The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1369 Materials

Chapter 1369 Materials

"What the hell, if this kind of alien race has infiltrated into the Bai Dou world, there is no need to think about eliminating it at all. It's better to think about how to do it without causing too much harm. The water area is too big, and some places can be abandoned." A certain person sat in charge. Too great.

His tone was as if he was giving up and lying down, which made the princes sitting next to him frown.

"It's almost impossible to clean them up. Not to mention, if someone is hiding on the bottom of a deep sea, we don't want to look for it. Even if they are hiding in waters all over the continent, we can't clean them up.

Who will clean it up, and how many people will be mobilized to clean it up? "

"What about assigning it to the city lords in various places?" a certain eunuch asked.

"Although we don't have a good relationship, what I say is definitely from the heart and based on the facts. Although the entire Bai Dou world is occupied by us Taichu, there are actually very few people in Taichu. Most of them belong to other forces. people.

Do you think they can pay more attention to cleaning up these strange fish that have a slightly higher level of cultivation and are less likely to be eaten directly?

You can escape from the Rebirth Realm. Even if these strange fish become overrun, they will only eat ordinary slaves and the like.

For this level of harm, many forces will default to it as being harmless.

If there is no harm, they will not be able to provide people, effort and money to follow us to clean up.

Anyway, in the end, this kind of strange fish was allowed to overrun.

In my opinion, let’s forget it, do whatever you want.

When the strange fish in Bai Dou Realm really develops to the point where all forces feel threatened, then everyone can organize a coalition to cleanse the world. At that time, at most we will suffer some losses and share some of the benefits.

Anyway, we won't be responsible for guarding this place until then. "

Someone is particularly open-minded.

"But... but if we don't care about it at all, wouldn't it be a huge disaster? How will we explain it to the sect then?"

"Is there anything I can explain to you?"

"It will be said that we have paid it off at that time, but the manpower and material resources are limited, so we have not paid it off completely." An old lady chimed in at this time.

"What do you think, Uncle Sang?"

"Since you plan to say that you have cleared it up, then order all cities in various places to clear it up. Each city is responsible for an area. If something goes wrong, let that person send manpower to clean up.

If it is really not cleaned up, then the sect will understand in the end. "

Lao Sang said helplessly.

After all, just these old guys can't clean up the entire world.

If you want the sect to give the order, that won't be possible in the short term. He knows the sect very well. No big harm has been done here. If there is a big disaster, the sect will not move at all.

The last big disaster was caused by the Taiyin Immortal Master.

"Anyway, the world will of Bai Dou Realm is still sleeping. If there is a big accident, it should wake up early."

This is also because Taichu occupied a large world and other top forces did not come to compete for it. This big world has a world will, and it is very powerful.

"Sometimes, it is better to be in charge of the small and medium-sized world than to control the big world that cannot be controlled. At least there we can make our own decisions and gather the power of the world to kill all kinds of alien races." A certain young prince said.

The other princes listened with different expressions.

... After passing through a wild medicinal garden somewhere, Eternal Glacier stopped outside a small world.

The ruling forces in this small world are extremely enthusiastic.

Mainly because there are very few spiritual mountains that take this remote route. The parking period between the two Lingshan Mountains is at least five or six years. The last time they hosted Lingshan was nine years ago.

That spiritual mountain is called Huixia.

"Oh, you're finally here again. It's been ten years. We haven't seen a spiritual mountain in ten years." The fat middle-aged man in charge of greeting them looked almost in tears.

"I said Wang is fat and he doesn't have much. We met in Northern Wei Qiu five years ago." Qiao Lin looked at the fat man as if he had a toothache.

It was this fat man who was responsible for delivering military supplies to Northern Wei Qiu. There is also a big deal between them.

"Oh, it's lucky that I met you, otherwise I wouldn't be able to hand over the data and materials." The fat man saw Qiao Lin as if he were a relative, and gave him a warm hug as soon as he came up.

"What's going on? Something went wrong with the military funds you brought?" Qiao Lin pushed the fat man away and asked in confusion.

"Hey, goodbye. I'll get on top of you whenever you mention it. Let's talk about something else."

"No, after passing you, we have to go to the Northern Wei Qiu next, and by the way, we have to hand over a sum of our confiscated military resources. What on earth did you do? Tell me, so as to save me It also touches their brows.”

"What caught their eyebrows. I think they did it on purpose. They deliberately added 10% more than the collection list given to us.

They didn’t say anything about the realization. When it came time to collect the money, they said the amount was wrong.

What can we do? I know that I secretly gave some of the resources I obtained from the transaction to those leaders. Then the military resources were successfully handed over.

Otherwise, they will detain us, saying that we are delaying military supplies, and will send us all to death camps in prison camps on the battlefield.

You can tell me how wicked it is. Once you enter the punishment camp, you don't have to come out with all your tail. "

"Then how many resources did you give me?" Qiao Lin pursed his lips and said angrily.

"We spent 30% more resources to escape." The fat man smiled bitterly. "The next delivery of military supplies is just around the corner. But when they did that last time, I didn't even dare to escort the military supplies there."

"This is too deceptive. If they deceive us like this, haven't they thought about what would happen if we don't send military supplies?" Qiao Lin asked in shock.

"If we don't send it over, they will have more reason to be harsh on the inside and not pay various supplies to those legions. Anyway, in the end, we can take the blame." The fat man lowered his voice and said angrily.

Qiao Lin: You really know how to have fun.

"Hey, now I hate certain forces." The fat man said angrily.

"Hey." Qiao Lin sighed along with him. "By the way, do you still have ash and white paulownia here? The value of these two kinds of spiritual trees is too low. Our Lingshan area is small, so we don't grow them. But there are military supplies, various arrow materials and some ship wood. You don’t need these two.

So if you have any, we're going to buy a batch. "

"Those two kinds of spirit trees are not as good as before. How many square meters do you need?"

"About 100,000 square meters, forget it, just prepare 300,000 square meters. You don't have to hand it in and suddenly say it's not enough."

"Ahem, cough, cough." The fat man laughed heartily after hearing this.

"We still need a large amount of stones. This is all on the list given to us. It is said that we have collected and transported the materials for building the city."

(End of this chapter)

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