The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1374 Meteor Ball

Chapter 1374 Meteor Ball

In fact, it is impossible for a large and heavy thing like Lingshan to run off the highway.

There is always the possibility of being intercepted and caught up by someone else's master.

As soon as Bingglai left the war zone, several seventh-level and a dozen sixth-level masters suddenly appeared around him.

This is to encircle and suppress it.

Zhu Biao quickly grabbed Lingshan's heavy defense weapons.

But before these aliens could rush up.

Not far from the void behind the glacier, another behemoth appeared.

It is another fighting giant metal spiritual mountain. Lingshan Mountain is densely packed with heavy cannons and giant crossbows.

It locks all attack targets here from a distance.

How dare those seventh- and sixth-level aliens rush over?

That is courting death.

"Hurry up and leave. We at Jinquan are responsible for guarding the back roads and repelling the enemy."

"Be careful along the way." After Zhu Biao briefly communicated with the owner of Jinquan Mountain in Lingshan, he quickly ran away with his Lingshan.

His Lingshan family was very far back in the sequence, and the various offensive heavy weapons he had accumulated were very scarce.

You can't beat them even if you want to.

Because it was locked by Jinquan, neither the alien masters nor the alien warships could keep up. Mingzang and other Lingshans who had completed their missions ran away from the battlefield in advance under the cover of the three combat-type Lingshans: Jinquan, Jinge, and Jindou.

In fact, many flying combat-type Lingshans are constantly leaving at this time.

Of course, most of them are not protected by the guarding fighting spirit mountains, and they can only leave by losing blood in the fight with the aliens.

The three combat-type spiritual mountains of Jinquan, Jinge, and Jindou slowly evacuated while guarding each other in a "pin" shape.

There are many foreign masters and large and small warships around. But it's also difficult to get close to.

As long as you get close, you will be hit hard.

The various artillery shells and talisman arrows inside the three spiritual mountains exerted a ground-washing attack effect as if they were free, and could directly wash any approaching alien masters and alien warships into dregs.

After the opponent lost six seventh-level warriors and four large warship formations in succession, they still let these three tough guys go.

The counter-shock is not the spiritual mountain of the large forces of Shenting that must be attacked, so just leave.

People like them who escaped from Lingshan with their excellent combat power would run away silently as soon as they left the main battlefield.

Who is left to clean up the mess with the major forces in Shenting?

sorry, see you again.

When other small and medium-sized forces saw it, they ran even harder. All the means to suppress the bottom of the box were used. Anyway, as long as you escape this section, no one will chase you.

As the small and medium-sized forces in Lingshan fled, more and more people fled. The aliens responsible for chasing them simply turned to the spiritual mountains and warships of those large forces.

This resulted in the major forces in the Divine Court suffering more and more losses, which became more and more serious. More and more high-ranking people died in battle, which made their hearts hurt more and more.

With the power, even his deputy headmaster, deputy sect masters and pillars of the major sects all died in battle.

Not to mention other ordinary elders.

After this battle, when everyone returns to the sect, there will be another major purge of internal forces.

This war lasted for less than three months, and the battle lines of the major forces in the Divine Court collapsed.

The entire Northern Wei Qiu War Zone fell and was invaded by foreign tribes.

The alien informants also politely persuaded the surrounding small and medium-sized worlds to obey the governance of the alien masters. There are many human races in these small and medium-sized worlds whose bloodline is not very pure.

Inspired by the alien masters, they simply separated themselves from the human race. What are they called the Multi-legged Clan, the Black-Eyed Clan, etc.

Anyway, I won’t call them humans.

In the future, we will also be aliens. If the masters call us, we can also take up arms and obey the call and fight for the masters.

Soon, these new aliens who had changed their ethnic names sent all kinds of new messages to their former relatives and friends.

Parasitic alien races, mushrooms, and parasitic monster fish are not the mainstream of my great alien race. The mainstream of my alien race is eclectic. Any ethnic group can find their place in my great foreign race and under the command of my great masters, and have their own place of survival.

As soon as they spread like this, more human rulers in small and medium-sized worlds will be shaken.

Should I seek refuge with a foreign race, a foreign race, or a foreign race? !

Instead, the major forces in the Divine Court accused those traitors of deceiving the human race and deceiving the common people. He also called on the human races in all worlds to unite and fight against the alien races.

In short, both sides launched a propaganda offensive.

Who is strong and who is weak? No one can tell yet.

The main reason is that the foundation of Shenting is too strong.

Even if you lose a few new war zone worlds that have only been obtained in the past few hundred years, it is nothing.

At most, it's a bit of a stretch.

Anyway, the boss is still the same boss, he is superior.

If you want to join a foreign race, you must first prepare a way out, just in case your family's territory is taken back by Shenting again. When the time comes, will you evacuate with your foreign master, or will you stay and wait for death?

In particular, everyone has a deep-rooted impression of Shenting, and they don't think it can collapse in a short time.

Many small and medium-sized forces also think so.

Although they escaped early, wasn't it because they couldn't defeat them at all?

Anyway, they had no intention of defecting to the foreign race, so as soon as the fighting there stopped, they returned to the powerful force of Shenting that they had affiliated with, wagging their tails.

It's a pity that the major forces in Shenting suffered heavy losses this time.

Therefore, small and medium-sized forces, as long as they own the world, must help others.

At least a monk in the Purple Mansion Realm. And the proficiency is in the millions.

There are no small and medium-sized forces in the world that only have Lingshan. They must also produce one hundred thousand monks above the Purple Mansion realm according to the number of Lingshan.

Not only to go out, but also to go out to Lingshan, or out of the fleet.

Anyone who owns more than six spiritual mountains must surrender one.

If the fleet exceeds ten ships, one must be surrendered.

There are also military supplies that are being looked at.

A huge amount can directly bankrupt many small forces.

But if you don't pay everything according to the list, then I'm sorry, it happens that big forces like us need to make up for the losses, so we can simply send people to kill you.

Only after you have handed over all the resources can you be our little friend again.

Let you escape early, hum.

As soon as Shenting's policy came out, there were complaints from everywhere.

Tianzhu Pavilion directly reported the damage, and his family lost a spiritual mountain in the process of escaping. This damage report has been reported a long time ago. After all, other people's spiritual mountains have been damaged, so why are you safe and sound?

The fleet Tianzhu Pavilion also reported huge losses.

But it is still a giant battle fortress that was transformed from its early years, not a spiritual mountain. It was transformed using a meteorite ball with a super-shaped spiritual vein.

(End of this chapter)

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