The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 137 The Branch from the Great Wasteland Escape

Chapter 137 The branch that escaped from the Great Wasteland
"Yeah," Chu Shiluo nodded repeatedly. "Treasurer Guo, I want to buy winter wheat seeds this time, do you have any?"

"Yes, I have thousands of catties of wintergreen wheat seeds here. Do you want it?"

"Yes, I want three thousand catties of seeds." Chu Shiluo hurriedly said.

"Success, I'll get someone to bring it to you right now. By the way, what else does your family need?"

"No need, I'll just get some wheat to grow back."

Chu Shiluo brought back the seeds of winter wheat and handed them directly to Chu Shizhao.

Chu Shizhao took the long-term workers to open the field and sow seeds the next day.

Because of the news of the upcoming severe drought, everyone thought that there might be no heavy snow this year.

Unexpectedly, just entering October, it began to snow heavily.

Fortunately, the mature grains and herbs in the family were all harvested, and the remaining melons and vegetables were also harvested when the heavy snow fell. After three days and three nights of heavy snow, the remaining melons and vegetables in the field were also frozen to death.

After the heavy snow, there is light snow, and after the light snow, there is heavy snow. It is snowing throughout October.

With so much snow here, can there really be a drought next year?

Just when everyone was suspicious, a huge chariot team finally appeared in front of them after passing through many mountains.

When the village head of Chu learned that a branch of the Chu family from other places had spent a huge price to migrate the entire village to them, he was in a bad mood.

"Which house and branch are they moving here in the winter?" Chucun really thought that these people were out of their minds. Are you moving in the winter?

"It's really not the Yuanzong, but the Tiezhuang who used to be across the official road from our Zhuangzi. They used to have their own fine iron mines. Although the quality of the ore is not good, the advantage lies in the large quantity and daily income. It's enough for their daily chewing." Chu Dazhuang ran to meet an acquaintance, and when he asked about the situation, he sighed at his father when he came back.

Village Chief Chu put on his thick robe and leather hat, and followed him out with a serious face, "Even the people of Tiezhuang clan don't need to move in winter."

I really want to move here, when can I come in spring, summer and autumn?

Wait until I really see the skinny old brother, and then look at a group of refugees in Tiezhuang.

Village head Chu burst into tears immediately.

"What's wrong with this? How did you become like this?"

"Changchun, can you give us a place to settle down? Everyone will not be able to hold on anymore."

"Yes, yes. I will arrange it for everyone."

Tiezhuang really came here a lot this time, a total of more than 900 people came here.

But in fact, Tiezhuang originally had a larger population than Old Chuzhuang, and was more young and strong.

Can there be fewer young people mining?
More than 900 people, all surnamed Chu.

So the village head Chu mobilized every household to vacate houses and resettle their clansmen.

The old yard of Chu Dashan's family was lent to the Yuan family brothers, and they planned to build a yard in the valley next year.So they have been living in the east and west wings, but vacated the main house.

When the patriarch arranged to vacate the house, Chu Dashan also got the letter. He simply vacated the main house of his family, and then furnished the new quilts stored at home, lit a brazier and a kang, and the house can be directly occupied. .

After all, all kinds of furniture in the main house are complete.

It was a coincidence that the clansman who lived here had some friendship with Chu Dashan when he was young.

Chu Jinyu's family.

Although the two are of the same generation, they have different room numbers and different characters.Chu Jinyu's bloodline is the bloodline of Chu Desheng's fifth younger brother, Chu Xinsheng.

The descendants of the Chu surname in the old Chuzhuang are all Chu Desheng's lineage.

Chu Jinyu's family was warmly greeted by Chu Dashan's family. Chu Jinyu, who was carrying ginger soup, cried before he packed up his little luggage.

"Dashan, I am miserable. I am the only one left of my parents and brothers. There are seven children in my family, and now there are only four older ones left. The younger ones are all gone. We have been wandering in the wasteland for a whole year. If we hadn't met Mr. Wen, we might have died in that wilderness. Woooooo..."

"What's going on? What wasteland?" Chu Dashan was dumbfounded by his words.

"That year, there was a sudden earthquake, and a white mist surrounded Tiezhuang. When the white mist dissipated, we found that the world around Tiezhuang had changed drastically, from being backed by mountains to being surrounded by wilderness.

Later we learned that it was the Great Northwest Wilderness.

Terrible, the beasts hordes.But the most frightening thing is not the wild beasts, but the random people who have been moved from nowhere.

Everyone kills and robs each other, the chaos is out of order, if you don't kill, if you rob, people will come to kill you too.

The village chief took us and couldn't keep Tiezhuang, so we had to take the village and flee for our lives.

After fleeing for several months, we desperately captured a large herd of black-horned beasts, and many people died. Several of my brothers died in this hunt. With the black-horned beasts, we have the capital to escape long distances.

Later we met Mr. Wen, who set out from the Miryang area and went to the wasteland to inquire about news.Hearing about our terrible experience, he took us to Miryang.

Just half a month ago, we finally entered Daliguan, the border gate of the Great Song Dynasty. Only then did everyone know that the Great Song Dynasty was still there. We were just unlucky, and were directly moved to the Great Wasteland outside the Great Song Dynasty by a heavy fog. .

People in Daliguan said it was a miracle that we could come back.But for all the villages that moved there, none of the towns came back alive.

Mr. Wen got in touch with people in Miryang, and some of them said that there were Dazhuangzi surnamed Chu and Qi by the Bibo Lake.The village chief knew it was you as soon as he heard it.So here we go. "

While Chu Dashan's family was listening to the story, the village head Chu was also listening to the old village head of Tiezhuang about the years of ups and downs this year.

It was too bitter, too many people died.

Chu Shouye, the former patriarch and village head of Tiezhuang, spoke in more detail than Chu Weiyu.

Including how Tiezhuang fell!
Although Tiezhuang was moved to the Great Wasteland at the beginning, it has accumulated a large amount of weapons and iron materials, and it is a surplus village with no shortage of food. How could it fall in less than a month?
It turned out that several large gangs of rioters formed the Black Mountain Bandits, and swept away the nearby villages, big and small. Anyone who resisted was wiped out.

Chu Shouye, who they killed and killed, was scared, so he took his clansmen to abandon Tiezhuang, which had been in business for many years, and ran away.

"I have pity on my more than [-] catties of refined iron, which are all stored in the basement. In the end, it was all for nothing." Chu Shouye gritted his teeth and hated deeply.

"It's good if people can be brought out." Village Chief Chu comforted him.

"Later, we caught hundreds of black-horned beasts, gritted our teeth and took out the last belongings, and exchanged more than 100 carts. Only then did we have the capital to travel long distances with our family. After that, we met Mr. Wen, who The wilderness came back from investigating the situation, intending to return to Miryang..."

(End of this chapter)

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