The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1396 Black

Chapter 1396 Black

"Then what does my father mean?"

"Whatever your father wants, it's up to you. Anyway, the family fell apart in your hands in the end, and it was because of your own incompetence and improper arrangements. I can't blame your outstanding parents." Taohua smiled.

Zhu Biao: "..."

Taohua simply laughed out loud.

"I've always been looking for someone that I like and can make me particularly invested in." Zhu Biao said.

"So you are looking for it, just speed up. Otherwise, the head of the family, I really need to change the branch to train." Taohua said.

"What do you mean?" Zhu Biao felt bad.

"You haven't gotten married and haven't been able to find anyone you like. Then I can only take care of a few extremely qualified children and put them in your name as your heirs."

"Mom, I knew you had no good intentions. What if I have an adopted son or daughter and have conflicts with my biological children in the future?"

"Then if you don't give birth, do you have to blame me?"

Zhu Biao had a headache after hearing this.

"What results can you achieve by just procrastinating? If you want to find someone you like, be proactive." Taohua said angrily. "You are over two hundred years old, do you still need your mother to tell you about your fate every day?"

Zhu Biao rolled his eyes guiltily.

"Anyway, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. If your biological children fight with your adopted children in the future, I will treat them fairly. Whoever is suitable to inherit the family will be the head of the next generation. I will give you another twenty years. Time. If you can't find a suitable wife, then I will take action."

"Auntie, is family so important? Are you putting family above me? If my biological children can't compete with my adopted children, do I have to watch them die?"

"Son, are you stupid?" Taohua looked at her son speechlessly. Is this boy who gets stupid from time to time really her own?

"The family is the family, and you are you. I don't have to let you inherit the family. This broken family may look bigger, but it's actually nothing." Taohua said. “I insist on orderly inheritance of the family because I don’t want to waste my hard work and efforts.

Whether you want to take over as head of the family or not is your own business.

If you don't want to take over. Then I will train Jun Lan or someone else.

If you are not the head of the family, no one in the family will offend you easily based on what we have.

Why do you take your family so seriously?

It would be nice for your future adopted children to inherit the family and for your biological children to live freely. Taking a step back, your biological children want to inherit the family, but if they are completely incapable of inheriting the family and being heirs. Then do you think it's appropriate to let them defeat the family at their hands?

Are you right about your mother's hard work? "

Zhu Biao: Suddenly I felt a lot of pressure. You have to marry a wife and have good children. If something goes wrong, I might have to be forced to live, forced to live...

"Suddenly I feel that my burden is so heavy. Mom, why did you just give birth to us brothers and sisters? If you give birth to more, I can have more brothers and sisters to share the burden."

"You haven't heard of one lazy egg carrying water to eat, two lazy eggs carrying water to eat, and three lazy eggs having no water to eat. I have few children, so you two have to work even if you don't work. There is no burden. I have to bear the burden. Who allowed you to be born in my belly?

If I have a few more children, what should I do if you all want to be lazy and want to run away after being pushed around?

I might as well just keep an eye on you two siblings, so no one can escape. "

His mother is so black.

"Also, after I advance to the sixth level, I plan to pass on the position of head of the family to you. It doesn't take much time, so let me tell you in advance, so you have to be mentally prepared."

What a bolt from the blue.

Zhu Biao was instantly burnt inside and tender outside.

He was completely numb.

"Mom, you have been leading the development of your family well, why do you suddenly quit?"

"Because I have laid the foundation of the family for you. How to develop it is your business in the future. But before I leave office, I will take you for a while, and that's it." Ahhhhh, I want to cry. .

I just want to cry but have no tears.

"Does my father know that you are planning to give up your career?" Zhu Biao asked in shock.

"I know."

"Then what did he think?"

"Your father said that he has long wanted to resign."

"What? He wants to quit too? What should I do? I feel like I am no match for my uncles and uncles. I can't handle the secret guards, and I can't handle the legion either."

"Take your time. You can find someone to help you with the work."

"You two are too bad. Am I still your biological son?"

"I've asked you to study for two hundred years, why haven't you grown up? Okay, just go up and be the head of your family." Taohua said angrily. "If the family hadn't been in danger all the time, I don't think I would have been the head of the family for so many years."

This is the truth, being the head of a family is so tiring.

It's better to bear this burden on my son's shoulders. Anyway, that kid has grown up.

What a pit.

What a trap.

Zhu Biao shed tears silently. It was too bitter, he was too bitter.

“Then what should I do with this spiritual mountain?”

"Pass it on to someone else." Taohua said confidently.

"Auntie, we discovered another skill." Qiao Lin walked in with a gold brick in his hand.

"What technique?" Taohua asked strangely. If it were an ordinary skill, Qiao Lin would definitely not send it in at this time.

"Auntie, this technique is really strange. It turns out to be a technique that speeds up cultivation by cultivating the life of a person and an object. I think it's quite interesting." Qiao Lin handed the gold brick to Taohua.

Taohua examined it carefully. It turns out that this technique is engraved on the four sides of this gold brick.

There are exercises, matching methods for refining weapons, methods for selecting raw materials, and finally, there are some matching prescriptions to prevent humans and weapons from being mutually exclusive.

"Not to mention anything else about this gold brick, the text is actually not very different from some popular words in the world within Shenting. At least you can roughly guess what it means." Taohua said in surprise.

"When I just saw these words, I was very surprised. I didn't expect that I could actually understand them. In the past, when we dug out something, the ghost symbols on it would take at least a long time to study and analyze to determine what the content was.

This time it was unexpected.

Especially since these things are likely to come from the other side of the rift. "Qiao Lin said with a cautious expression.

The key is that as time goes by, the skills on this gold brick actually change. Two hours later, the surface of the gold brick was replaced with a set of exercises, which were also exercises for dual cultivation of humans and machines. Not only the attributes of the exercises were different, even the cultivation took a different path, and the method of refining life weapons appeared. no the same.

"How did you find this gold brick?"

"I just dug around and found piles of weird bones. This gold brick was the most loyal one among these weird bones. It seemed to be surrounded by a lot of bones." Qiao Lin Said honestly.

(End of this chapter)

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