The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1393 Going in the opposite direction

Chapter 1393 Going in the opposite direction

Now it is even more impossible for the Gongfa Pavilion to survive.

As a result, the Kung Fu Pavilion, which was notorious to all major forces and extremely valuable to casual cultivators, established a firm foothold in every world.

Even if there are only one or two strongholds in a world, the wealth earned by the Gongfa Pavilion is beyond the imagination of the world.

And because the sales are all low-level and mid-level improved techniques. Some exercises are also very unique. Therefore, many large forces also secretly purchase them and then cultivate their own special talents.

Chu Taohua, the head of the Chu family, in addition to the martial arts, also put a lot of effort into organizing people to do things.

In the selection of various materials, various new materials are also boldly selected. Organize more craftsmen to try.

Although a lot of materials were wasted during this period, sometimes when I wanted to specialize in shock-proof materials, I ended up with colloid materials. I wanted to make waterproof materials, but ended up with insect repellent materials.

There are so many different kinds, there are as many weird ideas as there are, and all kinds of magical materials can travel as far as they can...

Craftsmen who want to study materials compile various new and old materials into a book while working on materials. The advantages and disadvantages are listed as learning materials for future generations.

It is estimated that they continued to explore by stepping on the shoulders of those who came before them.

In addition to craftsmen and weapon refiners, they also do this.

The birth of every new material will bring benefits to the inventors for three generations directly.

Families like some amazingly creative craftsmen and weapon refiners will also reward life-extending elixirs. The starting life extension is two hundred years.

After taking a life-extending elixir, a mortal can survive a monk in the realm of rebirth. You don’t have to bother practicing yet, it’s so satisfying.

Of course, the family does not give you the life-extending elixir for nothing. After extending your life, you must continue to shine for the family.

"If you really think that man is worthy, why don't you give him a life-extending elixir?" Lou Dan rolled his eyes and asked with a smile.

"Maybe the headquarters has other arrangements for this. Isn't it unnecessary if I give you some life-extending elixir? Maybe it will destroy the arrangements of the headquarters." Zhu Biao rolled his eyes after hearing this.

Although he has no shortage of life-extending elixirs, he still cares about people inside and outside.

If the other party is not one of our own, then giving him some life-extending elixir is not endearing himself to the enemy.

Lou Dan was a little disappointed.

As Zhu Biao, if a life-extending elixir is given as a gift, it is very likely that it will be delivered to that person.

"Actually, for a mission like his, even if the headquarters cannot recruit him, he is still a precious asset of the human race." Lou Dan added.

"Since goodness is a precious treasure of the human race, why don't those big forces take action to save him?" Zhu Biao rolled his eyes.

"That's not...those aliens are behind the scenes, saying that whoever saves him will be targeted specifically. Whoever saves him is the alien race's biggest enemy in the territory of Shenting." Lou Dan said angrily.

"With our small status as the headquarters, do you think we can carry the name of the foreign race's number one enemy?" Zhu Biao was even more speechless. "Do you have any hatred for the headquarters? Do you want the headquarters to be comfortable and want it to collapse as soon as possible?"

"That's not what I meant." Lou Dan said quickly, "I just think it's a pity that that person died."

"What can we do if we can't save him? We people are not even close to being able to save him."

"Then let him die?" Lou Dan asked angrily.

"You want to save him?" Zhu Biao asked again. "certainly."

"Then you should resign as general immediately and save him yourself." Zhu Biao suggested.

"Lord Glacier Mountain, are you asking me to die?"

"If you want the family to take action against him, isn't that also asking the family to die?" Zhu Shou suddenly said in a cold tone.

"I don't want the family to take action, I just want you to take action. You are just the young master and cannot represent the family. So what if you save him?" Lou Dan said.

"Are you out of your mind? I am the son of the family master. Who would think that I can't represent the family? As long as I deliver the medicine without telling anyone else, the secret guards will fight to the death to protect the elixir from being delivered to that person. Then this Do you know how many secret guards you have to fight to kill on the way?"

Lou Dan suddenly fell silent.

"You may not be beautiful, but you think you are." Zhu Biao said sarcastically. "I have exhausted many secret guards and implicated the entire family, just because of your compassion. Why are you so shameless?"

Lou Dan suddenly turned pale with anger.

"You are indeed the young master of the Chu family, you have no sympathy at all."

"Honestly, how on earth did you become the general of the Fifth Army?"

"She was spotted by someone, and she tried her best not to recommend her." Qiao Lin suddenly appeared next to Zhu Biao and said calmly.

Both Qiao Lin and Zhu Biao have been working hard in the secret guard system for many years, and their hearts have long been as hard as steel. That Situ's performance was indeed amazing, but how could a single surprise make the family fight to the death for him?

How many people are there in the family, old and young?

"I really doubt that if someone like her leads the army, the soldiers and generals under her command will be dragged to death." Zhu Biao said again.

"Complain. To the military headquarters."

"Even if you have no sympathy, you still want to report me to the headquarters."

"Then do you think what you just said is appropriate? Have you considered the overall situation and considered the family?" Zhu Biao asked indifferently.

"I don't think I did anything wrong. I think about it from the perspective of the human race. What did I do wrong?"

"But you are the general of the fifth legion of the family. You are not the general of the fifth legion of the human race. Who hired you, who supported you, and whose life you should pay for, can't you figure it out clearly?" Zhu Biao couldn't figure it out? Answer question.

"Actually, I didn't want to do it for a long time. Now that the aliens have invaded and the human race is in danger, I have long wanted to step forward and fight for the survival of the human race." Lou Dan suddenly said with righteousness. "I don't want to fight for a certain family. I'm not your tool to enslave others."

"Who enslaved others?" Zhu Biao was amused.

"In short, you are no different from those big forces. I don't like you." Lou Dan said.

"This is actually very easy to handle. As long as you look like the Fifth Legion, you can leave. As long as you unconditionally accept the restrictions set by the family in your sea of ​​consciousness, you are not allowed to tell anything about the family. You can even take your spiritual mountain with you Leave. Of course, there is also your team, but you have to make sure that your team doesn’t know about the family affairs. It’s better for everyone.”

Lou Dan was thoughtful after hearing this. "I want to leave. Is it really that easy?"

"It's quite easy." Fu Yun said from the side. "Your ideas are obviously contrary to those of the Chu family. You want to do something big, but the Chu family is so small that it is obviously not convenient for you to do it. Why not choose a new world and create a great cause?"

Lou Dan felt that Fu Yun was very good at talking and spoke directly to her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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