Chapter 1394 Mine

"Let me think about it." Lou Dan said.

"Then hurry up. There are so many bad things here. If something happens and you are dragged here and unable to leave, it will be troublesome. Who knows when you will be able to get out completely?" Zhu Biao suggested.

"I finally discovered that Young Master Chu only has your Chu family in his heart. Are you afraid that you wish I could leave immediately so that I don't have to stay here to collect your salary and not be able to work for you with peace of mind, right?"

In fact, I feel that when people go to higher places, water flows to lower places. It turns out that when I work in Chu Family, we have a win-win situation. Now I feel that the Chu family is no longer suitable for me, so it is normal for me to leave.

So I will leave as soon as possible. "After Lou Dan said this, he turned around and left.

Fu Yun said at this time, "Actually, Lou Dan has wanted to leave for a long time. The guy who recommended her here always pestered her. He said he valued her, but actually he wanted to marry her as a concubine. That man was already married. And he was still the same. The veteran of the First Legion.

Many of those old people were outlaws and had no character.

It's impossible to get the rookie Lou Dan to take a fancy to him.

So it was inevitable for her to run away.

The difference is whether the family automatically releases her, or whether she betrays the family in a tragic way. "

"If she betrays the family, it won't be tragic or not, but whether she will survive in the end." Qiao Lin said.

"I said how dare she blatantly use words to plot against me. It turned out that she was using me as a ladder to escape," Zhu Biao said.

"It's convenient to use you as a ladder. Besides, you also give others a ladder to escape." Qiao Lin said speechlessly.

"I just feel that since they want to leave, it is not good for our family if we force them to stay. At the beginning, the family even sent away the Chu family's bloodline members, not to mention some who were later recruited from outside. If we work together, everyone will work hard for the Chu family. If you don’t want to, just get together and part ways.”

"Yes, in the past few hundred years, even the family headquarters has produced talents. There is no need for everyone to do it for Lou Dan. I can only say that the family is big, and all kinds of weird things can happen." Qiao Lin also said, " Even if that person went a little too far, if he had pressed too hard, he wouldn't have done anything about it. "

"Investigate what happened with Lou Dan, whether it is true or not, and what the situation is. Then hand it over to my father and let him handle it. The first legion is all his old subordinates, and my father will deal with them neatly. Zhu Biao said.

Fuyun burst into laughter.

"I'll probably be punished," Qiao Lin said.

This is true.

Lou Dan quickly handed over to Cui Xinyi, another general of the Fifth Army who arrived. This is also a new generation rookie who grew up later. Lou Dan and she were very much the same batch of recruits training in the army.

At first, the two of them were promoted almost one after another.

Lou Dan neatly handed over everything in hand.

The other party brought a large fleet. The fleet had a lot of extra space, allowing Lou Dan's subordinates to live together with his own.

The rest are Lou Dan's own direct descendants.

After Lou Dan and others agreed, the family secret guards placed soul restrictions on them.

Don't think about revealing family affairs to the outside world.

Just before Lou Dan left, it was said that the man who promoted Lou Dan was severely beaten by Chu Shinian. The screams were heard by the entire First Legion headquarters staff.

I heard that I was fined a salary and demoted.

When Lou Dan heard the result before leaving, he was very satisfied. She also said to Cui Xinyi who was saying goodbye to her, "I'm leaving. I hope you will be well in the future."

"You were so shameless about this kind of thing from the beginning. You didn't care about publicizing the matter, and he didn't dare to go too far." Cui Xinyi looked at the petite Rouwan, but what he said in his mouth was completely wrong. That's what happened. "After all, I was too young and didn't know what to do." Lou Dan said silently.

"For you, this is really a wrong fate. Okay, you leave. I hope you can expand freely from now on." Cui Xinyi said.

"Yeah. Actually, I admire you very much. Why don't you come with us? We sisters can work together and maybe we can build a big sect." Lou Dan's mood improved and he started poaching people.

Cui Xinyi shook his head. "In my opinion, other big forces are not as good as the Chu family. They are not worth my efforts at all. If I were to start from scratch and lead a force from small to large, it would take a lot of effort. I am not the head of the Chu family, I am not that Powerful brain.

I'd better squat under her wings and live a good life. "

In Cui Xinyi's view, the strongest ones in the Chu family are not the eighth-level or ninth-level masters. But there is a family head who can be called the most powerful brain.

Because she planned everything, Chu's family was still living well even if she lived in a crack.

The life and death of those families outside may take just a few years or more than ten years to complete a cycle.

But the Chu family has been very steady and growing stronger. This made Cui Xinyi feel very comfortable. There was no danger of such a family falling apart in a short time.

"It's because Chu Taohua brought the Chu family out of the sky that I wanted to work hard." Lou Dan said.

"You are a determined person, I think you can succeed." Cui Xinyi said. Lou Dan is not only determined, but also has an indomitable temperament. For such a tough person, Cui Xinyi felt that it might be a good thing for Lou Dan to run away.

If he stays in the family, in his later years, Lou Dan may regret that he did not go out and fight when he was young.

"Thank you."

"We have known each other since we were teenagers, so there is no need to be so polite. Besides, there may be opportunities to meet in the future. You can go on your own," Cui Xinyi said.

"it is good."

Cui Xinyi replaced Lou Dan and met Fu Yun and Zhu Biao again.

This time the three of them discussed specific garrison arrangements.

Since Fuyun couldn't get there, he planned to find a large number of craftsmen to build various mining areas, and then recruit a large number of young men to mine.

Since we can't leave anyway, we can only take action.

Cui Xinyi accepted the patrol and monitoring work near the crack.

Zhu Biao simply parked Lingshan in the largest mutated mining area somewhere, and specially arranged for the people on Lingshan to go mining.

There are actually about a dozen powerful mining owners here, large and small. But as soon as he saw Lingshan coming, he kept the best mining areas aside. They went to other corner mining areas.

The mining arranged by Zhu Biao was not the previous protective mining, but violent mining.

Directly turn over the actual earth and rocks in the mining area to expose the main mining area. As for where the other earth and rocks went, Lingshan can eat whatever it has. More or less without being disdainful.

Therefore, when he is mining here, the soil and rock layer in the mining area will be reduced by one piece every day.

Once dug, it is a huge pit.

(End of this chapter)

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