The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1382 Castle Combination

Chapter 1382 Castle Combination

According to the statement provided by Bai Qilin.

If time and space are like a sea, then each layer and sea area is not so static.

Where matter is relatively concentrated, a special void will be born, which is called a void bubble. Because there is absolutely nothing in the surrounding airspace, and the distance between them is very far, it is difficult to imagine using void bubbles between void bubbles.

The void bubble is like a fish floating in this sea.

Some have been wandering in the upper levels, either growing in size or being annihilated.

Some keep falling.

The bottom layer of this sea of ​​time and space is actually annihilation.

The closer you get to the bottom, the more the void bubble will be affected, and both spiritual energy and various energies will gradually dry up. The living creatures gradually disappeared, and finally turned into a deserted place of death. These void-like bubbles continue to sink, and will eventually turn into the bottom material in the sea of ​​time and space. They will be continuously condensed and extracted nutrients by the sea of ​​time and space, and new void bubbles will be born again in other places. Of course, this process is extremely long, even for the protoss. Not to mention humans.

Each void bubble may be large or small, and its volume is not fixed.

Each void bubble is wrapped in a large number of worlds and various star materials.

The territory controlled by Shenting World is actually part of a void bubble.

Originally, there were not many foreign races in their void bubble. But I don’t know what happened in the past one or two hundred years. There are more and more alien races.

It's almost like a great migration.

According to Bai Qilin's speculation.

In all likelihood, this was an alien race in the lower void bubble. In order to survive, they kept opening space cracks, and finally found this void bubble where they could survive for the time being, so they were overjoyed. Prepare to move all over.

That's why he calculated step by step, planning to conquer or completely destroy all the creatures inside this void bubble.

Apparently, the upper echelons of Shenting and other dominant forces in large areas who had fought many times also discovered this secret. They probably discovered the truth recently and were completely desperate, so they planned to abandon this void bubble and they also planned to escape.

Anyway, how the foreigners came here, they can go there too.

Of course, this should be a secret that only those at the top know. It is even possible that there are similar secrets hidden within their own forces. Then it would be understandable for them to do any weird things before leaving.

Chu Shinian said to the two of them while talking about what he knew about the situation.

"Anyway, this is not the first time we are preparing to run away. When we left the world in Lingshan, everyone was well prepared. Now we are just preparing again. It is not a big deal."

The other two immediately became stiff.

"It's such a shabby house and it rains all night." The old man sighed helplessly. He was one of the few among the senior monks who had the luck to break through to the Nascent Soul realm. Anyway, he kept walking on the cliff in the Sixth Realm.

It's too dangerous. In a few years, when the younger generations have all climbed up, he plans to go back and retire.

Anyway, the Chu family has no shortage of fruits that can extend life, so why is he working so hard?

Wouldn't it be possible to live a good life if you weren't at the sixth level?

Without looking at Chu Dashan and his wife, he didn’t even get the Five Realms Golden Elixir. I can't live a good life even if I'm depressed in Zifu.

In the Chu family, there are those who have died naturally, and there are also those who have made contributions, and the latter's descendants are still making contributions. If you contribute a lot and exchange the life-extending spiritual fruit, you can enjoy your old age in peace. All kinds of flowers and plants, all kinds of elixirs, whatever you want to do. Of course, not many people in the Chu family can enjoy this much now.

They are all the elders or the same group of people who first developed with the family head and big leader.

The rest are working as long-term laborers under the whip wielded by the commander-in-chief.

Didn't you see, his old man was even driven to work?

"No matter what happens, just prepare well when you need to prepare. Anyway, you must take good care of the space crack here. I will send the first part of the Fifth Army to station there for a long time. In addition, I will send two spiritual mountains and two escort fleets. "

After listening to Chu Shinian's words, the old man was finally happy.

"This puts me at ease. I'm not afraid of an Insect King. Even if it's in the Sixth Realm, it's not the Human Race's Evolution Realm. It can at most resist a beating. I'm worried that if the Insect King suddenly hides a few secretly, what will happen to me here? It’s going to be passive.”

"Don't worry. The people of the Fifth Legion are currently on the suspended continent in Area 2. They can return to you very quickly. They don't have to hunt bugs in the middle. They can reach you in less than a month."

"Hahaha," the old man almost burst out laughing. "Do you, the commander-in-chief, also know about that little boy Chu Junshu's tricks?"

Chu Shinian "..."

"The commander-in-chief can't even say he doesn't know. After all, our family master is paying attention every day. We all know the news that the young master has died and is so poor that he has to kill insects." Chu Ziyan showed a gloating smile. . "When he comes back, our old man and our old lady will love him deeply."

"There is a kind of love, it's called grandma and grandpa who think you lack love. If your grandson lacks love, you have to make up for it. Give him more good food, more good clothes, and find more grandson-in-laws. "

The old man agreed with Chu Ziyan's words. This is how he usually plays with his grandson. I believe that all the old friends who have grandchildren are the same. What bad intentions can grandparents have?

Chu Shinian: Isn’t it inappropriate for you to plot against my son in front of me?

Forget it, I won’t tell him in advance anyway. Let him enjoy himself.

"Then I'll wait for the people from the Fifth Legion." The old man said again. "You still need to pay more attention to defense. What if someone launches a sneak attack before the fifth legion arrives?" Chu Shinian continued to suggest.

"It's best to loosen the outside and tighten the inside. This will not easily attract the attention of the bugs, and can also buy time for the fifth legion to arrive. As long as the fifth legion arrives, what's wrong with bullying the bugs?" Chu Ziyan also said Give him advice.

"Okay." The old man accepted the order directly.


On the suspended continent, the smallest unit is not a village, but a small town.

There are numerous military installations across the continent.

The town was also built around the military camp. It's basically a military camp equipped with a small town.

The large military fortress is surrounded by a large city.

The giant city is the largest urban unit on the floating continent, and several military forts must be built nearby. Moreover, the powerful arms of each military fort must be different. Cooperate with each other and can fight together.

Moreover, each city is equipped with a large number of tunnels. There are various monitoring formations inside the tunnels, and there are people responsible for patrolling. Except for tunnels, almost every home has a small flying boat. Just so that if the city cannot be defended, everyone can escape in a flying boat.

Anyway, the surrounding cities are far away from each other, and the flying boat can travel quickly, so there is no problem.

(End of this chapter)

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