The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1383 Crusade

Chapter 1383 Crusade

Zhu Biao simply invested the resources he could recover because Lingshan had once again increased its area.

Anyway, this land reclamation has just begun, and there is no rush to recover the investment. A considerable part of the newly added area in Lingshan has already been allocated to fulfill the original promise. When he recruited talents, he promised many spiritual mountains and sacred places.

However, the area of ​​Lingshan was small at first, and the operation of Lingshan required a large amount of spiritual land, so the first batch of people who actually received the allocated spiritual land as dividends were relatively small.

Even for important people, Deputy Mountain Master Qiao Lin did not give all of them directly, but only gave a small part. He doesn’t expect to live spiritually anyway.

Now as the spiritual realm grows, the debts owed at the beginning will always have to be repaid.

As for the back wages, forget it, I won’t pay them back. Anyway, you can exchange them for new rare spiritual objects and spiritual materials.

Zhu Biao made a rough calculation and found that his Lingshan has been established for thirty years since this year and has grown six times in total. Small growth does not count, only substantial growth. Each expansion exceeds one-third of Lingshan's area.

After completing six times of expansion and growth, Lingshan has grown from small to large, and he has almost completed more than one-third of the original promise of Lingshan.

In fact, the elders who worked with him to open up wasteland were privately very satisfied. Even though they saw him in person, they still couldn't help but complain.

But everyone knew in their hearts that Zhu Biao was already fast at work.

Of the three Lingshan Mountains built at the same time, the other two are said to be less than half as big as him, okay?

After the promised drawing was drawn, Zhu Biao made a careful estimate.

Now you can choose another place in Lingshan as the second open area.

Which place is better to choose?

The former open land is actually a small basin-shaped plain somewhere in Lingshan. This time he planned to build a mountain city.

Anyway, my family has always had a tradition of building mountain cities. At least the mountain city land is planned very reasonably and can be used both inside and outside the mountain.

Just do whatever comes to mind, and Zhu Biao called in the top leaders within Lingshan to start a meeting to assign tasks.

Some senior officials of Lingshan who had just planned to go out for fun were called back with gloomy faces. Everyone looked at Zhu Biao with a sinister look when they came home. He looked like he was going to eat him like a piece of pork.

"I haven't been with my parents, wife and children for many years. I finally had an opportunity to go on a family trip together, but it ended up being aborted just after it started."

"I also promise my wife, and I promise well. I plan to accompany her to have a good tour of the suspended continent. When you get there, don't be a human being, Mountain Master."

After returning, other senior officials also spoke out against Zhu Biao in a gloomy tone.

"Can you blame me? Lingshan doesn't belong to me? Lingshan belongs to all of us, so we must build it properly." Zhu Biao defended.

"Hmph, when my contract expires, I will definitely leave."

"That's right, I haven't wanted to do it for a long time."

"Whoever wants to cultivate this Poling Mountain will do it."

"If I weren't the mountain owner."

Everyone complained together.

"Don't force me, everyone. Lingshan belongs to everyone, and it doesn't matter if you like it or not. If Lingshan belongs to me, Zhu Biao, then I will give full play to my nature as the owner of the mountain. Any day during the contract period, I will give you Everyone’s arrangements are full.”

"Zhu Bapi."

"Bastard boy."

"you dare?"

"Do you still want to continue messing around?"

Everyone's expression changed.

"Anyway, either we all discuss the work, or I force you to work with a whip. Choose which one."

"Zhu Biao, just wait for me."

"Zhu Biao, you're done."

"Zhu Biao, I can finally see you clearly."

"Zhu Biao..."

Everyone attacked Zhu Biao.

Zhu Biao is not afraid either, he loves it. Anyway, I called you all back and you all work for me.

"You treat yourself too much as a soldier. As a high-level leader, you have to be dedicated to your job. I'll give you more rare spiritual objects and spiritual stones and spiritual fruits, no problem. If you want to stop working, that's not possible. ”

"I'm really unlucky. Why did you persuade me?" someone complained.

"I shouldn't have looked at you in the first place."

"Zhu Biao, I finally remember you."

"Zhu Biao, you are so cruel..."

Being attacked by a group of subordinates, Zhu Biao felt that he had no one left.

"Okay, okay, hurry up. I brought the design drawings. You can see if there are any flaws. If not, assign tasks. Let's work together."

Leaders, everyone has arranged for Zhu Biao to be a scammer, bastard...

Although everyone knows that stationing in Lingshan is quite difficult.

But if you make a lot of money and stay there for a hundred or two hundred years, you can rest easy when you return to the headquarters.

But following Zhu Biao, everyone will be idle all the time. I keep working and I feel unhappy all the time.

But everyone still has to do the errands that need to be done.

After noisily assigning all the guys, they sent these guys away.

Zhu Biao began to sigh.

"My mother has been able to control the whole family since she was very young, and my father is also very powerful. I want to establish my authority. Why is it so difficult?"

Qiao Lin said silently and sarcastically at the side, "What is the master's ability? What is the commander's ability? What is your ability?"

This knife stabbed really hard. Zhu Biao was stabbed so hard that he almost vomited blood and died immediately.

"Sometimes parents are not very good if they are too strong. Please forgive me for the shadow area in your heart?" Qiao Lin said gloatingly.

Like him, his father has long been proud of him.

But if it were Zhu Biao, the elders, peers and juniors in the family would all spout a lot of words when they mentioned him.

What a big head-toucher, little devil, bastard...

In short, there is no sense of majesty.

A collective crusade would not be impossible.

Zhu Biao himself is also awesome. Even if a group of people criticize him, he doesn't take it to heart at all. He is born with a strong heart.

And he himself is a natural social person.

No matter what kind of temperament people are, it is easy to get close to him.

Even though everyone is collectively complaining about him, as far as his current status as the mountain owner is concerned, if it wasn't for a good relationship, who would, or rather who would dare, to scold him with a sullen face?

Just because they didn't regard him as an outsider, they dared to attack him so easily.

If he were to preside over the meeting, the atmosphere would immediately change again.

Zhu Biao rolled his eyes violently after hearing this.

In order to make it easier to move outside, he changed his name from Chu Junshu to Zhu Biao. But people are still the same people, and parents can't change them. What can he do? He doesn't want to be reincarnated in their lap, either.

Ever since he grew up and became sensible, his father always thought he was an eyesore and took up too much of his mother's time.

Her mother is also busy.

He and his sister would always go to their grandma's house and act like little wretches (little devils).

Later, at a young age, he was thrown to the secret guards for training...

(End of this chapter)

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