The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1366 Strange

Chapter 1366 Strange

"I'm afraid there is something here, or some ethnic group is sharing this batch of herbs with us. We are responsible for providing seeds, sowing, and sprouting. They are responsible for taking care of it. In the end, the two families will share the finished product in half."

Ahem, the others were suddenly surprised.

Don't tell me, it's really possible.

"We at Tianzhu Pavilion have always done it as long as we don't lose money. If we share the profits equally among the two hands, it is really possible to do it."

"I have long discovered the low-level elixirs here. Although they are relatively rare, they are not particularly precious. And each herb is rarely higher than the second level. Most of them are not high-level, or are first-level. Second level herbs.

We have many such low-level medicine gardens in every big world and small world. It’s just not as much in quantity as what can be harvested here.

But the total cost of planting there will not exceed 20%.

It's really 50% here.

Therefore, in the big and small worlds, we can actually make a lot of money by planting low-level elixirs.

Here, we can only harvest 40% to 50%, which is a bit of a loss. "The woman said sadly.

"It's not a loss. Don't look at it. We have medicinal gardens in various worlds, but they are other people's territory and they won't let you grow them. Even the herbs in your garden will be taken away by others. Although there is also such a problem here.

But we are prepared with both hands. Once something happens there, we will still have the current channel to grow medicinal materials.

At least we won't be short of a lot of low-level elixirs for a while. "The male cultivator, whose body was filled with greenery, said with dignity and calmness.

"I see."

"The old guys are really as smart as a sieve."


"No wonder I haven't been able to get my position. It turns out that I'm not as smart as the people above me."

"Shut up, you guys. Let's get to work quickly. We can stay here for seven days. But there are a lot of tasks. If you can't finish them, you will just keep spinning and don't even think about resting."

"Oh, no."

"Please, let the baby go."

"You are only half a year older than your head. How dare you say that you are a baby?"

"As long as I think I'm a baby, I will be a baby. Are you jealous of my youthful mentality?"


"Get back to work." A certain green guy angrily drove a group of guys who wanted to be lazy to work.

A few days later, one small boat after another returned fully loaded.

After recovering the small boat, the large warships slowly set off. Lingshan, who had been prepared for a long time, was also escorted by the warships and wandered into the depths of the void of the universe again.


The Taichu Sword Sect's garrison in the Great World of Baidou.

The original group of supreme masters had long been summoned back to the Taichu Sword Sect because Chu's Lingshan had fled.

Although there is no severe punishment, it is true that he is disliked by the sect leader.

That sect master, well, is also hard to describe. The new princes are quite conscientious in their work.

The main reason is that the Taichu Sword Sect has not been having a good time recently, and many of the princes are working very hard for their disciples and resources.

"You said you couldn't find the spiritual mountain that you left before? Which route did they take? Do you know which direction they went?" A male cultivator in black sword robes with thick eyebrows and phoenix eyes raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"That Lingshan called Eternal Glacier is a newly promoted Lingshan. The force it belongs to is called Tianzhu Pavilion. It is a small chamber of commerce in a medium-sized world. Because the sister of the guild leader is married to a powerful elder of a large sect in a big world. Concubine, I also gave birth to three sons and one daughter.

Therefore, he is protected by his cheap brother-in-law.

The own small chamber of commerce owns six small spiritual mountains. "

"His brother-in-law helped him a lot."

"Perhaps by the way, I handed over all my spiritual mountains to my brother-in-law to manage."

"The six spiritual mountains are already a big industry."

"It's equivalent to a small, medium-sized sect in the great world of Shenting."

"I didn't ask you to come here to study how many sacred mountains they have. I wanted you to see their navigation routes. This is the fifth sacred mountain that has deviated from its route and walked on its own after leaving Baidou Realm this year.

Why do you think they deviate from the routes that are well known to all the major forces? "A certain male monk with phoenix eyes asked coldly.

"What else could be the reason for them to open up a new channel?"

"Fool Kong, if you can't speak, don't speak. No one will think you are mute."

"Guan Xie, why are you so clever? If you really know why, just tell me. You won't stop talking until I finish my guess and say it. What do you mean?"

"Okay, what are you yelling about?" The one-year-old monk persuaded silently.

"We are all from the same sect, and we are swordsmen. It's no use arguing. Let's just decide the winner with one sword." A kind-hearted old lady said something provocative with a look on her face.

Others: "..."

"Stop fooling around and let's discuss something serious." The expression on the phoenix-eyed male cultivator's expression at this time was truly indescribable. Nice meeting, what are you doing?

"Uncle Master, just give your orders whenever you want. My jade carving will never be ambiguous. I will cut wherever you ask me to."

"Yes, Uncle Sang. If you have any orders, please state them directly." Another mature monk also said.

"I just came out of sect seclusion to station in Baidou Realm, and I'm not very familiar with the situation here. I just wonder why everyone doesn't take the channels opened by the major sects? The channels opened by the major sects require a lot of effort to maintain the stability of the channels. If they don't leave at a great cost, then our efforts to develop it will be in vain?

If they take the waterways we know well as they did in the past, they can at least make a profit for the major sects, which can make up for the losses caused by us opening up the waterways and cleaning up the waterways on weekdays. "

"Uncle Sang, things are different now." The old lady said with melancholy on her face. "In order to earn more money for channel cleaning, all the major sects set up card tolls in areas close to their own influence. As long as you pass by , a waterway fee must be charged.

Because they collected too much, some small and medium-sized Lingshan could not afford the waterway fees. So they began to explore and open up new routes on their own. Even though it's not very safe, it's still very cost-effective. "

Lao Sang looked young, but he was actually quite a lot older, otherwise the old lady wouldn't have called him uncle as a matter of course.

At this time, Lao Sang's face was stiff and dark.

"Isn't this just fishing in a dry lake? What's happening to all the major sects now?"

"I don't know why. I reported it to the superiors, but the superiors didn't care. Anyway, all the big sects and big families are doing this. It seems like they want to make a last profit and then run away." The old lady said lightly. When she said this, her eyes were fixed on Lao Sang.

Lao Sang frowned.

That's weird.

(End of this chapter)

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