The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 140 Lobbying from Chu Dazhuang

Chapter 140 Lobbying from Chu Dazhuang
"No, it's lunch. Uncle Zhuang came over and was chatting with Dad. When they finish chatting, they will be having lunch," Chu Shiluo said.

"Oh." Taohua doesn't care, anyway, eating at noon and at night is all about eating for her.

At this time, Chu Dashan and Chu Dazhuang, who were sitting in the study room, were talking about the pity of the newcomers and some problems of their living here.

"Children don't make trouble, but if your own children don't say anything, you can bear it no matter how much they make noise. But if other people's children still live and eat at your own home, it's impossible to say that you don't have any resentment in your heart." Chu Dazhuang gave Chu Dashan talked about what happened in the village in recent days. "But you can't kick out the whole family just because of your grievances, right? You told them to persist for another two days, and give us some time to find a new resettlement. You will refuse to live or die." , crying and insisting to drive people out immediately. You said that everyone is a relative, who would dare to associate with you after you did such a terrible thing?"

"I'm afraid people still think it's better not to contact each other." Chu Dashan said out loud, "Refugees and droughts will come soon. If there are too many contacts, people will come to borrow food. Do you want to borrow or not? It's better not to borrow food." Come and go, when the time comes, I will not borrow it, and you can't do anything."

Chu Dazhuang was directly choked by him.

"For the sake of food, men are better off, but there are too many women." Chu Dashan said.He has experienced two stepmothers, what kind of tricks has he never seen?
Chu Dazhuang was speechless after what he said.

At this time, Chu Shizhao was told by Chu Shiluo that he was going to take people to move the saplings.

It was still planned like this with ten seedlings per mu, and he knew the place of Chifengmu.Moreover, Chu Shiluo took the long-term workers to move the big trees in the early days.They are now moving some half-sized saplings and smaller saplings.

Chu Shizhao called a group of people to leave, which alarmed both Chu Dazhuang and Chu Dashan.

"Shizhao, what are you going to do?" Chu Dashan walked out of the building door and asked.

"Shiluo said to let me lead someone to move the new seedlings of red phoenix wood, so as not to grow together and grow stunted."

"Then hurry up, come back to eat when it's time for dinner, take a break after eating, and then go to move the tree."


Chu Shizhao was full of energy and led the long-term workers to move the seedlings.Working for Uncle Dashan's house is really comfortable, and I can do whatever I want. Although there is more work, the food is good.

The gun and stick instructor in the village came over to teach everyone how to build up strength, and also taught everyone how to form formations to deal with wild animals and refugees, oh, and also taught boxing and stick marksmanship.

What a conscientious teacher, I didn't waste Uncle Dashan's money.

When Chu Dashan returned to his study, Chu Dazhuang had already thought up his speech, and he planned to directly enter the topic. "Dashan, I think the valley in your house is so big, it's not enough to use such a small amount of long-term labor."

"Yeah, I'll find some permanent workers next year." Chu Dashan explained his plan.

"Dashan, do you think this will work? We have so many tribesmen here. Although they don't look strong now, they will be no worse than your current long-term workers after a few months. And these tribesmen have seen blood. Usually, I can help you take care of the herbal spiritual plants in the valley."

"You want me to hire new people from the tribe to do long-term work?" Chu Dashan finally understood. It turned out that Chu Dazhuang wanted to tell him about it.

"Then what do you think?" Chu Dazhuang asked.

"It's okay to hire them as long-term workers after the beginning of spring, but the problem is that there are so many tribesmen, it's impossible for me to hire them all as long-term workers?"

"Why can't you hire so many? You have more than 7 mu of land, and just your dozens of long-term workers and dozens of short-term workers can do it?" Chu Dazhuang asked speechlessly.

Chu Dashan: "..."

"Are you worried that if there is a drought next year, you won't be able to support so many mouths?" Chu Dazhuang asked.

"I'm worried that there will be a lot of refugees next year. If there is a refugee army, I will have to run away. If too many tribesmen gather here, how can I take them with me when I run?" Chu Dashan asked in confusion.

"Da Shan, why are you so stupid all of a sudden?"

"Ah?" Chu Dashan looked at him puzzled, thinking why did he become so stupid?

"Da Shan, anyone can run away, but you don't have to run away. Believe it or not, Miryang City Order Master Zhang appointed Miryang Guards to protect you first.

Even if he loses Miryang City, he will not be happy that you have lost here.

As long as there is no problem here, even if Miryang City is reduced to ashes, he can build a new and better city. "Chu Dazhuang said solemnly.

Chu Dashan looked at him speechlessly, "Are you sure I'm so important here?"

"It's more important than you think." Chu Dazhuang said firmly.

"I'm the only one who grows herbs and spirit fruits." Chu Dashan said with eyebrows fixed.

"But your herbal spiritual fruit can guarantee the military supplies of his entire Miryang Guard. Without your family's spiritual food and spiritual fruit, he would have to spend more money to use pills to support the army, and let them go to Miryang City." It can't afford to support the current 13 Miyang Guards.

You have to know, this is a full 13 guards, not 6 or 1.Do you know how many people there were when the Miryang Guards first arrived at Bibo Lake?There are only [-] people, and more than [-] of them are counted among the guards, but they are not combat power.It is casting, repairing, weaving and other branches.

But now they have 13 people.

Except for the big herring in Bibo Lake, your family provided him with the most resources. "

Both Changyang and Miryang guard the lake and the mountain.

But Miryang is booming!Changyang is still in a state of intoxication!
Miryang used Bibo Lake and Xiongshan Mountain to continuously harvest all kinds of monster meat. They did not take out these monster meat, but used it to train their own guards, so there were more and more guards.

But in Changyang, there is no organization to hunt and kill all kinds of monsters in Xifeng Lake and Xifeng Mountain.Occasionally, one or two heads were killed and sold for a sky-high price, and were eaten by the nobles and officials in the city.

Especially recently Miryang has Chu Dashan who can continue to provide them with spiritual food!

If Zhu Ting continues to be decadent, it might not be long before Miryang will annex Changyang City which is the closest to him.Now that the land is stretched, the land area of ​​the Song Dynasty has been several times that of the original.

The northwest region is very remote, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so anything can happen.

"So the Miryang City Order will definitely do its best to protect your safety."

"If he can really keep me here, then I will sell him more spiritual food in the future. Anyway, I will sell it if I plant too much. I planned to sell it to Guo Peng before, but Guo Peng will eat the spiritual fruit of my family. It's already very strenuous, and it happens that he is here, so it shouldn't be a problem to eat my family's spiritual food."

 Ask for a monthly pass~, also ask for a guaranteed small monthly pass for next month~ hehe
(End of this chapter)

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