The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1371 Shining

Chapter 1371 Shining

"Who else could it be? The one who was tricked by others in the Northern Weiqiu War Zone more than 20 years ago, and ended up leading his own team to seek revenge."

The headquarters didn’t directly mention the name, but it pointed out who it was.

Zhu Biao laughed after reading the reply.

They paid military supplies in Lingshan, but they couldn't leave immediately because they were detained.

It is said that Lingshan resources are needed in the war zone. Either Eternal Glacier provides battlefield rescue, or it goes to a battlefield in such and such a place to prepare for war.

Zhu Biao thought for a while and decided to do field rescue. Going to the battlefield would easily lead to someone being fooled at a glance.

I heard that Lingshan was tricked into a battlefield, and as a result, a large area of ​​the battlefield was lost. Although they managed to escape, the Lingshan Mountain was seriously damaged, so Noji was sent back to the headquarters to be cultivated and repaired again. It took seven years to restore it.

It's a pity that just a few years after he came out, the mountain owner of his family was sent to the punishment camp again.

After entering the punishment camp, you can't continue to be the mountain leader, so that person also lost his position as the mountain leader.

Zhu Biao was secretly having fun.

Let people become kings and hegemons since they were young, just like a young man? !

As soon as Zhu Biao and his companions' Lingshan entered a special area, a warship came to pick them up.

Lingshan followed the warship all the way, and Zhu Biao saw many familiar Lingshan along the way. He simply kept in touch with others and asked about the situation on the battlefield here.

The results were not very good.

As soon as they arrived at the designated location, they discovered that there was Changchun on their left, Evergreen on their right, Mingzang in front of them, and the glacier behind Mingzang.

Ouch, this is a good position, with familiar people on both sides.

"When did the brothers come here?" Zhu Biao took out a special jade mirror and touched a certain pattern. He could see that several familiar mountain masters were there.

The mirror can simulate a kind of ethereal body. It has no great public use, but it is much easier to use for secret conversation and communication.

At this time, everyone's ethereal bodies were standing in a small white jade palace.

"Mingzang was first three years ago, Changchun was more than a year ago, Changqing was seven months ago, and next is you." Changqing Mountain Master said.

"Three years ago? Three years ago, this place started to detain Lingshan who came to hand over supplies? Is the situation here actually so bad?" Zhu Biao said in shock.

"In fact, it's not that bad. It's just that the big forces in the Divine Court don't want to resist. They have no place to escape, so they just hold off, hoping that we will come in. They will consume the power of the affiliated worlds and other small and medium-sized forces to resist the alien invasion for them.

How can this be?

They don't resist, and we don't resist either. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. "Mingzang Mountain Master said coldly and sarcastically.

"Does the headquarters know about this?" Zhu Biao asked cautiously.

"I have known for a long time that once this place collapses and the alien army comes in, we will run away. The route has been designed, and I will have someone send you a copy. It is all the latest information. The aliens have penetrated us quite well. serious.

They have a lot of control over the major forces in the Divine Court.

If you really want to rush in, hit them first anyway. We have so much time to choose our escape route. "

"Why do I feel like the power of Shenting has lost the will to win in the battle? It's really a bit sluggish." Master Changchun Mountain said.

"Headquarters said that it is suspected that there are big forces within the Divine Court that want to invest in foreign races." Changqingshan said.

"Ah poof." Zhu Biao was shocked. "No way. Instead of being a good person, do you want to be an inhumane?" "Who knows what the problem is over there. The headquarters investigation can't find much truth." Mingzang Mountain Master finally said It's calm. "Let's not talk about other things first. You Bingglai are probably just here to save people.

During the battle on their side, both the common people and the monks suffered heavy casualties. There are many missing arms and legs.

For low-level monks, they do not have spiritual stones or the confidence to ask for their legs, feet and arms to be restored. So they can accept various stone, metal and wood puppet arms, legs and feet. As long as it is flexible and usable and does not affect daily life, it will be fine. "

Feeling Zhu Biao's attentive listening, the Master of Mingzang Mountain continued, "Stones are heavy and metal material resources are insufficient. Therefore, we need to cultivate a large amount of soft spiritual wood, suitable for making puppet limbs. There are many water systems on the shore of the Glacier Man, so we plant water Snail wood.

This kind of spiritual tree can be cultivated on a large scale even on glaciers.

With a large amount of spiritual wood, we naturally have space to process it into puppet limbs in the later stage and replace them with mortals and low-level monks. "

"Replacing the limbs of the spirit wood puppet will have some impact on people, right?" Zhu Biao asked hurriedly.

"We will also inform you of the various elixirs for treating sequelae and sell them to reduce the possibility of them being assimilated into wood." Mingzang said.

"Hey, it would be nice to be able to repay the low-priced spiritual wood limbs. It's better than being disabled all the time."

"Then these people who still have spiritual tree limbs still have to go to the battlefield?"

"It's necessary. They are creatures in a war zone and cannot leave the battlefield alive."

"What if the battlefield is lost?"

"They are the final interception death squads."

"What a trap."

Several mountain owners discussed how to link up. Finally, Changqing and Changchun Mountain Master left one after another. Only Mingzang Mountain Master and Zhu Biao were left. Mingzang said, "Junshu, please take it easy. If you feel bad, you won't be able to hold on anymore. Resign as Mountain Master immediately."

"It's a joke, fifth uncle, why do you always look down on me? My grandma runs around with the headquarters in Lingshan all year round."

"Your grandma has been reliable since she was a child. You have been unreliable since you were a child." Master Mingzang said with a curl of his lips. "Besides, your mother-in-law got married and had children at a very young age, so there was no delay in anything. Your fifth uncle and my eldest grandson also have two grandchildren. As for you, you still haven't gotten married or had children.

Your grandparents are so worried. "

"It's not my fault that I haven't met the right one. Besides, my sister hasn't gotten married or had children."

"What's there to be proud of?" Mingzang complained about his nephew.

"Anyway, my dad said that whether we get married or not depends on fate. He doesn't care whether I like it or not." Zhu Biao chuckled.

"Your father has such a big heart." Ming Zang said in his heart, thinking about his brother-in-law Chu Shinian, his sister couldn't even complain about him. "Your mother said that the situation here is complicated, and a big scene will happen soon. But the danger is not great, so I want you to come over and practice with us."

"This time, I'm going to stay silent and continue to accumulate strength, so as not to expose the existence of my Chu family?" Zhu Biao became interested and asked hurriedly.



"Although the large forces in the world of Shenting have suffered some losses over the years, their foundation has not been damaged. Our Chu family is still weak, so we should hide it first and try to develop. Besides, we have done well despite our efforts to develop over the years." The master of Mingzang Mountain especially praised his sister's various hiding techniques and her tail-cutting survival method.

Especially the infiltration method learned from foreign races, the various tricks they can do are so brilliant.

(End of this chapter)

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