The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1380 The Corpse of the Insect King

Chapter 1380 The Corpse of the Insect King

Therefore, Lingshan never lacks good soldiers. Wherever the boys are the most hardworking, it will be easier to recruit suitable soldiers.

Wherever the boys join the army and are brave enough to endure hardships, Lingshan often recruits brave soldiers.

And as long as there is a Lingshan that thinks your soldiers are good, then there will often be Lingshan passing by to recruit soldiers in the future.

Because Lingshan has its seniors, it has opened up various sources of troops for recruiting brave soldiers, so as a junior, Hikawa basically does not have to find good sources of troops by himself.

However, as alien infiltrations become more and more frequent, many military sources have been affected. Since more than a hundred years ago, the headquarters has planned to relocate people from some good military sources to the floating continent.

This is also the main reason why there has never been a shortage of people on the floating continents everywhere.

I think that sixty years ago, the mortals in Bai Dou Realm also migrated, and a large part of them were resettled by the headquarters to the Fourth Suspension Continent.

This time Lingshan had been fighting for four months while traveling through the gap between time and space.

He has been engaged in an endless battle with the insect swarm.

This kind of high-intensity battle is really exhausting.

Directly transformed the Legion boys and girls who originally had some innocent and childish faces into iron-blooded killing machines.

This is not a personal transformation, this is a transformation of the huge Lingshan Guard Corps.

You must know that the Lingshan Guard Corps is not only stationed on Lingshan Mountain, but those who control the warships are also from the Lingshan Guard Corps.

In just four months, the entire legion of hundreds of thousands has been promoted from ordinary to iron-blooded elite.

This growth rate is too terrifying.

This can only be compared with the legions under the command of those big forces.

The leaders of the many adventure groups who had been following the war were all horrified.

But there was a legion leader who was even more horrified. Because many of the great powers in the Divine Court do not have the ability to hone such a crazy elite force within a few months.

This is really a sleepless battle.

Repeatedly turning heads on the battlefield of life and death.

The leader of the powerful legion did not dare to be so tough on those strange and ferocious insect swarms.

If they had been so stubborn back then, they would never have lost Northern Wei Qiu.

He silently looked at the black ice cover in the sky, the black ice cover on the ground, and the surrounding fire points.

If there are capable generals in Tianzhu Pavilion, forget about Taihui Temple.

The courageous use of this high price quickly cultivated an immature legion into an iron-blooded army.

It seems that after returning, he really needs to make some suggestions. His generals should also change their leadership mode.

No wonder the combat effectiveness of every Lingshan team that returned from pioneering wasteland has undergone a qualitative change.

Their sect is really too comfortable, occupying the big world makes everyone drift away.

Only in such a difficult environment can such a vibrant new legion be forged.

After four months, Lingshan finally squeezed out a narrow crack one afternoon.

As soon as it came out, the surrounding insect swarms were still chasing it crazily. Within half a day, the swarm of insects stopped and planned to run away.

It's a pity that all the leaky holes on Xuanbing's outer cover suddenly closed.

Therefore, only the outermost insects, which were still on the black ice cover, escaped with their lives.

The rest were all annihilated by Lingshan's entire army.

The corpses of insects were dragged out from the outer cover of black ice at the bottom of Lingshan, or they were found and dragged away from the periphery of the inner cover of Lingshan. A large number of insects were dismembered, various materials were hoarded in warehouses, and various scraps were processed into various feeds and other items, waiting to be sold.

The casual cultivators and adventure groups all got their share according to their merit.

What a big deal.

The sergeants and their families got more. But no one said how much they got.

At this time, who would blow up their own family fortune?

What if you meet the kind of shameless best relative who comes to your door and demands to borrow money?

However, many of the new fields, woodlands, medicine gardens and workshops in Lingshan have been snapped up, which illustrates the problem.

I haven’t worked in vain this month.

After another two months, the insect corpses had been completely digested.

Lingshan has gained weight.

It is said that many spiritual lands were created.

When they saw the suspended continent called Yunchuan from a distance, everyone on the Lingshan Mountain cheered excitedly.

Zhu Biao was also very happy. Tell Qiao Lin, "Okay, I'll give everyone a three-month holiday. Feel free to go and have fun on the floating continent."

"You finally became a human being for once." Qiao Lin burst into tears. It was not easy.

Zhu Biao: "..."

As soon as Lingshan arrived at the port, the entire flow of people on Lingshan rushed out of Lingshan like a roaring tsunami and onto the suspended continent.

A large number of warships have been loaned out by them as entertainment tools.

If this wasn't their plan, they would have already informed the person in charge on the mainland.

The other side is going to fight because of them.

There are so many warships flying in with a roar, what are you doing, you say?

After letting go of a group of people who ran out to play and spend money, Zhu Biao, Qiao Lin and others began to deal with the insect corpses on Lingshan, intending to cash them in.

Individual bugs are actually worthless. But after dismemberment and smelting, there is a lot of money.

Various rare spiritual golds and exotic golds have been refined one after another, although a single worm can only condense one or two. But there are hundreds of millions of insects that can’t be resisted.

So they were so full of money when they arrived that they were about to return.

But here, the person in charge of the Tianzhu Pavilion continent, the old man, also grabbed Zhu Biao's ear, "Are you stupid? The insects that are planted in the cracks are all to block the eyes and ears of those big forces. You have killed so many people." "How many years will it take for me to raise you back?"

"It's really not my problem. There are really too many bugs there. They are so overrun that it looks like Lingshan can't walk through it. That's why I took a small step and killed a batch of them. I really didn't Don't mess around, I promise, I swear." Zhu Biao said while saving his ears.

"You kid, you still dare to quibble, and you kid, you dare to deceive me?" The old man simply pinched his face. "My old man keeps the bugs there. I know how many groups there are and how many there are. I know whether they will become a disaster."

"What do you have in mind? Those bugs obviously exceed the number predicted by the headquarters.

I don’t know if Lingshan nearby has reported this matter. Anyway, I killed at least six insect kings in this trip.

Old man, didn’t you say that there was an Insect King in the crack over there? "

"Return six insect kings, that's impossible, there was only one..." Then he couldn't continue, because Zhu Biao simply put the bodies of the six insect kings on the ground in front of him. The corpses of these insect kings have been condensed, and each one is the size of a dog.

Originally, their bodies were comparable to small warships, about thirty meters long.

However, such insect kings were not very convenient to carry, so some refiners treated them as materials and directly condensed them into dog-sized mini insect king corpses. This kind of corpse exuded strange images. It can be condensed into the second Dharmakaya.

(End of this chapter)

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