The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1367 Strange Fish

Chapter 1367 Strange Fish

Could it be that we have encountered some strong enemy? Otherwise, those old guys probably wouldn't do this kind of overdraft squeeze.

"You guys wait for me to inquire first." Lao Sang sighed. "Hey, according to what you said. In fact, the waterways we have cleared are all taken by our own ships, and the Lingshan and fleets of other small and medium-sized forces take other routes.

Are those routes safe?

Wouldn't it suffer more than half of the damage from the attack? "

"Uncle Sang, this is the second reason I want to talk about. In the past hundred years or so, due to the increasing cost of various waterways, it is easy to be robbed if you take some new waterways. Therefore, many small and medium-sized forces are constantly looking for People studied various ways to strengthen the defense of various spiritual mountains and the force of warships.

Nowadays, various talisman arrows are getting bigger and bigger, and their power is getting stronger and stronger. With some talisman arrows, one arrow can easily kill a giant void beast. "

"What?" Lao Sang said in horror after hearing what the old lady said.

"It's not impossible for three talisman arrows to kill a fairy city in a certain big world directly from outer space." Another elderly monk also said. "In order to cope with various disasters and survive, those small forces have gathered together to secretly research various powerful weapons.

A few years ago I heard that an alien race suddenly raided an airspace. The largest medium-sized world in that airspace fell directly.

When the major legions took back the airspace, it was all plundered and turned into a white land.

On the contrary, a small world persisted.

The main reason is that this world invented a ferocious attack weapon of flaming meteorites.

The invisible alien race was hit by a meteorite, and the entire airspace burned violently. There is no way to survive, both tangible and intangible.

Just because the weapons were so powerful, they saved their world, although there were losses. But in the end, he protected himself and the foundation of the world. "

"This is so surprising." Lao Sang has also been to alien battlefields and knows that some alien races are terrifying.

A small world can actually achieve self-protection under the attack of the alien army. Simply stunning.

"Then how many legions have the flame meteorites they invented been deployed in now?" Lao Sang asked again.


"Why so few?" Lao Sang was shocked. "I thought that with such a powerful weapon, how could it be equipped with dozens of legions? Isn't it possible that our Divine Court cannot provide enough resources?"

"The key is their location. There is a deep space crack near the small world over there. On the other side of the crack is a pure flame domain.

The crack is not very big, and only a few flaming meteorites fly out every year.

Can't supply too many legions. Other legions have also engaged in prevention. The power of the refined flame meteorite is completely incomparable. "A monk said. "This matter was a big deal at first, and everyone knew about the flame domain over there. "

"Is the power of the flame different?" Lao Sang asked calmly.

Several junior monks nodded in unison.

"Their small world has no problem protecting itself, but if it expands further and strengthens more legions, it won't be able to do anything?"

Several juniors continued to nod.

Lao Sang suddenly had the illusion that the world was changing too fast. In the past, he had been in seclusion all year round, even for hundreds of years at a time. At that time, he did not feel that all kinds of shocking things were happening one after another.

"Uncle Sang, do you feel that our world is changing too strangely and too quickly?" the old monk said with an empathic expression. “Originally, our Shenting side has always focused on developing our local world and the important surrounding worlds.

Later, even though there were many battlefields, this development framework did not change.

However, starting two to three hundred years ago, the alien races in various battlefields have become more and more arrogant, and the types and threats of alien races have also continued to increase. The large local forces in our Divine Court have suffered setbacks one after another.

In order to maintain combat effectiveness, everyone can only ruthlessly pull out the wool below.

As a result, the more you masturbate, the worse the consequences will be.

Local small and medium-sized forces have moved abroad or been destroyed directly.

On the contrary, large forces in other big worlds have merged with our local small and medium-sized forces to form new forces, and they are constantly causing trouble.

The prosperity within our Shenting force has gradually developed from our local big world to other small and medium-sized worlds.

The other big worlds around us will also be destroyed. "

Thinking about the changes in Baidu over the years, it is indeed increasingly possible to create more wealth. However, these wealth were either taken away by Taichu or scraped away by major forces.

In the end, only a few scraps were left for the local forces.

"If this continues, Bai Dou will explode one day." Lao Sang said with a frown.

The others did not speak. On that day, as long as Bai Dou is still there, even if all life on the ground is completely extinct, it will only take a few hundred years to recover. It’s not like they really couldn’t afford the loss at the beginning.

Lao Sang looked up at their faces and lamented even more.

These guys keep things simple.

If Bai Dou really breaks out, it is likely to be part of a conspiracy to contact the Taichu Sword Sect.

Do you really think that the riots that have spread throughout the world are so easy to quell?

I'm afraid these guys will get desperate and cooperate with the aliens outside.


Inside the Eternal Glacier, in the Yongping Hall where the Mountain Master usually works, the Mountain Master and a group of powerful figures within Lingshan all stood in a circle with solemn faces.

There are several huge wooden basins in the middle of the circle. The wooden basin is filled with clear water.

"Are you sure there is a small lake in the garden?" Zhu Biao asked solemnly.

"Not sure. That small lake has three inlets and outlets. And this thing can climb and jump. It can lurk and walk in various land environments. I'm worried that it has flooded the entire open area." A certain couple His eyes were blood red and full of dark circles, and he looked like a guy who hadn't slept for a long time.

"What is this? Isn't this water?" A newcomer asked in confusion.

The monk with dark circles put on special gloves and took it into a basin, when a strange transparent fish appeared in his hand.

"Everyone can take a look. This is a new type of infiltration species. If it hadn't eaten a certain monk and appeared in front of my sergeants in his place, I wouldn't have known there was such a new thing."

"Eating humans? This strange fish only looks like a foot long? And it seems to be very weak."

"It looks very weak, but it can release a special kind of toxin. As soon as the surrounding humans smell it, their whole bodies will become weak and their consciousness will become faint. They have no power to resist. Probably only monks above the Reborn Realm can resist for a short while. , can escape.

If you inhale too much poisonous gas, you won't be able to escape. "

(End of this chapter)

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