The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1397 Excavation

Chapter 1397 Excavation

"Keep digging and see what else is underneath. The family also needs these mutant mineral deposits," Taohua said. Burning stone mine is a very good energy source.

"There are also these associated crystal clusters. Some of our refiners have made new discoveries. These crystal clusters can be directly soaked in spiritual liquid and turned into liquids of various colors. These liquids can then be soaked in various colors. Rock, or ore.

New and more interesting crystal clusters will grow.

The newly added crystal clusters can replace many spiritual materials in refining weapons and can also be used as medicine.

And a new crystal cluster was discovered that has special abilities. It has miraculous effects on some alien races that are parasitic in the blood. As long as the spiritual incense blended into the new crystal cluster is ignited, the parasitic alien race will frantically agitate and crawl out of the parasite. "

"Is there such a good thing? Keep researching." Taohua encouraged. "Recruit another team of doctors and pharmacists."


"Actually, I think we are still short of manpower. There are many mineral veins in this airspace. It would be best to recruit more miners and mine owners from the floating continent. We promise to give them an extra share of the ore. In addition, if we mine from the mining area Whatever comes out, I promise to give them 30%. I think there may be many people to dig it.”

"Then it's better to recruit more sergeants from the Fifth Army. This mining area obviously has a lot of resources. Those weird bones are very valuable. Not to mention, it is possible to dig out better things. Recruit those scattered Xiu, will the mortals and mine owners come here to make a fortune, making the Fifth Legion that protects this place feel sour and jealous?" Taohua rolled her eyes at her son in annoyance. Listen to what crazy ideas he comes up with.

sweat! !

When Zhu Biao thought about it, he didn't think carefully.

"You are indeed much better at making friends than your parents. But when it comes to thinking, you always fail to do good things. Obviously, you can do things that are good for everyone if you think carefully and arrange them. But you always hesitate. Anyone can do it.

According to your idea, what do you want the family and outsiders to do? "

Zhu Biao immediately shut up.

"Actually, my cousin also wanted to find someone to deal with all the mineral veins here. Besides, the people who called the Fifth Army Corps couldn't do so much work." Qiao Lin took the initiative to defend Zhu Biao.

"If they can't do it, they can outsource it. This is different from us not allocating benefits to them. It's not that your cousin doesn't understand, he has known it since he was very young. He just doesn't have the idea of ​​​​insiders and outsiders in his heart.

Subconsciously treat everyone equally and look for the least labor-intensive way.

He saves effort, but it will bring all kinds of chaos to the originally very stable family. "

Taohua criticized her son unceremoniously. "You have been the mountain master for so many years, but I didn't expect that you still haven't gotten rid of this bad habit of yours."

Zhu Biao was obedient and did not dare to say more.

"If you make this mistake again in the future, if you do it once, I will ask your father to give you a good beating. Anyway, there is no problem in the world that cannot be changed. As long as you beat it enough, even the dead can change the bad habit."

Zhu Biao: "..."

Qiao Lin was immediately amused.

"I haven't seen my uncle beat my cousin for a long time."

"That's because your uncle beat him up and corrected all his bad habits when he was a child." Taohua said without giving any face.

Zhu Biao: "..."

Since there is only one son and one daughter, parents' time does not fall entirely on the two of them. If Xiaoshu doesn't behave straight away, he will be beaten.

"I'll go down and arrange for the Fifth Army Corps to come over and clear up wasteland." After saying this, Zhu Biao ran away.

Taohua sighed helplessly.

"When will this kid make me feel less worried?"

"Actually, Auntie, your demands are too high. Auntie, if you lower your demands, my cousin will definitely be a very good talent." Qiao Lin said.

"You can flatter me now. Congratulations." Taohua teased him.

"Auntie." Qiao Lin was embarrassed. "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. You go and do your thing. I have to go back and arrange other things." Taohua said with a smile.

"Auntie, have you prepared all the resources you need to accumulate to break through to the sixth level?"


"That's good. Auntie, let me take you back."

"Okay, it just so happens that we two take a walk."

Taohua grabbed her nephew and walked out of the house together, taking the gold brick with her.

Through the teleportation array on Lingshan Mountain, Taohua returned to his headquarters, Taiyuan Mountain.

The current headquarters, Taiyuan Mountain, is not as big as before.

More than two hundred years ago, Taiyuan Mountain was broken up and taken away.

At the beginning, Taiyuan Mountain and its internal resources, spiritual land and spiritual veins were directly split into fifty-six pieces.

Now after subsequent splitting and cultivation, it has become 496 yuan. This is just the split of the Taiyuan Mountain itself.

The main reason is that Xiaopang has constantly had clones over the years.

Without its clone, Xiaoling Mountain, which was split off from Taiyuan Mountain, would have no mountain spirit and would not be able to be used normally.

In addition to the separated Taiyuan Mountain, there is also the Xinling Mountain cultivated by the Chu family.

It is the new Lingshan built using the secret method of continuously improving Lingshan.

The effect is also good.

The Chu family already has more than 600 spiritual mountains, although compared to the more than 200,000 spiritual mountains in the Shenting territory, the number is a drop in the bucket. But it is still developing well. Many of the big forces in the upper echelons of the Divine Court have accumulated over so many years, but there are not as many existing spiritual mountains as theirs.

This also has a lot to do with the fact that Lingshan, which was created in the early stages, is extremely unstable. Many of the early Lingshan Mountains only had a lifespan of four to five hundred years before they collapsed.

There are very few Lingshan people who can survive the New Year stably.

Later, the methods of building Lingshan were continuously improved and perfected, and now the Lingshan of great powers can generally last for more than two thousand years.

It is believed that the technology for building Lingshan has become more perfect, so the existence of Lingshan has increased.

Otherwise, there would not be more than 200,000 seats in Shenting's territory today.

Of course, the large-scale construction of spiritual mountains will also cause the spiritual veins in each world, especially the high-level spiritual veins, to become increasingly scarce, and the overall spiritual energy density within the world to decrease, etc.

In the past, the upper-level forces in Shenting still had certain control over the total number of Lingshan Mountains. Now I just don't care at all.

Whoever likes it can do it, as long as you pay the tax to me in the end.

As the head of the family, Taohua is indeed very busy, and she cannot leave the headquarters for too much time.

A few hours after she left, two large fleets had already arrived from the mining area here. They are all affiliated with the Fifth Army Corps.

For the family owner to ask them to come over to mine and make a fortune, who can refuse this arrangement?

No one can refuse.

So even Chu Gonglie, the new generation of the Chu family, the deputy commander of the fifth legion, came running.

"Thank you, thank you. Thank you, big brother." As soon as Chu Gonglie arrived, he took the initiative to find Zhu Biao and gave him a big bear hug. Zhu Biao wanted to run away, but he failed and was hugged.

(End of this chapter)

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