The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1388 Newcomers

Chapter 1388 Newcomers

Zhu Biao: Hum, what do you mean? It's not like I'm adding any extra work to you. That was not done by the head of the family. Do you have the ability to go to the head of the house to make trouble?

No matter how dissatisfied and displeasing everyone is. Lingshan is still moving forward, prospering all the way.

There are newly opened spiritual fields, medicinal fields, etc. everywhere on Lingshan Mountain.

There is also a huge construction site, and craftsmen everywhere are constantly organizing the construction of new buildings.

On a sunny slope somewhere, a dozen mortals, old and young, were hard at work digging grass, trees, and leveling the land.

Open up into regular sloping fields.

"Grandpa, take a rest." The girl carrying a large pot of mung bean water hurried over and filled a bowl of water for the old man. "Grandpa, drink some water."

"Okay, thank you dear grandson." The old man took the bowl and took a big sip. It's cool and refreshing.

Then the girl gave water to several other people.

Daddy, uncle, brother..., one bowl per person, finished in one go.

"Grandpa, I did a rough calculation. This hillside is not the fifty-five acres the supervisor said. By the time we finish driving, it will be about sixty-six or seven acres. There is so much more land at once. Let's look back later. Do you need to resubmit it?”

"Your grandfather has been farming all year round. Do you still know how many acres of medicinal fields this slope can produce?" The old man said with a smile after drinking the mung bean water. "I have already asked the supervisor. If there are more supervisors and more land is opened, the rent will be reduced by 10% according to the original contract.

Director Xu said that when the Lingtian area here is newly opened, it is not even considered by Ding Kemao. Generally, it is calculated less, so we can grow more for a few years and get a few more years of profit, which can be regarded as our family's hard-earned money for land reclamation. Wait until the spiritual land expands for the second time, and then report the opened medicinal fields. "

"That's okay. Our boss is also very kind to us."

"It's a family's luck to be a tenant of a big force." The old man said with a smile.

"If it weren't for my grandfather's superb farming skills and his hard work every day on how to grow elixirs, it would be our turn to be tenants on Lingshan Mountain. There were so many people who signed up at the beginning, but when it came to the interview, After my grandfather went in to take the exam, I was standing guard outside. There were fifty or sixty people who came in for the interview, but he was the only one who passed.

Only after my grandfather passed the exam could he take our whole family to Lingshan Mountain. "The little girl said proudly.

"No, if it weren't for dad's ability, we wouldn't have been able to go up. In our village, our family is the only one who went up to Lingshan." A middle-aged man in his thirties said with a smile.

"Hmm, as soon as the clan members heard that Dad you successfully passed the test, they all came to our house, hoping that Dad would take their children. How is it possible? They are not a family, and Lingshan does not agree to take them." Another one looked at A middle-aged man who was three or two years older than him also said with a smile.

"When I went for the interview, I told everyone in my family clearly. Even your married aunt was not allowed to be brought along. What about other members of the clan. Alas, there's nothing I can do, nothing I can do." A sturdy man in his forties said with regret.

It would be great if he could bring his family up here. The tribesmen also wanted to take him. He asked himself that if his relatives had such a good opportunity, he would work hard for his children. Unfortunately, the card is very strict here.

"Fortunately, the eldest sister is only engaged and not married yet." The little girl said soberly. She is the second child in the family.

The eldest sister of the uncle's family is the oldest among the girls.

"Even if we get married, if we don't have children, we will take her with us. After all, our whole family is gone, so it's not appropriate to abandon her. Besides, if your aunt's sons are not adults, she is also underage. It’s next year. I really can’t get away, so your grandpa also wants to take them with him. It’s naturally much better to open up wasteland and farm on Lingshan than on the floating continent.” said the older middle-aged man.

The sturdy old man also nodded and said, "There are too many people over there and too little land. The harvest from the rented land every year is not as good as a few full meals. It's nothing like here. We will definitely have enough to eat in the future. Moreover, as soon as we arrived, we were given a year's worth of grain and vegetable seeds, so that we can grow our own vegetables."

The girl found it funny when she thought about the rules for settling here, and even distributed vegetable seeds.

"Grandpa, the original villagers here were so interesting. They didn't grow vegetables in their yards, they only grew herbs. Instead, they put a layer of soil on their roofs to grow vegetables."

"Haha, I went to inquire about your grandpa. It is said that the cultivation of medicinal materials here is particularly extensive. All kinds of low-level elixirs can be traded in any small market. So they try their best to cultivate the land in their yards. Get the elixir."

"I think it's better to plant spiritual fruit trees. The fruits can still be eaten," the girl said.

"No, we can plant spiritual fruit trees in the corners of the wasteland we rent. It is still cost-effective to plant medicinal herbs in the yard. You can make money in a month or half a month." The old man said with confidence.

"Grandpa, you are so awesome." The girl looked at her grandfather with admiration.

"Ahem, I don't care. After our family has saved a few years, grandpa will send you all to learn to be spiritual husbands. I heard that there are teachers in the village."

"Really, why didn't I know?" the girl's father asked in surprise.

"Yes, but classes only start every winter. It's still early for the new school, so we have to save some tuition for the children."

"Dad, don't worry, we will definitely work hard without hesitation." The old man's other son also said loudly and happily.

They don't know that it may not be so easy to learn Ling Zhifu nowadays.

Either sign a contract and sell yourself to your employer in the future, or pay high tuition and learn how to be a spiritual husband.

But this is normal. The earliest tribesmen and people of the Chu family basically have no inheritance of Ling Zhifu in their families. And since every family has money, it is not difficult at all for their children to learn Lingzhifu courses from an early age. Not to mention, the family will also provide various compensation for the loss.

The rest are ordinary people or monks who are constantly recruited.

After many generations of business, the family also has the inheritance of Ling Zhifu within their own family, and it doesn't matter whether they go to school or not.

It is the new poor people who really need to go to school to learn.

These people have hardly contributed to the family and have no ability to pay for study. So they have only two options: sell themselves, or find ways to make money for study.

No matter what the benefits are, they become less and less as time goes by.

The inheritance of Ling Zhifu is spread throughout Lingshan, and the family is still cultivating new people. Therefore, many descendants of the Lingzhifu family have also begun to train their children to learn other skills. However, with water and wood spiritual roots, the family still prefers to train the other person to become a spiritual husband.

(End of this chapter)

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