The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1368 Finished

Chapter 1368 Finished

"This should have been brought back by some monks out of curiosity. Can this kind of fish really imitate the appearance of its original owner after eating a human?"

"Others are fine, the appearance, tone, and demeanor are similar to the original owner. But the fishy smell cannot be avoided. They are fish after all. They cannot stay out of water for a long time, so the monks who are imitated always have too much water on their bodies, and their skin is damaged. It feels like fish skin, cool and smooth.”

"Then how do they eat people?"

"This kind of fish can easily burrow into the exposed skin of a person. Then it eats the human brain and internal organs, leaving a piece of skin for them to use. They can fill the human skin with a kind of mucus. They themselves are entrenched in the human body. In the head.

This kind of fish only needs to eat humans and other flesh and blood living creatures to reproduce quickly. "

"Do you know who brought it in? Our own people are very strict about the inspection of aliens, and everyone knows the damage caused by alien infiltration to our Lingshan. We should not do the kind of thing that brings alien species back but does not report it."

"We suspect that they are those who live in the backyard of a hospital in the open area. The yard where we first discovered this kind of fish is also nearby. The people there have not joined our thoughts, and it is not impossible to do some damage if they are evil-minded. ." Dark Eyes replied.

"It's really going to cause trouble for us. Cao Ruiyu should go over there and notify them first, and check it out by the way." Zhu Biao said.

"Qiao Lin, please do your best and clean up the open area. Try not to let these aliens out of our Lingshan Mountain. I'll go to the Lingshan of Eternal Glacier to ask if anything unusual has come in."

"Okay, since everyone is here, let's check ourselves first. Don't hide. Anyone who hides is a foreigner." Qiao Lin looked at everyone present coldly. Everyone here is a senior member of the Lingshan Human Race, and they all have real power.

Naturally, everyone knew the dangers of aliens, so they all actively cooperated with the self-inspection requested by Qiao Lin.

After ensuring that there were no problems with everyone and the attendants they had brought over, everyone split up again, mainly to cooperate with the large-scale alien detection in the open area inside Lingshan.

To say it plows three feet is an understatement.

Fish tanks, flower pots, buckets, water tanks, kitchens, anywhere that can be inspected, there is no gap in the wall.

Many adults who have been inspected also bring their children for inspection, and then put the children in a safe place under supervision, and then join the army of other inspections.

The army of inspections is snowballing. And many of them are very professional and have passed the examination. Find out about the foreign reverse penetration inspectors.

Because the detection was timely and efficient, twenty-five strange humanoid fish were immediately detected.

In addition, nearly 40,000 strange fish were caught from various ditches, ditches, underground chambers, secret passages, and hidden compartments on the walls.

A strange fish actually hid directly in someone's big fish stew pot, trying to escape from the search. Unfortunately, professionally trained inspectors are not vegetarians either.

They were caught one by one.

And he sorted out the cases he tested and reported them to the headquarters.

The professional anti-infiltration personnel at the headquarters will add various testing contents based on the cases reported by everyone. Accumulate materials for the next inspector assessment.

In fact, only one fifth of the people in the open area of ​​​​Lingshan are internal personnel.

Others are outsiders.

I saw that Lingshan’s response was so timely and agile, and there were so many professionals.

Such a terrifying alien infiltration was wiped out so easily.

Many people admire Tianzhu Pavilion very much. Damn it, many big worlds don’t have so many professional counter-infiltration personnel. The aliens are causing trouble all day long, but it seems that they are not as safe as this spiritual mountain.

Many casual cultivators who had wandered to many places simply did not want to leave.

It’s better to just find a job here than leave.

Some people directly approached people from Tianzhu Pavilion and asked if their own people could also participate in that kind of anti-penetration detection training?

No matter how high the price is. The stewards of Tianzhu Pavilion naturally agreed well, but it didn't matter what they and others said. They could only be responsible for asking for instructions.

The open area was quickly tested, and the person who brought the strange fish in was found.

That man has been eaten, and it is said that he is a direct descendant of a certain powerful ancestor.

Once the news of his death spread back, it would naturally be troublesome. Soon someone came to question him. Those responsible for protecting him were eaten. But there are still people waiting outside on their own warships. Qiao Lin also received the family in person and explained the cause and effect.

Even the loss of Tianzhu Pavilion was mentioned.

Before that guy was sent, everyone said that special pets could not be brought.

But no one took it seriously at all.

In the end, all the strange fish were brought in, but they were still secretly wrapped up and pinched in somehow.

Now that the person is dead, Tianzhu Pavilion also wants to pursue compensation.

Naturally, that guy's family refused to give up, and even said they wanted Tianzhu Pavilion to look good.

Qiao Lin threw him out directly.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

If you have the ability, bring someone to find trouble.

Fortunately, the person who brought the strange fish in was not willing to live in the same courtyard with others, and there were no people living in the courtyards near him including the water veins. So the only ones who were really harmed were himself and others.

As for the strange fish that flooded out with the water veins and the people who were eaten, they were actually not many.

It was considered the earliest stage of infiltration, and it had not yet caused any major disaster.

The ancestor who heard that his grandson died of some kind of strange fish soon also learned the news. When he heard that it was a strange alien fish, it was also a cannibal. He immediately investigated the route his grandson took to commit suicide.

Soon they discovered that those strange fish were actually bought by their young master from a large pet shop in Baidou Realm.

The key is that this shop is still a large chamber of commerce. There are branch shops in various cities in Baidujie.

That weird fish...

Don't even think about how scary it is.

The ancestor was so frightened that he quickly informed the people of the Taichu Sword Sect.

The Taichu Sword Sect immediately sent people to investigate the large shop, and found that the person in charge of the shop in the Bai Dou world turned out to be a parasitic alien.

They brought this new type of strange fish and released it into the Bai Dou world.

For fourteen years, they have insisted on releasing a batch of animals every year. Even they themselves don't know how many of these strange fish and humanoid fish there are in the Bai Dou world.

Lao Sang and others almost collapsed after receiving this report.

Just now, a foreign stronghold was destroyed. This strange fish is flooding again.

How can this be done? There are so many rivers, lakes and seas in Bai Dou Realm. The key is that the sea is still so deep that almost no monks can successfully submerge into the bottom of the sea. If these strange fish take over the sea, then it is not certain who will rule the Bai Dou Realm in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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