud!

The temperature by the hot spring lake is much higher than the temperature in other places in the valley. Tao Hua walked all the way back and saw her father and pulled his sleeve and said, "Father, the temperature by the hot spring lake is high, why don't you let people stay there?" Let's open up [-] mu of winter wheat. Anyway, [-] mu is not much. If it works, we can harvest a crop of winter wheat in May next year. If we use some spells, we may be able to harvest a crop in March and April next year. "

After thinking for a while, Chu Dashan asked Chu Shizhao to take the long-term workers to open up a thousand mu of winter wheat field by the hot spring lake, and then asked Chu Shiluo to go to his uncle's house to buy winter wheat seeds.

"Father, where does my uncle's family get winter wheat seeds? I'd better go to Baicao Pavilion in Miyang to meet shopkeeper Guo. He might have some." Chu Shiluo said.

Chu Dashan slapped his head and he forgot that his uncle didn't grow winter wheat.

"All right, then you can go to the Baicao Pavilion in Miryang."

It was Chu Shiluo who went to Baicao Pavilion to invite people last time, and he came more calmly this time.

Guo Peng has now confirmed that the Chu family designated it as the legacy of the former Shenting. Otherwise, he would be able to learn the core inheritance of the spiritual cultivation method of the Lingzhifu that is unique to all the spiritual mountains? !

Apart from their Divine Court, there are no similar inheritances in many worlds outside.

"What is Uncle Dashan up to?" Guo Peng asked.

"It's not that I heard that there will be a major drought in the future, and there will be refugees coming. So my family is trying to find a way to stockpile more food, so as not to run out of food next year."

After hearing this, Guo Peng immediately laughed and said, "There must be a drought, and it will last for more than one year. You just need to make more preparations. With our Baicao Pavilion, you will definitely not be hungry.

And you are close to Bibo Lake, except try not to toss some crops such as rice that consume a lot of water, other things should have little impact on you. "

"My family also planted [-] acres of Yuye fruit trees." Chu Shiluo said with some concern.

"It's simple. When you go back, bring some formation materials back, and when you go back, arrange the land of your Yuye fruit tree with a water-locking formation. As long as it can lock the water, it will not evaporate too much. Ordinary herbal medicines The elixir is not very afraid of the sun. Of course, if the temperature is too high and the sun is too big, it is best to have more rain to cool down."

(End of this chapter)

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