The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1384 Listen

Chapter 1384 Listen

He was in great pain after eating snacks, hehe.

"By the way, do we still need to collect some special seeds from the Suspended Continent this time? There is still some room in our seed bank." Qiao Lin said.

"Take up, make up. Everywhere you go, make up the seeds. My mother reminded me, and I will definitely follow it."

"Well, I'll make arrangements right away."

"In addition, collect some biological and mineral samples for the refiners and craftsmen. Don't forget the aquatic materials. Last time we almost missed the bone material of some kind of hard-boned whale. Who would have thought that the bones of some ancient whales , can actually be integrated into the warship, greatly improving the warship's defense. "

"Well, I'll make arrangements."

After everyone was arranged, Zhu Biao secretly ran out of Lingshan and entered a prosperous giant city on the floating continent, which was quite close to Lingshan.

He enjoyed the delicious food along the way, and also wanted to feel the fragrance of the world here.

Although the people from the mainland here migrated from outside, after a few generations, they became completely the aboriginal people here. Everyone is very satisfied with life here. After all, for the indigenous people here, as long as they are over fifteen years old, both men and women will be given jobs.

If there are other talents, they will continue to be cultivated. Of course, the final thought is also arranged by the above.

Therefore, the local labor force cannot satisfy itself at all and will not be distributed to outsiders at all.

So even today, there is still a steady stream of immigrants from all major worlds, small and medium-sized worlds coming here with various fleets, or coming to work with their own employers. When we arrived, it was packed like sardines. As long as there is some space, several people can fit in.

A ship fills up almost all the space.

Foreign caravans, chambers of commerce, and casual cultivators want to develop and survive here. Then we can only return to our hometown and recruit batches of mortals and low-level monks to develop this place.

Don’t look at the expensive boat tickets paid by adventure groups to Lingshan. But they are an adventure group, they have money themselves, and they also want to enjoy it.

But if you take a fleet to send people over, the ticket for one person is actually not that high.

However, if they did not act together with Lingshan, they would have to form a super fleet to fight through the narrow crack. And every time we go there, we lose some warships.

Insects are not easy to take care of either.

Because going back and forth will consume ships, manpower and material resources.

Therefore, once the personnel are sent in, they rarely have the opportunity to leave the suspended continent and return.

Because of the special shortage of people, a large fleet was developed specifically to traffic in mortals.

There are two trips a year. As long as there are many ships and big ships, even if there are losses, you can still make a lot of money. Human trafficking costs almost nothing and is very violent. Especially in many small worlds, many mortals give money and things, hoping that their family can have a chance to leave their own small world and go to the new world.

Many small worlds are lacking in resources. Apart from having a large number of people, they really have no advantages.

In such a small world, human trade has become the mainstream.

Anyway, if a couple wants to live a happy life, Ann should try her best to have children.

When I was young, I gave birth to a dozen children, kept two or three children by my side, and gave away the others. Pension money can be earned directly.

Children are not happy to be left behind by their parents. Who would be happy to stay if they can go out and have their own adventures.

Zhu Biao had just entered a restaurant and chose a seat with a large window facing the street and sat down to order. I saw a lot of ragged mortals pouring into the street. Most of them are young and beautiful girls. Some are twelve or thirteen years old, and some are seventeen or eighteen years old. Older men and women generally dress slightly better.

These people were escorted by some people who looked like guards, walked along the street past the restaurant, and then headed east.

There were three to four hundred people passing by along the way.

As they walked downstairs, Zhu Biao heard a few young men sitting next to him in the restaurant say, "I heard that a spiritual mountain just came over and attracted the swarms of insects. Several large fleets behind them came. The spirit chose to follow Zhui from a distance.

As a result, the journey was uneventful, and we followed in without any damage. "

"No way, who is so smart and picked up such a big benefit?" Someone was surprised.

"Those fleet owners are not human spirits. Can they decorate the Lingshan Mountain with human spirits? But I heard a relative who came in with the fleet said that the people on the fleet were also very frightened. This time they decorated the That spiritual mountain is not an external spiritual mountain, but a direct descendant of the Forty-Eight Heavenly Spider Pavilion.

That was really a bold act for a skilled person. The spiritual mountain and the guards on it fought with the insect swarm all the way from the outside, until they rushed through the insect swarm and penetrated the crack. Do you think it’s awesome or not? "

"I also know this. They sold a lot of insect materials. That spiritual mountain is still parked outside our suspended continent."

"I have never left the Suspended Continent since I was a child. I really want to go out and see what the outside world is like."

"Stop talking nonsense, there are a lot of alien monsters out there. They are either parasites or robbers. With your small body, it's better to stay at home and be safe."

When a certain young man heard this, he immediately fell silent. In fact, he was also afraid of those aliens.

The alien race outside, the Huohuo human race, is full of tricks. In such an unsafe environment, why should he bother? Do you hate yourself for not dying fast enough or not spending enough time?

"Hey, I was born at the wrong time. It would be better if I lived when the alien race didn't infiltrate the human race."

"Don't think about it, it was hundreds of years ago. Unless you can go back in time."

"Hey, doesn't Lingshan know how to recruit people? Where should I go to find a job?"

"We should recruit them. But the first ones to be recommended are those who have just reached their age this year and those who have graduated from various schools."

"It's okay. For such a big Lingshan, there are many people to recruit. We all have a chance."

"That's true, but where do you plan to go to this spiritual mountain?"

"It should also be in the second and third districts. There are very few people in Lingshan who stay in the first district for a long time."

"Hey, the first district is too barren. It can't be compared with the following districts."

"No, it's a bit miserable to choose the floating continent in our first district and rely entirely on farming and making workshops to support other districts."

"As long as you can find work. My father has expanded one workshop to four workshops, including one in the second district and one in the third district. My father also said that our family may have to move to the third district after the year. "

"Congratulations. You, my young master, are getting better and better as you get better and better."

"It seems like it's me and my dad who are so good. If I can't do it myself, I can only lie down."

(End of this chapter)

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