The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1363 Kong Meng Jing

Chapter 1363 Kong Meng Jing

"Those old guys are too bullying." Zhu Biao complained and was annoyed.

"No, I usually take advantage of the fact that I am a grandfather or an uncle, and just grab the advantage when I see it, and hide when I see the trouble. That's wicked." Qiao Lin also angrily agreed with him.

Zhu Biao rolled his eyes at him speechlessly.

Cao Ruiyu had just come from the headquarters, smiling and not expressing his opinions easily.

When Qin Rui arrived, he simply ate the four plates of snacks placed on the table. It is truly made from first-class refined grains. The quality of the ingredients and the craftsmanship in making the desserts are top-notch.

All kinds of first-class refined grains, vegetables and fruits are grown on the outermost periphery and the lowest floor of our Lingshan Mountain.

Not only can it feed the population on Lingshan Mountain, but it can also sell a large amount of fine grains, fruits, and vegetables to the visiting fleet.

The annual sale of grain alone is enough to support Lingshan's daily operations for a whole day.

So owning a Baowu Lingshan is really making money.

Otherwise, how could the large and small forces of Shenting create more and more spiritual mountains?

I heard that some forces have even created fake spiritual mountains recently.

I don’t know what the cost is, what the daily consumption is, and whether it is easy to use?

"Qin Rui, what are you thinking about with your eyes wide open all day?" Zhu Biao first noticed that this guy was distracted and asked in an angry tone.

"I didn't think about anything. I just heard that some forces in the Divine Court want to create a fake spiritual mountain. I don't know how? Can it be used?"

"I know a little bit about this. It is said that those fake spiritual mountains are actually built to imitate the spiritual mountains of various families today. In fact, they take away some spiritual veins and then create an enclave with formation restrictions. These enclaves can grow food. , elixir that can breed spiritual beasts.

It can also be used as a repair dock or a large carrying spacecraft.

It has some basic functions of Baowu Lingshan.

It just costs a lot to run.

It is difficult for oneself to be self-sufficient and unable to survive in the void for a long time. But if you just want to travel to some big worlds, you can still go there.

But in terms of speed, it is not as good as other void warships.

Overall, it's a bit tasteless.

But I heard that there is still potential for further renovation.

Lingshan is too difficult to cast. If the modifications continue, this kind of pseudo-spiritual mountain may become the mainstream of Void Castle in the future. "

"They will also become the key targets of those alien races." After hearing Cao Ruiyu's words, Qin Rui couldn't help but frown. "It cannot stay in the void for a long time, which means that the energy storage is relatively low. If it is attacked by a large number of foreign troops, it will be a matter of time before it falls.

If someone specially sets up a trap, it would be difficult to escape from such a fortress.

By then, Yibaowu's resources and people will be delivered to the mouths of the foreign races.

Are the brains of all the big and small forces in Shenting flooded at the same time?

Whose idea was this?

If we continue to cultivate Lingshan, even if it is a little slow.

But one piece is one piece. If the airspace of Shenting really cannot be defended in the future, we can still run away. With Lingshan, everyone can run away very quickly. "

Zhu Biao and others nodded in unison.

"Creating the pseudo-Lingshan also consumes a lot of spiritual veins. Although the real large-scale Lingshan consumes a lot of spiritual veins in the early stage, after it is completed, people can absorb the energy of the void, perfect themselves and feed the humans on the Lingshan." Qiao Lin also said I feel that this fake Lingshan is really a bad move. "Nowadays, the great power of Shenting has never been in our hands. No matter what others want, as long as the headquarters does not change its mind, everyone will still follow the original path." Zhu Biao warned.

"That's for sure. When I came, the key task assigned to me was to collect all kinds of extraterrestrial meteorite cores and spiritual veins of all levels. You must do your best to harvest wild spiritual veins. After all, We still have a large number of semi-finished Lingshan cubs waiting to be fed," Cao Ruiyu said.

"I want to cry. This reminds me of the last five years before Eternal Glacier was promoted to the sixth level. Oops, the consumption of the fourth and fifth level spiritual veins is just like eating jelly beans. This time we are in the Baidou World. How was the harvest?" Zhu Biao asked. "I mean spiritual veins."

"It's very bad. Even the underground auctions now have no spiritual veins. It seems that the spiritual veins have been taken away by the forces of the Divine Court through some underground channels. However, we still have deals with those outside exploration groups who have been in contact There are about four hundred micro, small spiritual veins.

This kind of extremely small spiritual vein obviously needs to be cultivated for a long time before it can be used. "Qin Rui said.

Their current development speed of Tianzhu Pavilion actually depends on the construction speed of Baowu Lingshan. But Lingshan is really not that easy to build.

"Okay, more than four hundred is enough. Have you told them to increase the search in the surrounding wild world and stars?" Zhu Biao asked again.

"Said it. They also said that the further away from the Bai Dou world, the more dangerous it is. Next time they trade various levels of spiritual veins, the price will increase." Qiao Lin said, "I directly agreed. As long as there is a spirit If you have the pulse, the price increase is nothing.”

"Hahaha, yes. But we can't be taken advantage of." Zhu Biao said.

"No, I proposed to trade various elixirs and fruits. They were very happy." Qiao Lin said.

"This is a good idea." Zhu Biao nodded in agreement. "Let's continue moving forward. In five or six days, we will arrive at a medicinal garden that has been stocked for nearly 160 years. According to the news from the headquarters, it is said that a batch of medicinal herbs should be mature. Let's go over to pick them and sort them out. Re-sow a batch of new seedlings.”

"it is good."

"to make."

"no problem."


Baowu Lingshan continued to sail in the dark void, and every two days, warning messages came from the surrounding realm warships.

A shabby fleet appeared within the observation range of Baowu Lingshan.

At the same time that the Far Sentinel fleet discovered them, they also discovered the Far Sentinel fleet. A signal for help was also sent.

"The other party requires the purchase of a large amount of ship repair materials. It seems that there are powerful formation masters or shipwrights on board this fleet."

"They also need some food and fruits to supplement."

"By the way, they also hope to replenish a batch of weapon repair materials and various magic arrows and other military supplies."

As the messages are delivered one by one.

Zhu Biao could already tell that the other party had been lost in the fleet.

The two sides traded each other's supplies on the Far Sentinel warship and received a large amount of Kong Meng Jing. This is a treasure that can be refined into certain spaces, expanding and folding spaces.

According to the level of the treasure, it itself is a fifth-level spiritual object.

This kind of Kongmengjing is still a treasure for cultivating one's own space in the sixth-level Evolutionary Realm, and it has always been scarce.

For some special spiritual mountains, this is also a much-needed promotion qualification.

Zhu Biao was overjoyed when he saw the small box of Kong Meng Jing returned from the transaction.

(End of this chapter)

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