The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1364 Stocking the Medicine Garden

Chapter 1364 Stocking the Medicine Garden

"Oh, there is such a treasure. I haven't seen it for decades. Notify the headquarters that we have found 60 yuan of Kongmengjing they are urgently looking for. All of them are fifth level. Need to add more If necessary, let them pay for the expedited transmission." Zhu Biao said in a very arrogant tone.

"Haha, yes, they have to pay for the expedited transmission fee. The one we urgently needed last time... humph, they charged for the expedited transmission fee." Qiao Lin also remembered that he and others had a big meal last time. deficit. He immediately decided to agree with Zhu Biao and ask for money.

"We don't need to ask them if they still have it? If so, we can still trade it a second time." Cao Ruiyu asked with some confusion.

"You just came out. Let me teach you a strange thing. No matter how dilapidated the Trek fleet is, it is not without combat power. Without combat power, they will all go back to die and not be alive. So the deal with us is also a kind of trial. .

If we propose another deal, the other party will think that we are greedy and will probably set up a trap to seize our Baowu Lingshan.

If we ask about the excavation location of Kong Meng Jing, they will point out a dangerous place for us.

Then, after we lost most of our combat effectiveness, they came out, stole our spiritual mountain, and took over our property.

In the void, you must always maintain your peak combat effectiveness.

At least that's how it looks on the surface.

Of course, if you want to use it as bait to set up a trap, you can make yourself a little worse.

The people in that fleet, if not all, are some powerful forces and powerful battle groups from large sects.

There is absolutely no need for us to take risks for a little bit of Kongmengjing.

The key is to take risks, and you may not be able to beat them.

Even if we can win, we will definitely have to pay a huge loss. "

Qiao Lin explained to Cao Ruiyu.

"We got some Sky Misty Crystals today, and there may be more resources waiting for us tomorrow. It's not worth fighting with them at all. Of course, the main reason is that the foundation of our Eternal Glacier is too thin, and our defense is still weak. After all, we are Lingshan, and our defense power is not much stronger than theirs.

But attacking us is not possible. There are not that many masters.

If someone could wipe out all the experts in Lingshan in one fell swoop. Even if we save Lingshan in the end, we will still be punished by the headquarters due to poor decision-making, which will cause heavy losses to Lingshan. "

Zhu Biao continued to explain. "So when the power is not strong enough, let's just endure it."

Cao Ruiyu: "..."

Even during the trading period here, all kinds of void heavy artillery and rune giant arrows on Baowu Ling Mountain were aimed at their dilapidated fleet.

After the transaction, the warships on their side slowly evacuated, while the other side stayed where they were.

Knowing that Fang Lingshan had completely disappeared before his eyes, the other party also slowly left.

On top of a flagship of the dilapidated fleet slowly moving in the distance. Several male and female monks with fierce and powerful temperaments each sat on their own thrones. They sat in a circle.

"Although the other party is a small force, I have never heard of the Tianzhu Pavilion before. But they are very cautious. Various long-range heavy weapons on Lingshan have been targeting us. Even now, they have not let down their guard. "A strong middle-aged monk spoke up first.

"This is normal. The smaller the power, the more vigilant it is." A female monk with scars covering half of her face said sternly. "If you want to survive in the cracks, if you don't be smart, you will die early. It's a pity that our box is empty. If other supplies hadn't been consumed, I wouldn't have been able to give it away."

"If you don't send it out, your disciples and grandchildren will starve. They are just empty crystals."

"The other party didn't ask us where we dug this batch of Kongmengying crystals, and they didn't plan to trade them a second time. They were really cautious. I wanted to fish, but the fish didn't take the bait. Could it be that there wasn't enough bait?" Another person said. A wretched old man spoke up. "I'm afraid I've already guessed what you meant."

"I said……"

"Okay, those who can control a spiritual mountain are all veterans of void walking. People will not fall for your little tricks. If you want to rob someone else's spiritual mountain, ahem, it's not easy. Any spiritual mountain The defensive outer wall is extremely difficult to break.

That can withstand the full attack of the ancestors of the Seventh Realm and even the Eighth Realm. "

After hearing this, some people were silent and others sneered. Some people looked at the people around them sarcastically.

Although everyone is lying in the same fleet, they are not people in the same boat at all.

If Lingshan didn't have this ability, how could he wander around in the void where alien races were scurrying around?

"It feels a bit weird to me that this spiritual mountain is equipped with a warship team." The scar-faced female monk added.

"Is the warship weird, the people weird, or the spiritual mountain weird?" asked the only white-haired old monk sitting in the main seat among the group of people.

"Sure enough, you also discovered it?"

"I have often dealt with Lingshan Mountains, and have been in charge of five Lingshan Mountains. The foundation of that Lingshan Mountain is too solid. Although it is not a Lingshan Mountain with great potential, it is just mediocrely developing in one direction. But the foundation is not chaotic at all. The person in charge of Lingshan will feel much more relaxed.

Moreover, the opponent's Lingshan looks very young.

It should have just been cast.

That small force either mastered a special casting method, or the host who cast that spiritual mountain was extraordinary. "

After listening to the words of the old man in the main seat, the woman nodded directly in agreement and said, "If you don't say anything else, let's just talk about a Xiaoling Mountain that is almost in no danger of collapse. Even though it is small, its value is not small. As long as more people from the sect are included. The Menhe family has been in charge for hundreds of years, and everything invested has paid off.”

Forged in Lingshan, it is stable and can be used for thousands of years. Some are unstable and will collapse within a few hundred years. Of course, the longer it can be used, the greater the value of Lingshan.

Otherwise, why would everyone spend so many rare resources and numerous spiritual veins ranging from low to high to build a sixth-level spiritual mountain?

"Send someone to check what's going on with the Sky Spider Pavilion?" the old man called to the people around him.


"Let's wait for a while. According to the star map we traded, the Great World of Bai Dou is nearby. We can go there to correct it first. Wait for the new instructions from our respective sects." The female monk added. She was a little fed up with floating in the void.

She has been floating for more than thirty years this time. Finally, we arrived near Bai Dou World.

Several days after the two large teams separated, Baowu Lingshan finally parked near a chaotic belt of broken stars.

"Let the warship bring the login personnel, and the advance team will be responsible for opening the ban on the medicine garden." Zhu Biao arranged.

"The arrangements have been made." The attendant went to explain and communicate first, and then came back to report.

(End of this chapter)

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