The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 139 Mysterious Yellow Qi Well

Chapter 139 Mysterious Yellow Qi Well
"Father, the lives of the Yuan clan are better than ours now. Do you think the clansmen in the village can have no grievances? They may have trusted Uncle Chang Jin and you before, but if this continues, I'm afraid they won't either. Believe in Uncle Chang Jin again, I believe in you.

A snake saliva, Dad, you are about to put the prestige you have built up over the years into it. Why do those clansmen believe in Uncle Chang Jin so much? It is not because they believe in you. They believe that what Uncle Chang Jin said is actually what you want Said. "

"What?" Chu Changchun gasped. "How come? Chang Jin is Chang Jin, I am me, how could what he said be what I want to say?"

"But Uncle Chang Jin said to the outside world that it was what you wanted to say, but you can't say it clearly. What else did he show about his direct branch and branch, which is very marketable among the clansmen in the village, and many people believe it. he.

See, you play that trick yourself, so once Uncle Chang Jin said it, everyone believed it. "

Chu Changchun's face suddenly became ugly.

"Does Dashan know about it?"

The Chu Dazhuang people were taken aback, "I'm afraid I know. If there are any secrets in the village, as long as someone tells them, someone will know. There will always be someone who is willing to tell Dashan about the village."

Chu Changchun's complexion became even more difficult to look at. "I didn't know that Chang Jin was relying on me."

"Father, the reason why Uncle Chang Jin has been so prestigious among the tribe all these years is not because you always support him, so whatever he says, the tribe thinks it represents you. He speaks better than me in the tribe, Because everyone thinks you dote on him, so they believe his words even more."

Chu Changchun's face completely darkened. "When your second grandfather and your grandfather died, you asked me to take care of him."

"So you've become more and more able to take care of him, and you're especially good at stirring up disputes in the clan." Chu Dazhuang gave his father an angry look.The old man is a shrewd person, but his brain twitches when he meets Uncle Chang Jin.

By the way, his father didn't act like this whenever he met Uncle Chang Jin. When he met his eldest grandson, his own grandson also had the same virtue.

Da Lang agreed to whatever kind of wife he wanted to marry, and now his wife was at odds with her daughter-in-law. In his wife's words, it was as if he had given birth to a son for nothing.

Anyway, he still has two daughters and several grandchildren, whoever is hurting is not hurting! ?
"Okay, Dazhuang, you can talk to Dashan and see if he agrees. If he agrees, I will discuss it with Jin Hong and see how to arrange it." Chu Changchun finally compromised.

Chu Dazhuang was a little disappointed. He said so much, but his father still didn't intend to give Chu Chang a hard time, so he should educate him.This little uncle is really annoying!

But Chu Dazhuang didn't say much, he has been with his father for so many years, he has more patience than ordinary people.

Early in the morning, the chubby worm sent a message to Taohua, saying that there was a change in the bone of the spring dragon. Taohua hurriedly put on her clothes and ran out when she heard about it. A small pit appeared at the location.

The small pit was about the size of three copper basins, about a foot deep, and contained some fine yellow-black gravel and fine soil.

Taohua wandered around this small pit several times, and always felt that this pit was a bit unusual.

Puff puff puff, after a while, the small pit changed again, the center of the small pit actually sprayed air, and the breath that spewed out seemed to have a faint yellow color. It fell heavily to the bottom of the pit, turning into black and yellow gravel.

Taohua quickly grabbed some gravel, and Qi Tianjian used it.

"Xuanhuang Stone, the product of Xuanhuang Qi Well, the spiritual source of heaven and earth. It can be refined and placed at the root of spiritual roots, which can promote the growth of spiritual roots, increase the production of spiritual fruits and spiritual food."

Taohua suddenly grew a small mouth, oh, her family's Five Elements Blessed Land unexpectedly gave birth to the Five Elements Spirit Source, Xuanhuang Qi Well.

This Xuanhuang Qi Well is the spiritual source of the earth attribute, and it complements the Spring Dragon's Skeleton.

That's right, it was because of the Earth Eye of the Earth attribute here that I decided to bury the Spring Dragon's Skeleton here as the source of the earth and wood of the Five Elements Blessed Land. It actually evolved into a real earth attribute spiritual source.

And it is such a rare thing as Xuanhuang gas well!

Taohua happily told Xiaopangchong the news, and also told Xiaopangchong the benefits of the birth of Xuanhuang Qijing.With the Xuanhuang gas well, the surrounding soil will become better and better, and it will be more and more suitable for the growth of spiritual plants.

Because this gas well itself was stimulated by the skeleton of the spring dragon.

The little chubby worm was also very happy to know that this was a newly born spiritual source, but after knowing the Xuanhuang Qi Well, it said again, "Master Peach Blossom, this Qi Well will not be born sooner or later, so I chose to be born at this time. Does the prompting of the Dragon’s Bones have something to do with the construction of the Sutu Spirit Formation?”

Tao Hua thought about it, let alone this possibility.

"How do you feel about this Sutu Spirit Formation?" Taohua asked Xiaopang.

"Very good, the red phoenix trees in this blessed land used to grow slowly, but now that I have built the Sutu Spiritual Formation, they have obviously grown much faster, and recently some seedlings have been stimulated.

I counted, and there are thousands of big trees and small seedlings together, occupying more than ten acres of land. "

"There are so many. I haven't paid attention to it recently. I went back to my elder brother and moved all the seedlings outside, so as not to be unable to grab the big tree and suffer from malnutrition."

"Okay, okay, you quickly change places for them, so that I don't feel bad if they don't grow well." The little fat insect said.

Taohua was speechless, "Why do you feel distressed?"

"They're all growing on me, and naturally I hope they're all right."

"Those red phoenix trees, I will cut off some of them when they grow to maturity." Taohua gave the little fat bug a precaution in advance, so that it would not cry and be unhappy when the time comes.

"Then you can replant as much as you cut off."

"There's no problem with this." Taohua agreed straightforwardly.

When Taohua left, she felt that it was not good to leave a soil pit here, as it would be easy for people to notice abnormalities, so she simply used the small magic of gathering soil to cover the pit with a hard layer of soil and made a small soil bag.

Since the small dirt bag is only about ankle high, it is not very conspicuous.

After telling Xiaopang Chong to click here more in the future, Taohua left.It's been snowing recently except for the snow, and it will be cold after a while, so she should hurry back and play cats.

Especially when the wind outside is still strong, it hurts my skin.

Before she entered her compound, she saw her eldest brother come back with a big herring that was alive and kicking.This fish was destined to be caught in a small lake. The fish weighed at least seven or eight catties, enough for their family to eat.

"Brother, do you want stewed fish tonight?"

 It’s the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass~, and a guaranteed monthly pass for the next month, hehe~
(End of this chapter)

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