The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1376 Just dig around

Chapter 1376 Just dig around

The big forces at the top of the Divine Court have forced the small and medium-sized forces below and many affiliated large and small forces in the big world under their command to be in constant turmoil.

Chaos abounds.

But it also satisfied their desire to recover blood.

Whether it is enough cannon fodder monks or a steady stream of various war resources, they have been gathered into their hands again.

Of course, this kind of turmoil satisfied their blood recovery requirements.

But in fact, what they can actually receive only accounts for less than one-tenth of the overall resource flow.

The various affiliated forces under these big forces are eating a lot in this kind of turmoil.

The same smaller forces and organizations went bankrupt.

Ordinary monks, low-level craftsmen, ordinary people, etc. have no jobs, small traders have no supply of goods, etc.

This has caused the prosperity of the entire territory under Shenting to continue to decline, and the overall strength has also dropped off a cliff.

In order to survive, riots will naturally occur. Burning, killing and looting everywhere.

Everyone is not busy with production, so they just want to escape and become homeless.

Millions of acres of farmland have been abandoned.

Soon the whole world or some local areas will face huge famine, plague and other disasters.

The continual upheaval of one world after another.

Let the entire territory under Shenting basically no longer have Letu.

Every world is either destroyed or reborn in blood and fire.

Sooner or later, this turmoil will spread to Shenting itself.

The foreigners who had just occupied the Northern Wei Qiu were not in a hurry.

The big forces in Shenting also seemed to be very calm and not in a hurry.

Probably the most lively ones are the large and small affiliated worlds and subordinate worlds under Shenting.

Twenty or thirty years passed in the blink of an eye.

Zhu Biao felt that his glacier had once again grown in size, almost ten times in size. The buildings on Lingshan Mountain are even more majestic and majestic. The cannons are denser and the array is more reasonable and beautiful.

There are also various super giant crossbows decorated more secretly.

In addition to these, Lingshan returned to the hatchery this time and loaded six new types of attack weapons.

PowerNa definitely doesn’t surprise anyone, but it’s also super expensive. The resources that Lingshan had reserved in recent years were almost exhausted.

Zhu Biao's heart ached, his liver ached, and he wanted to cry even more.

Why did he want to run away to preside over Lingshan in the first place?

No wonder my mother is so humble, but she still likes to meet and chat with everyone.

It won’t work if I don’t stock up.

From now on, he will also embark on the path of miser possession.

"Mountain Master, the reconstruction of all parts of Lingshan has been completed. We can apply for departure."

"Have you asked if there are any resource points that can be used to open up wasteland for us recently?" Zhu Biao quickly grabbed his deputy, Qiao Lin.

"I asked earlier and was given a booklet containing information on land reclamation." Qiao Lin pointed to a thick leather booklet tucked under his arm.

Zhu Biao finally showed a shallow smile.

"Then apply for departure. But before departure, you go and borrow some resources in the name of Glacier. My pocket is cleaner than my face, and I have nothing left." Zhu Biao cried bitterly.

Qiao Lin: "...Brother, you have so much income in a year, how dare you say such things about poverty?"

"How can my personal money and Lingshan's money be confused?" Zhu Biao replied with an expression that said, "You must be joking."

Qiao Lin: "..."

"What are you looking at?"

"You give us the money in your hand to use first. When we have the money, we can pay you back and it's over. Why do you have to ask me to borrow money? There is no interest on the loan? That time our headquarters gave our subordinates a loan, the interest was It’s less than 6%. “You’re not willing to pay 6%? Are you too stingy?”

"We don't need to use your money. Of course we won't let you use it for nothing. We will give you one percent interest."

"No less than five percent will quit."

"Two percent at most."

"No, no, at least four percent."

"Two, if there are more, I will lead people to rob your warehouse."

"You've gone too far."

"I have gone too far. Brothers have been following you for decades. Ever since I got on this big pirate ship with you, we have been losing money every year without making a penny. If you want to defraud us of interest money again, we will I went directly to your warehouse to pull something."

Zhu Biao suddenly deflated after hearing these angrily words.

Indeed, in recent years, sometimes everyone has been dissatisfied with their salary.

Not to mention dividends, they cannot be paid every year.

But it's not his fault at all, although when he first recruited everyone, he set everyone's salary and his own salary a bit high in a moment of excitement.

Ahem, he also said at that time that the salary would be based on Lingshan's actual ability first, and the shortfall would be filled in the future.

"Okay, let's take two. When we make a lot of money from this land reclamation, I will make up for the shortfall in everyone's salary first." Zhu Biao said.

Qiao Lin snorted coldly.

He knew that his aunt was very lucky, and every time she took risks, she would reap big rewards, but this guy Zhu Biao. It is simply difficult to get in at a glance.

Zhu Biao: "..."

What are you humming? Actually, I feel that my luck is pretty good, but a little behind my parents.

"Don't always compare me with my parents. If you compare me with those unlucky people, I'm still pretty good."

Qiao Lin: "..."

In any case, under Qiao Lin's urgent attention this time, Zhu Biao still took out a large amount of high-value resources and replenished them on Lingshan Mountain.

Qiao Lin didn't understand the meaning of politeness at all, so he would pry open the warehouse and let someone take him away if he liked someone.

He took away more than a dozen large warehouses from his house in one go.

Zhu Biao looked at his empty warehouse and groaned.

The inflow of large amounts of resources immediately brought Lingshan into a more prosperous and active period.

As soon as they arrived at the supply station on the edge of the reclamation area, a large number of people rushed out from the entire Lingshan Mountain and ran to the supply station to inquire about and purchase various resources that could be used for reclamation.

There is a large area of ​​land reclamation here, and nominally there are a total of 48 small and medium-sized forces composed of an alliance of land reclamation forces.

Reject any large forces from intervening, and also refuse any external forces from intervening.

In order to prevent others from interfering in this matter, the review here is very strict.

Never enter any external ships or spiritual mountains.

Of course, the wasteland area here is very dangerous, and the death rate is extremely high. The most important thing is that the harvest is not that much.

Moreover, the great forces of Shenting all have their own large and medium-sized worlds, which can make far more money than opening up wasteland bit by bit in the void.

So they usually don't come over.

Lingshan parked directly near the supply station, and Zhu Biao took the opportunity to chat with the owner of a Lingshan mountain that had just come out. Mainly I want to know what everyone is digging to make big money recently.

A certain Lingshan Mountain Master laughed out loud after hearing his question.

"I don't really care about making a lot of money. I just dig around. Unfortunately, my warehouse at the foot of the mountain was too poorly decorated at the beginning, so I can't fit it in. I'll go back and renovate it, and come back to do it later."

Zhu Biao listened: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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