The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1373 Running away

Chapter 1373 Running away

Besides, self-destruction will also cause losses, let alone a super valuable warship. The most important thing is that personnel will also suffer losses. The person who finally controlled the warship to explode cannot retreat. There should be at least twenty people left in each team.

The last group of people left to die were all soldiers recruited by Tianzhu Pavilion from various small worlds.

He was a person who had an accident and his life was short.

Some are mortals, some are monks.

They were all recruited with the idea of ​​having fun at the end and dying at the critical moment. After all, dying in an explosion is worthwhile, and it is much better than dying like a wild dog.

Many small worlds are in troubled times, and human lives are worth less than grass. Therefore, it is very easy for Tianzhu Pavilion to recruit such people to full capacity, and often exceed the quota.

In short, this kind of terrifying situation where I would fall out and explode at the slightest disagreement still frightened those alien races and the surrounding human fleets with malicious intentions.

Lingshan quickly moved towards a certain direction, and at the same time contacted his own legion to discuss the best rescue plan.

"Are you going to make it? Do you need our remote talisman support?" Qiao Lin asked eagerly after contacting the other party.

The other party simply rolled his eyes. "What kind of talisman arrows are you using? If you fire a volley of white arrows, doesn't that clearly tell those foreign masters that we have an extraordinary status and must be captured?"

Run away secretly and don't want to cause trouble. Do you understand? "

Qiao Lin looked shocked.

"Then don't get too close to Lingshan when you guys come. Just send the warship down to pick us up. Remember, the warship that comes down must be a small warship. We don't have many people in the legion. The whole legion has less than 2,000 people?"

"What? Only two thousand of your legions were left in the battle? Is the battle loss rate too high?"

"What are you thinking about? Our regiment was divided into six when we came down. They are the regimental blue unicorn, as well as unicorn horns, unicorn teeth, unicorn claws, unicorn toes and unicorn tail."

"I wonder why your legion's name is so strange, Qilin Foot."

"It's a unicorn toe." The other party said angrily.

"Aren't they all hooves anyway?" Qiao Lin smiled strangely.

"I said, buddy, are you looking for a beating?"

"Come on, come and beat me."

"You... I'm so unlucky, why do I always meet such trouble-making lunatics like you?"


Because... your kid has a face that looks easy to bully. "Qiao Lin said following the other party's words.


"Okay, I said you guys should stop reminiscing about the past. Let's get down to business. I see that the foreign warships have made new moves. They seem to be planning to outflank our Lingshan Mountain." Zhu Biao said.

"I'll go, you're playing dirty again."

"Why did the self-destruction just now seem to have no power?"

After listening to the words of the two men, Zhu Biao, who was close to him, frowned and said, "It's probably because there were not many warships that were dragged to death by self-destruction. Only four of them were blown up, and the others ran away. At most, I suffered a little." damage?"

Qiao Lin was speechless after hearing this.

It's called a little damage, and it can't fly anymore, and it's staggering as if it's drunk.

"How about bombarding them with the Stars on Lingshan Mountain?" Qiao Lin suggested again.

"What a bad idea you have. Do you know how many of the six, seven, and eight-level existences we have dispatched when the alien army attacked this time? There are fifteen of them at the eighth level alone. You attracted them all, and we Don't let any one go out. On the contrary, all the powerful forces in the Divine Court will laugh out loud.

This time someone took the blame. "The male monk opposite the jade mirror had a mocking look on his face.

Qiao Lin: "..."

"Okay, don't think so much, and evacuate quickly. Once we get out of the big battlefield here, we can deal with those aliens when we have the chance." Zhu Biao said. In fact, he still stood on the side of the monk opposite.

Qiao Lin always wants to do something. The problem is that at this time, the masters from both sides are fighting one-on-one.

Whichever other force takes the lead will suffer a major blow first.

It's just like dying.

Their family business is so small and their staff is so small. Just work secretly.

Lingshan accelerated again.

The rampage caused several fleets that planned to encircle and annihilate them to fall behind.

Far before reaching the edge of the big world, a bunch of small warships began to be released.

As soon as these small warships approached the chaotic battlefield of continuous flames in the big world.

They were attacked by countless magic weapons, spells, and giant city defense artillery shells.

Some of them are controlled by humans. I can't leave anyway, and none of you want to escape.

Some were controlled by alien races. After they ate the humans, they gained various abilities of the original human race owners. There was no problem at all in controlling some heavy weapons for long-distance attacks.

A large number of small ships were completely destroyed outside the world.

But there are still countless small boats rushing down quickly toward the interior of the world.

He is simply a man who is not afraid of death.

"Asshole, which family force is this? You waste so many small warships coming to pick up people, and it is designated to pick up important juniors in the family, or talented disciples in the sect."

"There must be a hundred, if not eighty, small warships destroyed in the sky? Which big force does this belong to?"

"If it's a small force, it will cost everyone to save people. The person they want to save is either their biological son or their biological grandson."

"I want to be rescued too."

"Don't run away and have those extravagant dreams. Didn't you realize that the landing position of those small warships is not my end?"

"Asshole, I don't want to die here. We can't leave, and they can't leave either. Brothers, get ready. We will kill whichever small warship takes off early."

"it is good."

A group of people with ferocious expressions grasped the large attack weapons in their hands.

If you want to die, let's all die together. This is only reasonable.

Otherwise, why would these abandoned people die here?

On the other side, in a small sunken basin, one after another small warships that had passed through the air interception were anchored.

The operator on the warship was another wave of dead soldiers.

The Legion monks who quickly ran from the dark distant mountains just came in and rushed into the small warship with special lanterns lit.

These small warships took off immediately after receiving enough people. Then, before flying out of the valley, a special air-breaking method was activated to teleport the entire ship directly back to the dock inside Lingshan.

Wait until all legion monks log in and leave.

The dead soldiers on other small warships regrouped on several special small warships, and then left in the same way as Tong. As for the remaining small warships, they were parked quietly in the basin.

It won't be long before they are discovered by local monks who have been abandoned and abandoned.

Then drive them away from the battlefield.

After Lingshan completed his mission, he turned a corner, passed by the edge of the big world, and then quickly retreated towards the deep space.

(End of this chapter)

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