The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1395: Trapping your son

Chapter 1395: Trapping your son

A good broken star was eaten bit by bit like this. Soon, various items wrapped in the mineral veins also appeared one after another.

The first ones were some broken alchemy furnaces, weapons, broken walls with broken restrictions, and so on.

Later, there were treasure armor, broken bones and so on.

There are no intact corpses of people or creatures, but various bones with strange glossiness do appear frequently.

The craftsmen called for the master craftsmen one after another, and the weapon refiners also called for the powerful elders from their families. Everyone began to gather together to find out what this broken bone was.

Until someone accidentally inspired a vision of a broken bone.

He uses his own water-attributed element input module, the light blue residual bone. The strange patterns on the remaining bones immediately found a small stream of water.

Cough cough cough...

This residual bone actually seems to be some kind of precious bone. The kind that can cast special spells.

This immediately aroused everyone's enthusiasm. All means were used on the bones.

Of course, they also used those who found that there were many of the same kind.

Although they all have weird bone patterns, as long as there are still the same kind, there is no need to feel bad if the toys in their hands break.

I'm afraid there's only one piece. Once the calf is over, there will be no more test subjects.

Everyone worked frantically on it, and ahem, even though the newly dug bones were very hard and could not be burned easily with elixir fire, dozens of pieces were still broken into pieces by them.

Zhu Biao didn't dare to let them have fun anymore.

Anyway, dig it first, then dig it out, and then give it to them to play with.

All the master craftsmen and masters are so angry that they don’t want to see Zhu Biao anymore. Some even ran over and sprayed him.

However, as the ore veins continue to be mined.

More bones appeared in large numbers.

The vein had just been dug out of the middle section of the outer layer, mostly fifty feet deep, and a broken cave appeared first.

In this dilapidated cave, there is actually a small medicinal garden with forbidden laws, which is very well preserved. Although it is only about ten square meters. Only dozens of medicinal plants were planted. But most of these medicinal plants have never been seen before.

And because of their spiritual energy, none of these medicinal plants died. There are still some seeds exposed on the ground in the soil, as well as some small seedlings that have sprouted.

However, although these medicinal plants are not dead, the spiritual energy in the veins is not very rich and sufficient, so the medicinal plants are not growing well.

But Zhu Biao was still very happy because he saw live medicinal plants.

This value is very high.

He simply asked people to guard the small medicine garden and not develop it yet. Wait for a master in spiritual plants and a doctor who specializes in various spiritual medicines to be found before moving those precious medicinal plants. It would be true to have someone search the entire cave first.

As a result, there were several broken bones in the cave. Some rotting insect corpses. There are also some daily necessities for monks, all for women.

Then a stone fetus was dug out in a dark room of this cave. The little fetus curled up with its little body. The key is only about the size of a palm, exuding a strong and strange aura.

"What is this? Is it dangerous?" Seeing the small stone fetus brought to him, Zhu Biao did not dare to take action directly.

"Because it's some kind of exotic treasure, or something weird. Which one do you think it looks like?" Qiao Lin asked, holding the small thing in his hand. "Ahem. I don't think so. The key is, is this thing alive?" Zhu Biao asked in confusion.

"I don't know. Do you want to ask the head of the family?"

"Okay, let's get in touch."

When Chu Taohua heard the news, it was quickly transmitted through Lingshan.

She put the small stone fetus into her hand. Qi Tianjian automatically swept away the small things.

"It's just the core of the earth. I don't know who used some weird means to sacrifice it and turn it into a living spiritual creature." Taohua said.

"What? Is it really alive?" Zhu Biao was shocked.

"Even if it is alive, there is actually no possibility of it running away. This little thing was transformed into what it is now." Taohua. "Its function is probably to refine some kind of treasure. To put it bluntly, this is a material."

"What's that going to do for us?"

"Why is it useless? You can use it as the core to quickly build a spiritual mountain. It will only take three years."

"Isn't it?" Zhu Biao was shocked.

"It itself can replace the sixth level spiritual vein." Taohua said with great certainty. "However, this treasure is obviously overqualified for use in casting the Lingshan Mountain. It just so happens that I am about to advance to the Evolution Dao Realm, so I can use it to evolve into a small world."

"It's done. No one in our family has reached the sixth level of Evolution Dao Realm. Mom, please come out. We will enjoy the blessings then."

Taohua laughed directly after hearing this.

"Actually, your father probably advanced to the sixth level earlier than I did."

"My father's evolutionary world is also full of flames. What's the point of reference?" Zhu Biao inevitably complained. "I heard that part of the center of my father's flame world has begun to materialize. How can it evolve? When he reaches the sixth level, I'm afraid it will directly transform into a real small world."

"If Dad is promoted, he will keep the current small virtual world. He will try his best to bring the small world of flames to perfection."

Zhu Biao himself is also very talented, although he is not as talented as Chu Shinian. But he also has the best fire and wood spiritual roots. The small world in the future will definitely follow the path of dual systems of fire and wood.

"Then let dad walk away first. After he walks up, I will think about my own path."

Hearing Zhu Biao's extremely confident words, Taohua was also very satisfied. This shows that the child doesn't need to be too upset, and she knows what's going on.

"Then I'll take this little stone fetus away. You won't need it anyway," Taohua said.

Zhu Biao nodded. If he didn't need his sister, maybe he could.

But when his sister breaks through to the sixth level, his mother will be able to get more good things.

"Although our family has developed very quickly, it is still not as good as those sects with many sixth-level and above masters. After all, we have time to accumulate."

"I'm very happy that you can think so. Our family is now developing well in all aspects. Therefore, many lower-class clansmen and family monks think that we are omnipotent. This is impossible. The lack of high-end combat power is definitely the fault of the family. Board." Taohua said again. "And among the next generation, although you are very smart and very suitable to be the successor of the family. But you have no heirs, and there are no successors in our family for the next generation.

Therefore, it is difficult to say whether the family will be passed down in the future or whether it will fall apart. "

"Mom, I know, you just want to urge me to get married and have children." Zhu Biao was helpless.

"It's good that you know. I won't rush you, so what should I do? I don't want to have a baby anymore." Taohua said very straightforwardly. Anyway, it's better to cheat her son than to cheat herself.

(End of this chapter)

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