The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1377 Professional Needs

Chapter 1377 Professional Needs

If the other person didn't have a proud expression on his face, he would believe that he was just poaching casually.

"This is our first time in the reclamation area. I heard that the reclamation area is particularly dangerous. Is it really that threatening?"

"It's indeed quite dangerous." The other party's face became serious for the first time. "In short, if you are not strong enough and the resources are not rich enough, don't go too far into the depths of the wasteland. There are rich resources inside, but there are too many battles. You will enter the battle almost as soon as you enter, and keep fighting until you climb out.

There was literally no moment to rest.

After you go there, be sure to arrange the defense of Lingshan and the personnel who take turns to rest.

Otherwise, you will suffer. "

"Is it really that scary?" Zhu Biao was shocked.

"Have you seen my Lingshan? Its appearance was later rebuilt at the large Lingshan docking port that I spent a lot of money on. It cost me a lot of money. If it hadn't been for repairing it, my income this time would have been more than double. ”

Zhu Biao, who had just rebuilt Lingshan, suddenly fell silent.

It was so difficult that he didn't want to have to do it again any time soon.

Therefore, being cautious, Zhu Biao asked the other party in detail what dangers he would encounter as soon as he entered the wasteland area, how to deal with them, etc.

Then he replenished a large number of necessities at the supply station.

This time they stopped at the supply depot and discovered warship formations from other forces. Some of them came to deliver supplies, and some adventure groups came down one by one to ask the warships and Lingshan of the forty-eight alliances of forces passing by if any of them were willing to take them into the suspended continent in the wasteland area.

There are several suspended continents in the wasteland area that are considered safe zones.

Forty-eight forces each have their own territory on the basic floating continent.

Because the land reclamation area here was built in the past hundred years or so. Therefore, there are not many floating continents, only six. They are located in the six-story wasteland area. Each level is driven deep into the secret place of the void by the previous level.

It is divided into six regions from one to six.

Area 1 is the safest, but has few resources. District Six is ​​inaccessible but has the richest resources.

Because Zhu Biao and the others were passing through Lingshan, they also had to head into the reclamation area.

So the leaders and deputy leaders of several adventure groups came to contact him. I hope I can give them a ride.

Although the warships and spiritual mountains of the neighboring forces are not welcome. You cannot enter the reclamation area here.

But there are still restrictions on personnel.

Masters from all major forces would come looking for some precious spiritual objects sometimes.

The Alliance doesn't care about that.

People come as they please.

Warships and spiritual mountains, please step back and say goodbye.

In fact, there are quite a lot of forces opening up wasteland outside the Divine Court, at least hundreds of them.

The big forces who are full of greed are not willing to completely compete with some small and medium-sized forces just for this small profit.

If you push us further, we will completely flee into the wasteland.

In fact, the forty-eight alliance forces that now control the wasteland area here have already fled the main family members into the floating continent in the wasteland area. When we look back, we will destroy the long and narrow space crack corridor, and you won't be able to find us.

This is also the reason why the big forces in Shenting are a little jealous of these small forces.

If you bully others too much, then everyone will lift the table and stop playing with you. Those who truly have no ability to resist are the small and medium-sized forces that have no way out.

They are all too fragile. They usually grow up fine in their own big world, but when they encounter turmoil, they simply don't have the strength to survive. Either be disintegrated or annexed.

More and more forces are collapsing, creating more and more casual cultivators.

As a result, various adventure groups also flourished. Many adventure groups plus the number of dependents in the logistics foundation exceed one million.

Qiao Lin happily negotiated with the big and small leaders of these adventure groups all day long, and made a lot of money.

By the way, it also brought a lot of business to the various workshops in his own open area.

However, the number of people in this group of adventurers was too small. No matter how much they said, the money they earned was only about one thousandth of the total amount of supplies that Zhu Biao moved. It's really better than nothing.

After the supplies were replenished, the adventure groups began to log in one after another.

The best caves have been prepared for them in the open area. They also assigned doctors and alien inspectors to every area where the caves were concentrated.

The doctors can understand, but the alien examiner, this is the first time they have seen such a thing.

This group of people is also very powerful.

On the day their adventure group logged in, nineteen kinds of parasites or alien races disguised as pets were detected.

All kinds of parasites and eggs are squeezed out of the bodies of people and pets, disembowelled and released, which makes people's scalp numb.

Even various mental parasites have been found.

One team also found the betrayer by the way.

If his members hadn't been parasitized by alien races and kept sending messages to them, his adventure group wouldn't have been nearly annihilated three times in a row. The old men in the team suffered heavy casualties.

This time they finally found the source.

But the dead can never live again.

Moreover, after the parasitized brother was discovered by the alien inspector, the thing directly swallowed his soul and broke out of his brain. He planned to parasitize the doctor, but the doctor suddenly pulled out a blue trachoma net from his body. With a quick throw, the invisible thing was covered.

Looking at the mass, it was scurrying here and there but couldn't escape the net. The alien inspector breathed a sigh of relief.

"It scared me to death. I almost thought I was going to hiccup this time."

"Why are you so afraid of death that you didn't see me standing in front of you?"

"It's not that I'm afraid of that thing. It doesn't like your head, so it wants to live in my head."

"Why do you have that big head? You and I are rounder, or are you more juicy than me?" the doctor said angrily.

"It's not like I didn't buy that kind of network. I don't feel confident."

The doctor took out a small gray-white gourd from his storage ring. After opening the lid and tying it against the net, the contents turned into a stream of gray smoke and was collected into the small gourd. "It takes less than three hours to turn a drop of Yin Soul Water into something."

"How many drops of ghost water can that thing turn into?"

"I don't know. I just bought the net and the matching gourd, and I'm still learning the experience."

"Do you sell nets and gourds like this?" The old men and leaders of several adventure groups who were watching the excitement asked.

The doctor calmly took back the net. "This kind of net and gourd are said to be very expensive and not available for takeout. Now in Lingshan, only our doctors and their inspection officers can apply to buy them. It's a professional requirement."

(End of this chapter)

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