Chapter 1387 Hum

"Auntie, I think the water in this divine court is too deep." Zhu Biao was speechless.

"What's the point? Don't look at how long the upper-level forces in Shenting have existed. Even if they are visible, it has been more than 30,000 years." Taohua said. Using people to suppress the world and suppress the will of the world is something that any monk can do?

"So my mother thinks that our Chu family should avoid its edge and develop secretly." Zhu Biao agreed.

"Our Chu family comes from a small world. When we were first born, no one knew what the situation was like outside, but the outside world knew our original situation very well. Especially for the development of the family, our Chu family did not choose which one to attach ourselves to that time. Instead, he built Lingshan and left the original world.

It is said that success is also a spiritual mountain, and failure is also a spiritual mountain.

But at least it lets us know the general situation of the Shenting territory. The Chu family must change from light to dark. When you are weak, secret development is the way for your family to survive. "

Zhu Biao nodded directly after hearing this.

"Mother Zeng also thought about developing with all her strength, and even offered up the method of rapidly developing Lingshan in exchange for a place for the family to take root. Unfortunately, there was no such opportunity. People have long been eyeing us. And those big forces, on the surface, seem to be friendly. But inside we are extremely arrogant, and those people don’t think highly of us at all.

Therefore, even though we have interacted with each other many times, they have not failed to express their sincerity to each other.

Then I understand. "

Taohua smiled lightly. For a wise man who had the entire family in his hands at just a few years old, she understood it too well. Those people wanted the Chu family to completely surrender, accept their arrangements, and serve as their tools honestly from now on.

I really think too much.

Although she didn't pay much attention to her family. But I definitely don’t want all my efforts to go down the drain and become a wedding dress for someone else.

Not even willing to surrender to anyone.

So when the family had almost no choice but to surrender to the Taichu Sword Sect. She has made up her mind to continue working in her old profession.

Let's go stealth.

Anyway, as an underground power lord, she is pretty good at what she does.

When the Chu family split up and returned to the darkness, silently developing. Peach Blossom also does a lot of things that muddy a pool of spring water. She helped those capable people in the underground forces, overtly and covertly, with various integrations and reorganizations.

The front-end underground forces were once again brought into full swing.

For those who like to seek refuge with foreigners, support and encourage them to seek refuge with foreign masters in all aspects.

The various factions within the force were decentralized and were about to fall apart, so she would help them get rid of the useless ones and let them re-centralize power into their hands. Taohua wears many hats: she is a cheat provider, a grandpa, an adventure arranger and so on.

Within just ten years, the dark forces were in full swing, and all the various chess pieces placed by the upper echelons of the Divine Court were either expelled, killed, or instigated to rebel. Anyway, she won't let those forces play with her chess pieces in vain.

Because he played so smoothly, some of the upper-level officials in the eighth level of Shenting all agreed that there was a powerful abyss-level character among the dark forces.

So much so that they were severely damaged and did not dare to put their hands deep into the ground easily.

This surprised Taohua.

She really didn't expect that in the huge territory of Shenting, the underground forces were actually weak.

The guys in the upper echelons of Shenting have not completely controlled the underground forces for so many years. Faced with her various tricks, she was often wrong, and in the end she even retreated and did not dare to play.

No wonder the strange tribes are also frantically infiltrating here.

But there is no restriction from the upper echelons of the Divine Court. Peach blossom can lead the family to develop rapidly.

Of course, there were some places where she knew that if they were very profitable, it would even make the family grow even crazier, but she still gave up. Because she also discovered that those places were all the craziest places for alien infiltration. If you must avoid those directions, the family can also develop well.

"Auntie, I understand too." Zhu Biao said with a smile.

"As long as you understand. It's better to rely on yourself than to rely on anyone else." Taohua said.

Zhu Biao nodded.

"Of course, this is based on the fact that you, my son, are not a stupid pig. If you were more stupid, my mother would still suggest that you just hug her thighs, lie down and enjoy it. You won't survive the end of the drama anyway."

Cough cough cough, Zhu Biao looked resentful.

What do you mean, you think I'm stupid?

Is she your biological mother?


Taohua laughed so hard.

"Okay, go ahead and get ready. It's all up to you."

"it is good."

Zhu Biao originally planned to give everyone a three-month vacation to have fun.

It's a pity that as soon as the garrison at the mining area arrived, they were called in three times a day. Zhu Biao almost went crazy, but he had no choice but to let everyone play for a month. Then Lingshan set off. This month, I hurriedly worked hard to build a skeleton in my new open area. But all kinds of building materials are needed. A large number of personnel have also been recruited, and now these new personnel are still undergoing various rookie training.

The Chu family started out as a farmer, and Ling Zhifu's team was definitely the largest.

The total number of Ling Zhifu, including Ling farmers, ordinary farmers, tenants, etc., was more than ten times greater than the total number of his own legions.

Even if you are a mortal, it is not difficult to grow some spiritual food and low-level spiritual grass as long as you study hard. The point is to see if you are willing to endure hardship and work hard.

Joining Lingshan is like working as a sharecropper in the past. I'm still being paid fifty spiritual stones a year.

Many ordinary people are very happy.

With so many spiritual stones, if you return to the Suspension Continent in the future and don't buy spiritual land, you can just buy some wasteland and reclaim it yourself, and you will have no problem at all as a small landowner who can use a hundred acres of fertile land.

If you choose to stay in Lingshan, your children can become monks if they have spiritual roots in the future.

In short, during the first ten days of recruitment, the ten recruitment points were so crowded that there was no place to go.

There are many people who have just passed the exam and come to the mountain with their luggage at night asking to go up the mountain.

Lingshan has rules. If a quota is filled, there will be one less quota. They all left after they were filled. I will never wait for anyone.

So no one had time to think about whether to go or not. It was best to decide at that time.

Because Lingshan's recruitment is a small team, where there is a shortage of people, special personnel are organized to recruit, and even the examination questions are written by themselves. Find them all at once and leave you.

A small team was also recruited inside and outside to continue recruiting. So the next time you come somewhere and the recruitment quota is full, you will have to queue up again and wait for another assessment.

Because the good three-month vacation is gone, everyone has been particularly unhappy with Mount Zhu Biao recently.

Everyone snorted when they saw him.

(End of this chapter)

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