The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1403 Please ask

Chapter 1403 Please ask

"We have most of the spiritual trees here. However, the remaining spiritual trees are basically fourth-order and above. This time we have made a lot of money. Fourth-order spiritual trees do not need to be cultivated by ourselves. . It’s really a huge profit.” The military leader in charge of mining the veins couldn’t be happier.

If the mine digs out good stuff, they will get a cut of the profits.

Although everyone only shares 30% of the profits together. That’s a huge amount, so there’s a lot of wealth in their hands.

"There is still a small part of the spirit wood that we have never seen before. However, the remaining spirit wood here has no vitality. For seeds and other things, we have to see if there are well-preserved stocks elsewhere."

"It's been too long. The spiritual objects that have been able to survive are either protected by formations or are of high level and have abundant spiritual energy. Otherwise, it would be difficult for them to survive." A high-level spiritual plant husband said with a somewhat dejected expression.

"It's okay. With such a large piece, maybe it will be shipped again sometime." Zhu Biao didn't have the same frustrated mentality as him. Anyway, no matter what was released, it was all in vain.

He can have this mentality, but others can't. Obviously, there has been such a big harvest, but unfortunately, no matter how good the harvest is, it is not what I expected, which is a bit careless. Depressing.

In fact, both Lingshan and the miners brought over from the floating continent by the legion have made the surrounding sinkholes bigger and bigger.

Everyone is like little ants nibbling on pancakes, nibbling away bit by bit.

In the next few days, good things continued to be dug out of the veins.

Of course, the huge stars cannot all be mines. Most places are still ordinary stones and sand. However, Lingshan eats everything, and a large amount of stones and sand are digested by Lingshan.

Because of the large amount, Lingshan slowly grows bigger every ten days and a half.

In addition to the various stones and sand produced by the mining, Lingshan itself also absorbed various star chips and various fine dusts nearby.

It's like a giant vacuum cleaner, sucking up all the space around it.

In addition to Lingshan, there are more and more fleets around, and they are not all warships, but also various embarkation and mining ships. After all, a large amount of burning rocks cannot all be stored in Lingshan. They still have to be transferred to the floating continent, and then transferred to other places by various fleets on the floating continent.

The people in the Fifth Legion have also been very busy recently.

First, an abnormality appeared in a certain crack in time and space. The local insect swarm actually produced multiple insect kings and even more than three insect kings. This was simply unbearable, so the main force of the legion went to hunt down the insect swarm.

Ahem, the results are quite significant.

Bugs provide them with a lot of wealth. Especially the corpses of the two Insect Emperors that were collected were sold at a horribly high price.

This kind of thing is great whether it is used to refine the avatar or to refine any items. In other words, there is no one in the Chu family who likes the complete incarnation, so the corpse of the Insect King was sold directly at the auction on the Suspended Continent.

The remaining insect king in the swarm hates human beings deeply. But it couldn't beat it.

So he simply led the swarm of insects out of the rift in time and space and disappeared into the vast void.

The Fifth Army did not pursue it at all, there was no need.

Everyone knows where these little bugs will eventually go.

The Chu family's fleet and the Lingshans have gradually ended their external relations.

In many places, because they are so far away from here, even the local garrison contact points have been cancelled, especially those close to alien war zones. However, because their own wasteland has long been known to everyone, even if they don't go out, there are still a lot of fleets running around near the exit. The people of the Fifth Legion are not only responsible for cleaning up the insect swarm, but also responsible for escorting the burning stone out.

After all, the amount is too large and cannot be consumed by oneself alone.

So just sell it.

Because the floating continent is inconvenient to enter and exit, the fleet is also responsible for sending it out, directly to the supply port outside. From where to send to other places. There is a big world near the exit here, which is an affiliated territory of the Star Refining Sect, one of the upper-level powers of the Divine Court.

This place is affiliated with the Star Refining Sect, which itself is a powerful weapon refining sect. Therefore, the amount of various refining materials and fuel coming in and out here is very huge. The world itself is also a large mine. Most of the young people in the world are mining everywhere.

Various ores are continuously smelted into various spiritual gold, silver, copper, iron and other materials. Then he was sent to the Star Refining Sect.

Therefore, the ignition stone was digested by smelting workshops all over the world without any surprise. The effect is comparable to the burning of spiritual stones, but the price is not as high as that of spiritual stones. The longer it continues to burn, the better the heat will be.

This kind of good burning stone is perfect for them.

Even the broken burning stones can be turned into various burning stone cakes and honeycomb balls and sent to the furnace for burning, which leaves another fortune. After all, various crushed burning stones are cheaper. Because it could be added to the smelting furnace instead of spirit stones, everyone quietly put away the spirit stones and decisively used burning stones as fuel. Of course, this kind of thing would not be reported to the main sect, the Star Refining Sect. At least not within the next few years. Everyone also hopes that this new fuel will allow everyone to secretly intercept some spiritual stones.

Even the princes stationed in the big world turned a blind eye, let alone others. Everyone simply fished up and down in a tacit understanding.

Because of the real shortage of manpower, the Fifth Army simply outsourced the task of transporting and escorting the burning rocks.

So Cui Xinyi looked after Lou Dan again after a few months.

Lou Dan appeared in front of Cui Xinyi this time in the form of a mercenary.

"Why haven't you left the Suspended Continent yet?" Cui was puzzled. Isn't Lou Dan afraid of that person chasing her and continuing to harass her? "That person?"

"He has been taken care of and won't be able to come out in a short time." Lou Dan said with a smile. "The commander-in-chief is so powerful that he is so terrifying. If I hadn't felt that the Chu family and I were not a good match, maybe I wouldn't have left."

Cui Xinyi ignored her. Everyone has his own ambitions, and Lou Dan looks pretty good now.

"Then did you come here to borrow an escort or take over the transportation task?"

"I accepted the escort. After all, I don't have that many ships. By the way, can you order some warships for me? It doesn't need to be more, just twenty small warships."

"You can't order twenty small warships. As far as I know, small warships are not expensive, and the family does not restrict outsiders from ordering them." Cui Xinyi was puzzled.

"Oh, you don't know. I didn't know until I was outside that the alien legions were madly attacking fleets and spiritual mountains in various places. All the forces in Shenting suffered heavy losses. Some forces actually lost 50% to 60% of their own warships. .

So everyone is desperately ordering warships, no matter what type.

The Chu family's shipbuilding docks are scheduled to be completed in a few years. I'm ordering now, when do you think I can receive the warship? So I'm going to ask you to help me. "

(End of this chapter)

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