The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1398 People’s hearts are greedy

Chapter 1398 People’s hearts are greedy

"You don't have to hug him so tightly, I can't even breathe." Zhu Biao quickly pushed this guy away.

"Isn't this how I express my love for you?"

"Thank you for your love. It's not necessary. I won't love you anyway. Just rest your thoughts." Zhu Biao rolled his eyes.

"How bad is this, big brother, it doesn't matter whether you love me or not. The key is, you must think of me next time something good like this happens. You don't even know how poor our Fifth Army is. I don’t have anything I want, it’s really…”

"Stop, no matter how poor you are, can you still be as poor as me? I am really poor in Lingshan, and I am going crazy with poverty. So you can quickly lead people to mine, or find people to mine. I want 10% of what comes out. , 10% of the suspended continent, 50% of the family is yours."

"Why does the Suspension Continent give them so much? Just do it for them."

"Are you kidding? You don't even look at who is stationed on the floating continent right now. I can't defeat him, so why don't you say it yourself. If you can, give them half a percent."

Chu Gonglie suddenly became depressed. "Can you go and say no?"

"Do you think my face is of that much value?"

Needless to say, certainly not.

Chu Gonglie felt like a mirror. As a junior, you still want to take advantage of the old men. What are you thinking? I'll give you a slap.

"Why am I so miserable?" Chu Gonglie complained with great reluctance.

"If we can't beat him, we have to admit defeat." Zhu Biao comforted the other party in a good mood.

Duke Lie of Chu was very sad.

"Mountain Master, Mountain Master, we have made another big discovery." A secret guard boy rushed in to report excitedly.

"Did you find something good?"

"Mountain Master, we have discovered a legendary spirit-gathering treasure tree."

"Really?" Zhu Biao looked at him in shock.

"Really, the family's sixth-level spiritual planter who has arrived has tested several times and confirmed that it is an extremely rare spirit-gathering treasure tree. This is not the spirit-gathering tree that the family has long had. It is a spirit-gathering treasure tree. Yes. Treasure tree, the starting sapling is level six."

"Let's go and have a look." Without saying a word, Zhu Biao called Chu Gonglie to follow him to see the Spirit-Gathering Treasure Tree.

It’s hard to describe how beautiful this tree is...

The upper body looks very similar to the Spirit Gathering Tree, and the ability to gather spiritual energy is also quite strong. It seems that it has just been dug out, and it has gathered a large amount of liquefied spiritual mist on its canopy.

It almost started raining.

The tree roots of the lower body seemed to be something strange. Dark and chubby, it kept squirming.

This guy refuses to let himself take root.

Twisting around the roots of the tree, he kept trying to escape.

However, he was tied up and trapped on the ground by the monks of the family.

Fortunately, this tree is not very tall at all, only over one foot tall. If this is a huge thing, it will be really difficult to bundle.

"How did this guy get out?" Chu Gonglie asked enthusiastically as soon as he arrived.

"It was dug out of the underground ore. Once it came out, there was nothing left. The roots almost ate one of our young adults. Now the boy's body is generally soft, and the other half is shriveled, let it be sucked away. The roots of this thing look like weird monsters." A spiritual husband said with lingering fear.

"Where are the injured people?" Zhu Biao asked.

"Sent back to Lingshan for treatment. Let's see if Bubble Medicine Pool can recover?" an elegant doctor said at this time. "Is he a monk?"

"No, he is a young and strong mortal."

"Then it's no problem. As long as there is still a breath left, the bubble medicine pool will definitely be able to save him." Zhu Biao said after taking a breath.

"In the end, it's all for us to dig out a Spirit-Gathering Treasure Tree. Even if the cost exceeds a certain amount, we still have to treat it well." The doctor said calmly.

Zhu Biao nodded.

Chu Gonglie touched the roots of the tree with his paws. The tree root immediately sucked his hand and wanted to suck away his flesh and blood.

Chu Gonglie was so angry that he directly used fire spells to burn the roots of the tree.


Baoshu screamed. Retracted all the tree roots near him.

"This tree eats flesh and blood, which is not good." Chu Gonglie frowned.

"It must have been given bad habits before. It's okay, just pump it a few more times and it will be fine." Zhu Biao said nonchalantly.

"Isn't this a magic tree?" A young mortal had seen this strange tree sucking his friend half dry before. I still think it is a precious tree. "It sucks human flesh and blood. This is not a magic tree."

"This is a precious tree. It's just that its owner was evil and kept feeding it flesh and blood. Then he kept raising it like this. Over time, it mutated into what it is now. If this was a magic tree, the crown of the tree would no longer look like this. . But it’s full of demonic energy,” the sixth-level family spiritual planter said with great certainty.

"But it still sucks flesh and blood. Didn't it turn into a demon tree? Do you still want to feed it with flesh and blood in the future?" The young man asked angrily. "You cruel people know that there is such a terrible thing in this vein, but you don't tell us. Doesn't this mean we will die?

We quit, we want to go back. "

"Okay, then you can go back. Anyone who wants to quit can return to the Suspension Continent together." Zhu Biao agreed.

"No, you didn't tell us how dangerous it is here, so you just let us go down to the mine to dig for ore. Now it's so simple to want us to leave. If we don't leave, we must be compensated."

Qiao Lin came over and without saying a word, he chopped the opponent into half flesh and blood with a knife, and then threw it to Baoshu.

The careful deep root system of the treasure tree stirred up the corpse and sucked it dry in the blink of an eye.

"Who else is looking for trouble and you just stand up?"

Suddenly, none of the young and low-level mining monks around them stopped chewing.

"When I recruited you to mine, didn't I tell you that mining is very dangerous, and anything can happen in the mine. When we didn't let you go into the mine, we also paid you a settlement fee. . I also promised that if you are gone, there will be fifteen spiritual stones for each mortal, and three hundred spiritual stones for each of the low-level monks.

If you dig up some rare ores, spiritual objects, or rare treasures, whoever finds them will be rewarded according to the value of the treasure.

We have already given what is due.

If you want to act rogue again, don't blame us for being rude. "

Qiao Lin said with a gloomy face to the young mortals and low-level monks around him.

The young mortals and low-level monks around him all fell silent.

People are greedy, and no one wants to get more good things and more spiritual stones. However, when faced with the threat of death, everyone is still very aware of current affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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