The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1370 Who is it?

Chapter 1370 Who is it?

"I remember that there are a lot of broken meteorites in the airspace around the local area. Why can't they be pulled over and chiseled to make the materials for the city?" The fat man looked at the supply list in confusion and asked.

"Don't we have to dig it out ourselves? Don't we need to dig it out?"

Ah poof, the fat man burst out laughing after hearing Qiao Lin's resentful words.

Everyone is resentful at the same time.

"How about I have someone collect them for you? How about you pay a craft fee?" said the fat man.

"Okay, how about paying the crafting fee with high-grade refined grains?"

"Sure." The fat man immediately beamed.

"In addition, the items I circled on the list are the ones we don't have. Can you guys help me supplement them? I pay with high-grade refined grains or spiritual stones."

"If you don't want spiritual stones, just high-grade refined grains."

The world is becoming more and more chaotic, and the price of high-quality refined grains is rising steadily. He, the fat man, is not a big fool, so why would he ask for some spiritual stones instead of fine grains?

"By the way, I saw that at the bottom of the list, there is actually one million spiritual stones. Is this the latest military resource requirement? Why are they even asking for spiritual stones?" The fat man asked in surprise, holding the list.

"I don't know what they want so many spirit stones for? To set up a formation?" Qiao Lin was also very suspicious. "But if we collect spiritual stones directly in the future, then the spiritual stones will become less and less. I'm afraid we will all have to barter directly in the future."

"Then let's barter. Anyway, there's nothing missing now." The fat man said not caring much.

"What about the salary of the monks over there?" Qiao Lin asked curiously.

"Elixir." Fatty said. "We have already switched to elixirs."

"Elixirs are also a good idea. I will suggest to the pavilion later that we issue elixirs instead."

"That's right, just give out the elixir. In fact, people rarely use spiritual stones to practice. There is a special training room for breakthroughs. Basically, spiritual stones are not used. If they are really useful, they are only used for top-grade spiritual stones and top-grade spiritual stones. Got it." Fatty said.

"High-grade spiritual stones and top-grade spiritual stones are comparable to various spiritual crystals. They are not ordinary spiritual stones. Everyone will hoard them carefully if they have them." Qiao Lin added.

"That's not it."

"I heard that someone in your world has been promoted to the eighth level?" Qiao Lin asked again.

"Hey, how long have you been here since you last came to our place? How can you actually know the news about our world so quickly?" The fat man was surprised. "Our ancestor has only been promoted for more than a year."

"It was your own fleet that went out to buy all kinds of celebratory treasures, and we only knew about it. When you engage in business and there are opportunities to make money, everyone will naturally share what they have. Besides, those people in your world are so arrogant. If you like something, you can take it directly without asking the price or making any counter-offer.

You don’t know how many chambers of commerce are targeting you. "Qiao Lin gave the fat man a blank look on his face.

The caravans in Fatty's own world were just like the ones who were taken advantage of, running out to be slaughtered.

They, Tianzhu Pavilion, are not fools, and there is no way they can receive any news.

As soon as the fat man heard this, he immediately understood something.

I covered my face and felt so embarrassed that I was thrown out into the world. I was so embarrassed.

"Before they went out, I reminded them to be careful. Who knew they would fly freely as soon as they went out." The fat man said angrily.

"It's too late to say anything now. You can't get it back anyway. By the way, I heard that they spent all their money, and now they take out loans to buy various high-priced spiritual objects." Qiao Lin reminded kindly.

"What?" Fatty screamed. Oh my god, please don't ruin their world. "I will immediately notify the ancestors to call them back."

Qiao Lin watched him tell his confidants to go back and inform the ancestors.

However, Qiao Lin was not optimistic at all that he could summon people back.

When there are more people, the situation becomes more complicated. Even in a small world, the number of people is hundreds of millions.

With so many people, how many forces and factions can they be divided into?

Fatty's backstage may not be able to summon that fleet back.

Eternal Glacier has been parked outside the small world for a full month, and a large amount of materials are delivered to various warehouses inside Lingshan almost every day. At the same time, a large amount of high-grade refined grains were also hauled into the small world.

There are also various low-level medicinal herbs, which are processed into various primary medicinal materials, and large packages are sent to various large warehouses on Lingshan Mountain.

Wait until all the underlying material warehouses are filled. Lingshan set off again, and the next stop was the military warehouse world outside the Northern Weiqiu War Zone.

This is a special little world.

The entire world has been transformed into warehouses everywhere.

Used to store military supplies handed over from various places.

As long as you are a force under the command of Shenting, you must hand over a portion of your resources free of charge every year as military supplies. There is a list of exactly what to pay. This list is given to you in advance, usually a year in advance. When it's time to hand it in, people come to pick up the goods with the list.

Of course, every penny is supplied.

This part is military resources, which is the protection fee of the subordinate forces, large and small.

Eternal Glacier is anchored outside Port Nine.

It took more than a month just to get a number.

After finally photographing them, I realized that many of the forces in front had been taken away and sent to the punishment camp.

So when the sergeants responsible for collecting military resources came to pull things, even the various resources reported suddenly increased by 50% compared to the list.

We don’t dare to interrupt at all, we will move as much as you want. He was conscientious and did not even dare to refute and ask questions.

The officer in charge of collecting them had a smile on his face, but his tactics were very cunning.

It was 50% at the beginning, and then doubled. Seeing that the other party did not dare to resist, he was a small force. I simply charged three times more.

After handing in the last item, the last dozen or so valuable resources had been taken away five times.

On the Lingshan side, they had no choice but to finally send them three large boxes of spiritual fruits before letting them go.

What a deep pit, how can this be a 50% discount? This is obviously an extra one and a half times more supplies.

Fortunately, their Eternal Glacier only comes here every ten years or so.

Because Tianzhu Pavilion is not the only one who can come and hand over military resources. Change it every year.

Zhu Biao wrote carefully how many resources he handed over, how he handed them over, how they confiscated them, and how they hinted that they had to pay bribes to escape successfully.

Then it was sent out in a hurry.

Every so often, they received a reply.

He also said that they were quite smart and sensible. The unruly guy who was responsible for handing in military supplies the year before was still the unlucky guy in the punishment camp. Even if I want to get it back, I can't get it back.

When Zhu Biao saw it, he immediately asked eagerly, "Who is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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