Chapter 1375 Drag

Even though there were new spiritual veins in Lingshan, there were not enough earth, rocks, ore veins, and it itself did not grow. If a spiritual mountain is cultivated in the world, then the mineral veins will be formed by directly eating the earth and rocks of the world.

But if you want to grow in the void, you must devour all kinds of resources that are beneficial to Lingshan.

For example, some huge blocks of soil, mountains of sand and gravel, various metals, fragments of meteorites, giant meteorites, etc.

However, Lingshan doesn’t eat everything. Most of the time, it will digest some of what you send it. But if there are some that it can’t digest, then you have to move them away.

That super huge meteorite ball was rejected by several spiritual mountains as an unwanted thing.

It was easy to drag it back, but Lingshan didn't want it.

And it’s not that he doesn’t want one spiritual mountain, but five or six spiritual mountains in a row.

The architects of the headquarters were reluctant to part with its extremely hard shell.

So it was simply transformed into a special fortress. Or it can also be called Pseudo Spirit Mountain.

After this fortress is built, if logistics and resource consumption are not considered. But in terms of combat effectiveness, it is not weaker than most Lingshan.

The battery life is a bit weak, but if it is placed around some large worlds, it can be used as a defensive fortress.

That's really super awesome.

As soon as a powerful force in the Divine Court obtained this fortress, they let people drive the fortress to protect an important world attached to them without saying a word.

"How many of these fake spiritual mountains can you build? We lost five or six spiritual mountains in the last Battle of Northern Wei Qiu. For a time, the defenses everywhere were a bit stretched." A certain white-bearded man from a big force The old monk asked with a smile.

"This..." A look of embarrassment appeared on the face of the fat monk, the deputy master of the Tianzhu Pavilion, who was sitting opposite him.

"What? Are there any difficulties? In terms of price, we will definitely satisfy you." The old monk said with a threatening face.

"Actually, it's not about the price." The fat deputy pavilion master smiled bitterly. "Sir, didn't you find it over there? This meteorite ball, ahem, should actually be food rolled out by some kind of giant void worm. The internal structure is somewhat special. Very hard.

Use it to cast a pseudo-spiritual mountain, and the forged pseudo-spiritual mountain will have very strong combat effectiveness. When he really wanted to kill him, the impact alone was enough to make those big men of the alien race drink a pot. "

When the old monk heard this, he immediately nodded.

"Indeed, we discovered that the large meteorite you found is particularly hard. It doesn't look big in size, but its gravity is extremely strong. Whether it is a heavy blow or a giant crossbow to defend against the opponent's artillery fire, it is very powerful. We I just want to have a few more fake spiritual mountains like this.

I heard that you have only built this fake Lingshan for a few years, and it is now in such good condition. We have loaded it with giant cannons and giant crossbows, and its attack power is more terrifying than many Lingshan.

It is not good and consumes a lot of energy, so it cannot provide long-term logistical support to the world. "

"Yes, sir, as soon as we discovered this big thing, we thought it was suitable for building a fortress.

What a pity, I only found one.

Our Tianzhu Pavilion is too weak. We found several similar large stone balls before, but they were all kidnapped by the Taichu Sword Sect. "The fat deputy pavilion master said pitifully. "This clever woman can't make a meal without rice. Without a shell, she can just take some meteorite balls to refine a similar pseudo-spiritual mountain. We can't guarantee the power of the final product. "

The other party immediately felt a toothache after hearing this and said, "Are you sure you are not trying to sow discord between us and Taichu?"

"Oh, sir, the sect and Taichu Sword Sect behind you are a small merchant that we don't dare to offend. If any of you just move your fingers casually, we will be wiped out. Who do we dare to provoke? ah?

The key is that there is really no material. "

"They did take it away. How did they take it away? Where did you meet them?" Fatty quickly sent himself out to find the place where the adventure group found Kezi, and how they were pulled back when they were brought back. The Taichu Sword Sect's fleet was attracted by Discovery. Then how could he only watch helplessly as the shell he had found was dragged away, and he explained in detail the matter of not getting a single penny. Even the conversation and the expressions on the faces of the two parties at that time, Fatty told it as vividly as telling a story.

The old monk's toothache worsened after hearing this.

Because this kind of style is really very much like Taichu Swordsmanship. He himself was too familiar with the style of those sword cultivators.

"Why are the materials used to build the fortress so good that they regard them as being used as a sharpening stone?"

"Then who knows." Fatty thought this was a fantasy.

"Okay, I'll check back and see if I can get some back."

"Okay, okay, then I'll all be counting on you, sir."

"Okay, you can go back."

After the fat man returned, I don’t know how people understood this matter in the end. Anyway, there has been no further follow-up. The fat deputy pavilion master thought that the old monk's energy was probably too low and he did not get those big stone balls back from the Taichu Sword Sect.

Some people are willing to hand over their own spiritual mountains, fake spiritual mountains.

Some forces are really reluctant to give up. If they are really forced, they just run away.

Hide. If you have the ability, you can find our nest in the vast void.

I no longer want to be a wage earner under your command. I am enclosing my own territory and working for myself.

The major forces in Shenting control the large and small worlds within this airspace. They have very weak control over the vast void outside the large and small worlds, especially those places where the giant void beasts are entrenched.

The fleeing forces only need to run to whichever Jedi.

As long as you are not caught at the beginning, catch up.

That basically makes the dream of freedom come true. But since then, he has been on the blacklist of the major forces in the Divine Court. Not only does he have to live in hiding, but it has also become difficult to conduct normal transactions with other large and small forces.

And it’s easy to get hacked.

Of course, there are some unlucky ones who neither dare to run away nor are willing to hand over the spiritual mountain that they have worked so hard to forge. As a result, Lingshan was forcibly confiscated.

That's really selling the iron out of the pot.

Everything was taken away by force.

Lingshan is dragging on even more. He can't come back even if he cries and fights.

The Eternal Glacier is in tatters, the exterior of Lingshan Mountain is in ruins, and there are a large number of charred areas.

Along the way, repairs were made along the way.

Then he watched silently as two, three, and four other medium-sized spiritual mountains were dragged away by some big forces.

The cry would shake the stars.

After they escaped from a certain battlefield, they separated from other friends in a certain place. Everyone had other tasks. Their routes are also different. But before leaving, Master Zhu Biao still taught him how to disguise his spiritual mountain as if it had suffered heavy losses.

(End of this chapter)

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