The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1372 Self-destruction

Chapter 1372 Self-destruction

Of course, because of the flowers he played with, he was also ranked as one of the top ten underground dark forces in Shenting.

I really admire them so much that they are able to reach the top ten.

The master of Mingzang Mountain has always felt that it would be good if his family could enter the top 100. The strength and power are somewhat weak. But outsiders don’t see it that way. They all feel that these ten dark forces have some connection with foreign races. So it can be lossless.

After being hit for so many years, it has always been unscathed, and basically no important internal personnel have been lost.

Ever since Bonghuo started doing field rescue work, it has been more than four months. For more than four months, Glacier has been treating tens of thousands of patients every day.

Anyway, I won't let him go, and I can't resist. Therefore, they will treat as many patients as the coalition forces send. Get a prosthetic leg and treat other injuries on your body. It was delivered in the morning and sent away in the afternoon. Delivered at night and sent away again in the early morning.

In short, patients are never kept.

The veterans who were waiting for treatment on the glacier were also a little scared, fearing that they would be urged to go to the battlefield again. So they all asked for their money back and left.


After collecting the full cost, the other Lingshi Glaciers were refunded, and they were also contacted by the expedition team to other worlds.

As soon as they strongly demanded to leave, they also took away some hesitant naturalized veterans who were not very determined and had not been very optimistic about Tianzhu Pavilion.

Tianzhu Pavilion just wanted to leave, and we could use the spirit stones to buy out our efforts.

Whether the veteran borrows money or takes out his hidden treasure, as long as he collects enough spiritual stones, he will let people go.

And the work was done very quickly, and he was basically released within three days. They did things so neatly, which made some people who were worried feel relieved again.

The key is that Glacier himself is too grand.

This gave some people confidence.

The war is changing rapidly. A big victory one day may lead to a big defeat the next.

People from all major forces were killed in battle every day.

Even if they have their own attached big world, cough cough cough, the blood flow is too fast, and they have no time to replenish blood.

Just like the Taichu Sword Sect, they lost 45,000 sword cultivators in Northern Wei Qiu in three months.

No matter what kind of combat power they have, without the cultivation level of Zifu Realm, they will not be able to enter the battlefield. Therefore, forty-five thousand is the minimum for most monks from the Zifu and the Golden Core Realm. These are the most basic and backbone forces of a sect.

If the losses were too great, they would not even have the power to maintain the top ten sword sects of Shenting.

But it won't work if we don't add more people.

If the coalition front line collapses, then the major forces will first join forces to destroy the Taichu Sword Sect and divide up the various resources of the Taichu Sword Sect so that they can replenish their health. If nothing else, the population of the dozen or so affiliated worlds under the Taichu Sword Sect makes the surrounding big forces jealous.

Only with more people can more monks who can break through the Golden Core realm appear.

Just like after the Chu family was split up and transferred by the family owner, except for some people at the headquarters, no one else knew how many people the family had or how many family elites had emerged over the years. Anyway, there are quite a few.

But after all, it is no longer a special period. Breakthroughs for the tribe are not as easy as in the past. It is possible to be promoted from Tongmai Realm to Rebirth Realm in a few years.

In a few years, he can be promoted to the Purple Mansion Realm and the Golden Core Realm.

Nowadays, it is generally accepted that it takes five or six years to reach the realm of reincarnation from the beginning. After all, the family's various spiritual fruits and reincarnation pills are widely available to the descendants of the family.

It takes about ten years to advance from the Reborn Realm to the Purple Mansion Realm.

Not as fast as the seniors, but everyone's cultivation is relatively solid.

It takes at least fifty years to go from the Purple Mansion Realm to the Golden Core Realm. Of course, there are also twenty or so geniuses. But there are too few guys like that. On average, it takes about fifty years for everyone.

As for whether to take various elixirs and spiritual objects that assist in forming elixirs and breaking through the golden elixir, it all depends on your own wishes.

Many people find it difficult to make progress after reaching the Zifu realm. Moreover, the success rate of pill formation has always been less than 40%.

Therefore, many people have never dared to form elixirs. If it doesn't end, then it won't end.

However, it has been nearly three hundred years since the family grew up.

Those who did not form pills and were older monks when they broke through to the Purple Mansion Realm, many of them have already passed away. Buried in the family cemetery.

Their old age and death have indeed inspired many new generations to take the initiative to form elixirs.

But the core formation rate is still very impressive, and it has never exceeded 50%.

They have maintained a super high rate of forming pills. Even though they have poor talent and willpower, it is not surprising that their success rate of forming pills is poor. By then, the success rate of the major armies under Chu Shinian's command was very high.

But the weak ones among them all died in other missions. Among the remaining people who can endure the formation of pills, who is not a fierce and powerful guy with more than 80% confidence in forming pills?

In fact, there is a popular saying within the family that the more you train in the military, the easier it is to form pills.

Even a baby.

The problem is that you appear to be someone who can be chosen and chosen.


Boom boom boom...

Many huge cracks appeared in the void somewhere.

The crack tore apart the calmness of the void, tearing apart the basic size battlefield world in the area where the crack was located one by one.

More and more alien warships suddenly appeared on the edges of those battlefield worlds.

Like a colony of ants, they rushed into those war zone worlds.

The swarm of ants of various colors can make people suffer from trypophobia.

Once the alien army enters those war zone worlds, it will devour all living creatures.

Even those legions that were still resisting were overwhelmed one by one.

Many warships near the battlefield suddenly panicked and fled, attracting more foreign warships to pursue them.

Mingzang received the rescue order from the headquarters and immediately forwarded it to other Lingshan.

Tell everyone to go to their respective rescue areas as soon as possible and pull out our legions.

If you don't pull it out, your army will be ruined.

On the glacier, Zhu Biao immediately ignored the threats and intimidation from the warships of other forces around him, swayed away from their traction and restraint, and flew towards the place where his unlucky legions were seeking help.

Extremely fast.

The escort warships around their Lingshan Mountain were cleaning up the foreign warships that flew over to prevent them from approaching, and they also wanted to destroy the fleets of other forces that tried to control more of their Lingshan Mountains.

The three parties fought back and forth, but they could not win.

The escort warships on Lingshan's side immediately rush towards each other and ram them head-on. If they still can't kill you, I'll blow myself up. Do whatever you want.

You're good if you can survive.

Bang bang bang, after self-destructing three large warships in succession, both the alien and human warships retreated timidly.

We dare to fight, but we are not crazy people who self-destruct.

(End of this chapter)

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