The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1386 Chaos

Chapter 1386 Chaos

Zhu Biao got the ore and didn't visit much. He simply returned to Lingshan and then sent all the ore back to the headquarters. Not long after, the headquarters contacted him again.

The person who talked to him directly was his own mother.

"Where did you find this kind of stone?" Chu Taohua, the head of the family, asked with a smile.

"What's wrong? Is this new ore a mutated bloodstone?" Zhu Biao asked curiously.

"No, this is a fuel ore, not the refining material you think of. This is not a blood stone, it is a variant of burning stone."

"What is burning stone? Isn't burning stone black?" Zhu Biao was shocked. "This new ore doesn't look like burning stone."

"It's the burning stone. Although they are all burning stones, the material of the burning stone is different. This should not be formed by spiritual beings in our airspace. This should be the burning stone born after the death of spiritual beings from other airspaces.

The crystal clusters on this accompanying stone are actually living creatures with strong crystal clusters.

It is also a type of spiritual mineral, a mineral that can be planted and grown. The crystal cluster should grow to a certain height before the seed crystal can be condensed. When the crystal seeds fall into other stones, new crystal clusters can grow again. "

"Mom, how did you know?"

"Someone has already gone over to investigate at the mine. Naturally, they discovered it and reported it to me." Taohua said. "This new burning stone has a huge reserve. It is suitable for refining elixirs and refining weapons. It can also be charged into the furnace of a warship to replace some spiritual stones for burning and recharging.

Even in the spiritual mountains everywhere, it is widely needed. Mainly because it can replace spirit stones, it is very useful. "

"Hmm, if this kind of burning stone is available, then the spiritual stoves used by every household in Lingshan for cooking and heating can use it, so as not to burn the spiritual stone." Zhu Biao said. The land resources on Lingshan Mountain are tight, and the seedlings of the spiritual trees are not too poor.

Therefore, some cheap spiritual trees are imported. Relatively rare. Even if you buy it occasionally, it is not suitable for burning charcoal because it is expensive. So everyone usually burns spiritual stones. Lingshi Keke is actually quite capable of carrying a fever.

But who is willing to burn spiritual stones when there are cheaper alternatives?

"It can be used in many places." Taohua nodded. "Headquarters has sent a new group of earth divisions to detect the reserves. If you have nothing to do recently, go over and help. You can also hug the ignition stones and crystal clusters by the way.

Anyway, if you take people there, the people over there will be embarrassed not to let you mine too, right? "

Zhu Biao had a look on his face. He didn't expect you, mother, to look like such a real mother.

"Didn't I do that for you? If you didn't look so poor, could I have given you this idea?" Taohua even laughed after saying this.

My darling, how have you lived in poverty since childhood? It's really hard for him to take charge of Lingshan.

"I still have something to do in the first area of ​​Suspension Road. Mom, I won't be able to go to the mining area in about three months. Is this time enough?"

"What's the point of being late in mining?" Taohua said angrily. "When you get there, the Earth Division over there may not have finished surveying the reserves. If something happens over there, remember to take the initiative to help."

"Mom, do you think something will happen over there?"

"This came out of thin air. If nothing happens, there might be some alien race over there that is looking to be resurrected or escape from trouble. If it is installed, it will be destroyed directly without using any means. Have you installed all the things?"

"Don't worry, Mom, I've installed everything."

"You go and sit there and wait until there are no problems after they dig for three or four years before you leave."

"Ah?" Zhu Biao looked at A Niang in shock. "How long does it take?" "Lingshan must be there to take charge. Now that Lingshan is tense, I don't have a single mobile quota. They are all sent out to work. Now I have even sent out the newly built Lingshan. Taohua said confidently.

Zhu Biao was shocked. "No, didn't we just have a lot of Lingshan coming out of the Northern Weiqiu War Zone?"

“I had an emergency here, so I mobilized most of them.

Later, some bad things happened there. Nothing can be done without Lingshan. I can't break up with them for the time being, so I can only send a small part back. "Taohua said.

"It always feels a bit weird. Although my spiritual mountain has only been wandering in the airspace for thirty years, I feel that the spiritual mountain over there where we live seems to be gradually decreasing."

"You're right. In fact, it's not just us. The upper echelons of the Divine Court are also gradually withdrawing their own sacred mountains. As for where they are being sent, it's probably to a wasteland area like ours.

Their land reclamation area has been in operation longer than our family, so they should need more land reclamation mountains. "

Zhu Biao nodded in agreement.

"More than 80 years ago, there were more than 20,000 Lingshan Mountains active in the airspace." Taohua said, "Now there are less than 14,000. But you have to know that in the past 80 years, everyone has been working hard together. Casting Lingshan, Lingshan is cast every year.

In order to forge Lingshan, the spiritual veins of some big worlds were severely drained, and the concentration of spiritual energy dropped by more than one-third. "

"This is fishing in a dry lake." Zhu Biao exclaimed.

"The big worlds that are close to the battlefields of the alien races are, firstly, for military use, and secondly, to build spiritual mountains, so that after the big worlds and small worlds are occupied, the spiritual veins and spiritual energy will be obtained by the aliens. So they secretly work to drain the fuel from the cauldron. things.

Why the Northern Wei Qiu War Zone was captured by foreigners so quickly has a lot to do with them secretly doing these immoral things. "

"But mother, why did Shenting give up so quickly? Are they planning to give up this airspace to foreigners?"

"Who knows what they think?" Taohua said. "Actually, according to the information I collected from some nearby forces, I have never heard of any force that would kill the will of Heaven in its own world and act in its place.

What they did was amazing.

This makes me wonder whether the upper-level forces in the Divine Court are originally natives of our world. "

"Mom, do you think they come from outside the world?"

"Look at the upper-level forces in Shenting, almost all of them came to power more than 30,000 years ago. Before that, there may have been some big forces in the world of Shenting, but after that, it was their voices. Those big forces gradually disappeared.

More than 10,000 years ago, other surrounding forces invaded, and the upper-level forces of Shenting hurriedly fought against it, and even started civil strife. They just had a big reshuffle. But the old forces at the top have not changed much. At most, it has changed by 30%.

This is too abnormal.

Logically speaking, every time there is civil strife, there should be a major reshuffle of internal forces. It would be good if only one-tenth of the original upper-level forces could survive. Civil strife shouldn't be a good time for new forces to rise.

But they have changed so little. "

(End of this chapter)

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