The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1381 The golden cicada escapes from its shell

Chapter 1381 The golden cicada escapes from its shell

The old man's expression immediately became serious.

"It seems I was careless. The Insect King has been born in the insect swarm."

"Oh my twenty-nine grandpa, you finally discovered the point." Zhu Biao said helplessly. "If I hadn't accidentally discovered the corpses of six insect kings, I definitely wouldn't have come to you to complain."

"You killed so many insect swarms, and they were all raised by your grandfather and me." The old man said angrily, "You made all of them away. I suffered a big loss."

"I really didn't earn it away. I didn't expect to be able to attract so many insect swarms. And they also have so many insect kings. This is simply wrong."

After listening to Zhu Biao's words, the old man fell into deep thought. "It is possible that there are new cracks along with the cracks here. The family warned us from the beginning that the space here is not stable. It is an area that is easily broken. Although cracks are found, entering new areas can allow us to develop more More resources. But it can also easily attract more troubles and powerful enemies.

It seems that we are in trouble again this time."

"Will the trouble be big?" Zhu Biao asked timidly.

"It depends on the investigation. I will request investigators from the First Corps to come over."

"Yeah, it's more convenient to leave it to my father. He can do more work." Zhu Biao sold Chu Shinian without hesitation.

The old man laughed.

He had no pity at all for the big leader who was betrayed by his son again.

"Just leave things here to me. Just go wherever you need to go."

"I can't go anywhere now. Those people have never been to the Suspended Continent, and they want to stay here for three months. I had no choice but to agree."

"What's the last resort? I heard that you used insects this time to recoup the cost of your previous investment in Lingshan?" The old man hummed when he thought of this story. It's so unethical. All the money this brat earns is in exchange for his bugs.

"I was thinking about everyone's safety, so I started to clean up some excess insect swarms. Otherwise, believe it or not, in a few years, Lingshan will not be able to pass through that crack passage."

The old man continued to hum.

There was no strong opposition.

"I'll ask the fleet to clear it later."

"Don't let the fleet go, I'm afraid that the fleet will not be able to get out if it goes in. Really, my Lingshan is a newly installed black ice shield, and it has been frantically besieged for more than four months. You send the fleet in and I I guess it’s for food delivery.”

The old man was so angry that he blew his beard and glared, and quickly drove Zhu Biao away.

He still wants to live for a few more years, but don't be mad at Zhu Biao.

However, he still took Zhu Biao's words very seriously. As soon as Zhu Biao left, he quickly contacted the headquarters. Solid links.

In front of the huge jade artifact, both sides saw each other.

This jade is also a specially repaired communication tool to prevent aliens from infiltrating in disguise. This tool can also identify aliens. Anyone who is not a human will be attacked.

The jade jade is connected to the energy pool, with huge power and super attack power.

As soon as the old man told the situation provided by Zhu Biao, Chu Ziyan frowned over there. "In the past sixty years, the probability of something happening to that passage has increased."

"Is it because the void bubble is falling faster?" the old man asked calmly.

"There is a possibility."

"Those alien races have been attacking so crazily recently. Have they discovered this problem as well?" the old man asked again. "I don't know the specific situation. But the big leader and the head of the family should know about it. After all, the one who chose to leave the Bai Dou world in the first place came to tell him the news in person, far away from his own world."

And if Bai Qilin hadn't helped them finish it off, their Lingshan wouldn't have been able to escape so easily.

"As far as I know, the three of them had been talking secretly for a long time. When we left the White Dou World and just started to establish a foothold outside, the head of the family began to survey everywhere, and finally discovered this place decades ago. There is nothing wrong with it. Because, I don’t believe it.

Moreover, the world of Baidou that we suddenly evacuated from sixty years ago was also a bit strange. The initial evacuation was too clean. Not even a secret dark village was left behind. Furthermore, I heard that in the past sixty years, Bai Qilin, the will of the world in Bai Dou World, has been particularly quiet. No movement at all. "

"What do you mean?" The old man was confused.

"I mean, the way our Lingshan left the Baidou World was quite special. That person directly replaced us. I'm thinking that since it can replace us, will it also be able to replace itself? .

But he had just fought with the Taiyin Immortal Lord and lost a lot of his origin. Maybe he couldn't leave the world where it grew up for the time being, right? "

"No, the will of the world is actually just the wisdom born from the solidification and nucleation of the original sea. Even if it is a natural world, the real core local area is not very big. Lao Bai did lose too many sources before. As a result, he had to live for a long time Sleeping.

But since he fought with the Taiyin Immortal Lord, he couldn't sleep peacefully. So while he was sleeping, he was also looking for opportunities. In the end, he really found one or two big opportunities. This was the reason why he left Jin Chan and left the world of Bai Dou sixty years ago. "

Chu Shinian walked slowly.

Two hundred years have passed, and the appearance of Chu Shinian, who seems to be particularly favored by time, has hardly changed, but his aura has become even more profound, making people dare not look directly at him.

Chu Ziyan and the old man saluted together.

"Commander An."

"Hello everyone."

Chu Shinian raised his hand slightly in return.

"If you have anything you want to ask in the future, just ask me directly and don't make any guesses behind my back."

Chu Ziyan lowered his head with guilt.

By the time the old man felt that he was thick-skinned enough, he pretended not to have heard.

"Then Bai Qilin, the will of the world, really ran away?"

"Well, I left sixty years ago. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many alien races mixed into the Bai Dou world. They are extremely sensitive to the world will of all walks of life. If there is a world will monitoring the entire world at any time, they will penetrate very little. Or the penetration is extremely secretive.

If the will of the world is asleep, or there is no will at all. Their actions are crazy.

It's really shameless to pick up a persimmon and pinch it softly. "Chu Shinian said objectively and appreciatively.

"How much do you know about the accelerated landing of the Void Bubble, Chief?" the old man asked again.

In fact, their family was split and hidden into forty-eight factions. They developed separately and closely clandestinely. In the first few decades, their development was extremely rapid. If it hadn't been for the family leader's sudden request to concentrate all the family's power to open the space-time rift here, and his crazy investment. One place after another was opened up.

Everyone will not run to ask why.

The head of the family will not tell everyone about the Void Bubble.

(End of this chapter)

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