The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1385 Stone

Chapter 1385 Stone

"It's so important to have a reliable father." The little friend sighed enviously.

"Ha, not bad, not bad."

"By the way, brothers, have you heard about it? Something happened to the mining ship recently. Several mining ships have had trouble."

"I heard from my father that there is something wrong with the new mine source here."

"I heard that it is a kind of spiritual ore similar to bloodstone, but it has indeed mutated. It is not only poisonous, but also seems to be able to affect people's souls, cause hallucinations, and cause several spacecraft accidents."

"Isn't bloodstone a very common weapon refining material?" The three young people said, looking more honest.

"Yes, and it is a weapon-refining material that is in high demand and the price has always been stable." There is a boy with an old father, and his face is slightly round.

The last young man is gentle, handsome, and very defensive, with the air of a delicate and handsome boy. "I am a weapon refiner myself, and my master told me clearly that no mutant species has ever been found in blood-patterned stones.

It is very possible that the other party is not blood stone, but a new material. "

"High-end new materials?" the little round face asked.

"Not sure." The beautiful young man said.

"It would be great if it was a high-end material." The little round face said, "Our district only produces a total of 149 kinds of high-end materials. It's too few."

"That's good. Many small worlds don't produce so many high-end materials." The beautiful boy said.

"We are not a small world, we are a floating continent, and we occupy the entire area." The little round face.

"Our floating continent is as big as a small world. Just accept the reality." The beautiful boy said angrily.

The square-faced boy with an honest temperament said, "I heard that the new ore is accompanied by many strange stones?"

"It's indeed a bit strange. The veins of the new ore are surrounded by a large number of other ores. What comes out are some strange stones." The beautiful boy's eyes were strange.

"What's going on?" the little round face asked in surprise.

"There was nothing unusual about these stones when they were mined. At most, they looked like very ordinary stones. As long as these stones are placed in the air outside the mine veins, some crystal clusters will gradually grow.

There is no difference between these crystal clusters. "The beautiful young man said again.

"Crystal cluster, has the stone been cut open? Is there something growing inside? Or is it special in itself?" The little round-faced boy asked with great interest.

"When opened, it looks like an ordinary stone, available in various colors." said the beautiful young man.

"Can ordinary stones grow crystal clusters?" The little round face was speechless. "You weapon refiners are really becoming more and more perfunctory in your work."

"We have just received a new type of ore, and we haven't researched it yet, which is normal. The research on various refining materials is a long-term process. If you look at the headquarters, they all have talents that have been developed for many years. How about launching a new material?" the beautiful young man said on behalf of the weapon refiners.

"Hey...what you said makes sense."

"Come on, let's drink and drink first."

The three of them talked and talked about gossip about their relatives and friends. Zhu Biao was not interested in listening. After eating, he simply wandered all the way to the street where the mining shops were concentrated.

As soon as I walked in here, there were many shop assistants greeting me with "New mutated ore, new mutated ore, the best price in the street..."

"Special magical ore can actually grow strange crystal clusters..."

"Walk by. Don't miss it when you pass by. There's a big sale of new blood-patterned stones..." It turns out that every family has them.

Zhu Biao simply found a large shop and walked in. In the lobby on the first floor, many people gathered in front of a small group of dark gray stones with blood patterns to talk and discuss.

"Are these stones the newly discovered mutated bloodstones?" Zhu Biao walked to the exit and asked.

"This is the newly discovered mutated blood-patterned stone that was recovered. The quality is better than the original blood-patterned stone. There are already weapon refiners making various attempts. If it can be directly integrated into the refining of third-level and above magic weapons, Then it can be officially named as intermediate material.”

"In fact, some of the original blood-patterned stones with excellent quality can be integrated into the refining of third-level and above magical weapons."

"But there are very few of the top-grade bloodstones you mentioned. But this new material, it is said that the reserves of the veins are very large."

Several monks who looked like merchants continued the discussion while answering Zhu Biao's questions.

"Will the new mine over there be outsourced?"

"I haven't heard of it yet, but I've heard that someone is already doing it. I hope it can be outsourced."

"This kind of ore is more dangerous both in excavation and transportation. The cost is relatively high."

"That's worth seeing more of."

Zhu Biao listened to their exchange and picked up a blood-patterned stone. Hey, why is this stone a little warm?

"What's wrong with this stone when you touch it?" he asked again.

"This is ore. Apart from being cold and hard, what else can be abnormal about it? Some people say that this stone can affect people's souls. I don't really believe it. I have been supervising these stones since they were dug out until they were transported. It's being escorted. There hasn't been any problem," said a person who looked like a store manager.

"Give me some. I'll take it back to an acquaintance." Zhu Biao said.

"Okay. By the way, are you interested in the strange stones associated with this new ore? I will give you some strange stones to play with."

"Sure. Then give me 100,000 jins of blood-patterned stones first, and then 100,000 jins of those strange stones you mentioned."

"You just take it back for fun, you won't need so much ore, right?" a manager asked hesitantly. "Actually, I have sold most of these stones, and there is not a lot of inventory left."

"Since you are quarrying more than one batch, you have the first batch, and there will be countless batches after that. You can sell the inventory to me first. Anyway, you will continue to replenish it in the future." Zhu Biaoyou said.

"Okay." The steward said another ore price that was not cheap at all. But Zhu Biao decisively agreed without saying a word.

However, he proposed to go into the warehouse with others to choose. Anyway, he wants to choose the best-looking and best-quality ore.

This requirement is really not difficult to meet.

The person in charge simply took him to select ore.

Although the steward said nothing about the remaining ore, in the large warehouse outside the city, the ore was piled up to a dozen hills. Knock it up, it's at least several million kilograms. There is still not enough to sell.

So what the manager said before was specifically intended to increase the price of his own ore.

Zhu Biao didn't care about the little tricks he played.

In short, just let him take the stone away.

(End of this chapter)

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