The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1379 Joining the Army

Chapter 1379 Joining the Army

The open area inside Lingshan really has everything. There is no shortage of food and entertainment.

The only bad thing is the extremely strict supervision of all kinds of alien infiltration.

As long as you find any sign of heresy, you must report it, even if you don't report it. People around you will report it too. On the contrary, if you keep it secret and don't report it, you will definitely receive a heavy penalty.

Several adventure groups quickly adapted to life here.

On this day, Lingshan suddenly began to activate defense weapons at all levels. Gather the large and small warships on the periphery. Finally, the double layer of black ice cover was activated.

Two layers of ice covers were directly placed on the huge Lingshan Mountain.

This is the strongest defensive state of Lingshan's latest transformation.

There is a double layer of ice cover, one layer is close to the ground, and there are defense and counterattack fire points everywhere.

The long outer cover hangs outside the Lingshan barrier, and there are various strange entrances and exits on it.

Not to mention the weird entrances and exits, there are also twists and turns in the middle before you can pass through the outer layer of black ice and descend to the Lingshan barrier.

When they passed through the Lingshan barrier again, they were greeted by firepower points all over Lingshan.

Lingshan tried its best to shrink and closed some unnecessary docks.

Then everyone felt that Lingshan was shaking and shaking.

They themselves were tossed up and down, as if they were on a boat.

It lasted for nearly half an hour before the trembling gradually dissipated.

But there was a group of weird bugs, each one more than ten meters long.

Each of them has a ferocious mouth full of sharp teeth, and is covered with a dark carapace. It hits the black ice cover outside Lingshan like a stream of water.

Perhaps it was because the impact speed was too fast. The insects that first hit the Lingshan black ice cover were crushed into bloody mud by the heavy impact force, and then fell along the black ice.

It just screamed and rolled around.

It's a pity that it usually doesn't wait until they move a little bit. The insects that rushed up from behind were loaded with black ice, and then they were crushed and severely injured by the brothers behind them, crushed into flesh and blood.

Large pieces of flesh and blood flowed down the Xuanbing.

Lingshan seemed to be trapped in a mire, and its flying speed was getting slower and slower.

But he was still pushing forward firmly.

The insects far away behind refused to make meat paste anymore, so they quickly separated into many small groups and rushed in through the holes in the black ice. Then go to the space barrier in Kenling Mountain.

Is the space barrier in Lingshan so easy to chew through?

If their teeth are broken, it will be difficult to chew them.

The people below saw a large number of insect swarms swooping down in the sky above their heads, clinging to the space barrier of Lingshan and munching on it.

The gnawing sound was simply mind-numbing.

so horrible.

Zhu Biao and others continued to move forward in addition to taking turns guarding Lingshan. They were all doing nothing. They were either reading story books, playing chess, sculpting or something, amusing themselves.

Lingshan continued to move forward with difficulty, looking at the sky above his head with a fierce and dense swarm of insects. No one knows how many swarms of insects are gnawing against the walls of Lingshan Mountain.

The earth-shattering gnawing and chewing sounds can scare people into a state of depression and lead them to an emotional breakdown.

Whether it was the closed area or the open area of ​​Lingshan, I don’t know how many jokes were made at once.

How many timid guys were exposed for what they were this time.

Of course, the elderly and children have long been moved to special underground areas. So no matter how many bugs there are outside, it won't have any impact on them.

Those who are brave and older may simply run out with their elders to prepare for the experience.

There are more and more bugs outside. The swarms of bugs have nothing to eat and they all start to eat each other. There was no big counterattack in Lingshan. Still trying to move forward. Starting from the tenth day, the number of insect swarms increased.

On the morning of the eleventh day, there were insects gnawing and gnawing a hole in a place. Actually it's more than that. There are bugs in many places on the entire barrier that have eaten away at certain areas of the barrier.

Following each loophole, a large number of insects rushed down one after another.

As a result, they once again encountered the second layer of black ice cover and various vitality points protected by the black ice cover.

The guards of Lingshan who had been waiting for a long time, the Gangan family members inside Lingshan, as well as the casual cultivators and adventure groups in Lingshan all launched defensive and counterattack weapons. All kinds of artillery fire and crossbow arrows headed towards the insect swarm like a god of death.

As soon as they came out like this, they attracted countless swarms of insects, large and small, that flew down to kill them.

So the two sides began to fight fiercely.

A large number of bugs were killed, but many bugs also hurt the human monks, causing them to be injured and killed in battle.

The war raged day and night.

At the beginning, the Lingshan Guard Corps, family members, casual cultivators and adventure groups were quite energetic and energetic.

But day and night passed, and no one had a chance to relax and drink some water. Everyone started to feel tired.

But this is not a day and night battle. It takes at least seven days from the beginning to the end of the battle. Only then will reinforcements come to take over.

It's so frustrating.

The monks who came down from various firepower points were covered in black bloody mud and turned into clay figures.

Who has time to talk about what to gain. It would be nice to be alive.

Bang bang bang, boom boom boom...

The battle between the sky and the earth seems to be endless.

The second seven days passed, then three, and then the fourth.

The first to collapse was the adventure group. They strongly demanded a break and no more fighting.

Then came the casual cultivators.

Compared to the adventure group who didn't last even a month, the casual cultivators actually lasted for a full two and a half months.

Visible toughness.

This simply makes the heads of all the major adventure groups extremely amazed. In the last month of the later period, many adventure groups went to poach casual cultivators and wanted them to join their adventure groups.

There are also many casual cultivators who have been bribed with high rewards. He decided to wait for Lingshan to enter the first floating continent, Yunchuan Continent, and then leave with the adventure group.

Because the vast majority of adventure groups will not enter the second area.

The danger over there is greater, and it's too easy to get caught up in the group. Even large forces are unwilling to compromise their entire adventure group. There are more solo masters there.

The guard regiment did not collapse, but the fight was very miserable. While suffering heavy casualties, they continued to add family members. After the death of the father, the son succeeds, the brother dies, the sister succeeds, the brother dies, the brother succeeds, and so on.

A lot of reserves were also added.

They are all children of poor families from all over the world who cannot afford to eat.

Those who are willing to join the army to earn some money to support their families can get a large amount of money to leave to their families as long as they buy themselves into a military camp.

With five hundred taels of silver per person to support the family, one person can survive for a large family.

Everyone in this family's youngest son or daughter is happy to be chosen.

If you can survive, your family can survive too.

Joining the army is dangerous and easy to die, but it is still a way out.

(End of this chapter)

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