The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 138 Give Chu Dashan a long-term job

Chapter 138 Give Chu Dashan a long-term job
"In order to escape from the wilderness, I knelt down to Mr. Wen, and he agreed to take us away.

Fortunately, we followed Mr. Wen all the way, and under his guidance, the number of people who died along the way has decreased a lot.Finally here you are. "

Village head Chu asked, "Which Mr. Wen? I don't think I've seen any scribes?"

Chu Shouye finally came to a safe environment, and he relaxed a lot. "Haha, Mr. Wen is not a scribe, he is a military officer."

"Brother Shouye, since you're home, you can leave the rest to me. You should go to sleep quickly. I can see that your eyes are red."

"Okay, I'm going to squint, I haven't slept well for a long time."

But when Village Chief Chu was thinking about how to settle down this group of people who had almost nothing but a mouth.

With tears in his eyes, Chu Shouye's fifth son hurried to find Village Chief Chu. "Uncle Chun, my father just passed away in his sleep."

Chu Changchun stood up suddenly, a sudden great sadness made him howl and cry bitterly.

But Chu Shouye's death was just the beginning!
The clansmen who died that night started from Chu Shou Mountain, a total of [-] clansmen, all of them were relaxed after resisting the security situation, and their bodies were overstretched so that they were unable to survive the night.He passed away in a hurry without even seeing the sun on the second day.

Their death caused the whole old Chuzhuang people to be immersed in great grief.

They may not have experienced the desperate experience of the newcomers, but they are full of sympathy and respect for the newcomers because of the thirteen tribes they just lost.

At the funeral, everyone went out together again.

It just so happened that it was still a snowy day, and the snow was all over the sky, wrapped in the howling wind, which made people's skin hurt.But no one in the clan spoke strange words and complained, and they all silently sent them off for the last time.

After sending Chu Shouye, the clansmen of Tiezhuang were dominated by Chu Shouye's only remaining old son, Chu Jinhong.Chu Jinhong, the youngest son of Chu Shouye, was not married before.

However, relying on his father's great contribution to the death of the tribe, his prestige was second to none among the original Chu tribe in Tiezhuang.

The branch of Tiezhuang officially became a branch of the Chu family after it settled in Old Chuzhuang.Village head Chu deliberately found someone to brave the heavy snow to go to Miryang to give the newcomers their household registration.

In addition, the ancestral hall was opened during the New Year Festival, and this branch was officially registered in the genealogy.

Chu Shouye is the ancestor of this side branch.Chu Jinhong is a new generation of side talkers.

Zhu Chu in Tiezhuang was temporarily resettled, and the old patriarch began to worry again.

How should the newly added [-] or [-] people be accommodated? It’s okay for everyone to live together in the winter, but they have no rations and nothing. If they still live together after the beginning of spring, there will be conflicts.

No, since they have no rations and have a large population, they were fine for the first few days. Everyone saw how miserable they were, and they still had some compassion.But after a long time, if we consume so much food every day, there will be conflicts.

At that time, I am afraid that this winter will not be safe.

But if it was other years, it would not be too much for him to ask the tribe to donate some food. Anyone can donate some coarse food, but who will donate food when they know that there may be a drought next year?
Chu Changchun was in trouble.

"Father, what are you thinking?" Seeing his father moaning and sullen all day long, Chu Dazhuang took the initiative to ask.

"What else can you think about? How to solve the food for more than 900 people?" Chu Changchun said speechlessly.

"There are more than 900 people who are young and strong, and the rest of the elderly, women and children are few." Chu Dazhuang said.

"I know."

"Father, as long as these young adults are raised, they will be in good health." Chu Dazhuang said again.

Chu Changchun knocked on the head of the eldest son directly, "If you have something to say, you wouldn't tell your father directly. What are you and your father doing hiding?"

"Father, this is what I think. The valley of the Dashan family definitely needs more people to open up wasteland. He is short of manpower, land, money and food."

"Are you planning to let me send all these hundreds of people to Chu Dashan as long-term workers?" Chu Changchun's mouth trembled.

"There are hundreds of people here. There are relatives in the village, and I'm afraid there are some who have hidden some family assets. It would be good if they can go to Chu Dashan for half of them. Anyway, this matter is voluntary. If they can give Dashan As a long-term worker, you can ask Dashan to advance their wages to repair their houses and buy food to feed the whole family.

If they don't like it, they can find a way out for themselves.Anyway, we have tried our best to arrange for them. If they are unwilling to obey the arrangement of the clan and insist on developing on their own, then no matter what the result is, it has nothing to do with us, right? "

"You let me think again." Chu Changchun said with a dark face.

"Father, why do you need to think about it? Because of Uncle Chang Jin's matter, Dashan no longer trusts us. If he can't show his favor through this matter, Dashan may not be willing to take care of us in the future." Chu Dazhuang road.

"But if another four or five hundred people are moved in, there will be nearly a thousand people in the small valley of Mount Chu. He can completely apply to establish a small village on his own." Chu Changchun said with an ugly face.

"But father, since you are preventing these clansmen from settling over there today, will there be a shortage of people on the other side of the mountain? Just wait and see, if there is a severe drought next year, in order not to be burned by the fire on Xiongshan Mountain Death, it is designated that more and more Orion families will move out.

If Dashan really wants to establish a Zhuangzi by himself, you can't stop him at all. "

Chu Changchun said painfully, "You said it was fine, how did you come to this point?"

"Then who do you blame? Who made you dote on Uncle Chang Jin so much."

"Da Zhuang!"

"Father, don't compete with yourself. If the mountain wants to establish its own village, no one can stop it. When he moved his family to the valley, he already had that intention. At that time, we couldn't help him It is even more impossible to win him back.

Dad, if you want me to say, it is better to help him directly, let him get the number of people together, let him owe the favor, and it is better to have dealings with us in the future than anything else?

It's better than it is now. He is obviously a relative of Zhuangzi, but Dashan is even closer to the later Yuan clan.

Only bring members of the Yuan clan with you when you have something to do!

This year, the Snakesalis Yuan family has made a lot of money.Moreover, many Orion families who fell into the valley this year also bought forest land. I heard that they all plan to plant snake salivary grass next spring.

Besides, this year's food was exchanged for game, and the Yuan's hunting team exchanged a large amount of coarse grains and fine grains.Now the Yuan family has more food in each house than our own family members. "

(End of this chapter)

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