The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1404 Thoughts

Chapter 1404 Thoughts

Cui Xinyi looked strange, "You still use me for this kind of thing, just because of your own face. Who dare not help you in the dock on the floating continent?"

"Hey, I'm telling you the truth, I've bought forty small boats with my face. But because I didn't have much money, I sold all those boats for money. So my I’ve exhausted my connections, please help me now, just twenty ships.”

"Okay, it's not a big deal. But you pay for it yourself, and you can't ask me to pay for it for you."

"Then why don't you lend me some? I'll return it to you in a few years."

Cui Xinyi had a headache after hearing this.

"Didn't you say you made money selling the boat?"

"But there are many people under my command, and everyone has to eat and support their families, so I have to pay them salaries." Lou Dan said matter-of-factly.

"How many people do you have under your command?"

"Originally there were five thousand, but a lot of them have gone away recently, and now there are more than three thousand left. But I recruited nearly a thousand more."

"That's more than four thousand people?" Cui Xinyi was shocked.

"No, it's still more than three thousand. There are more people leaving." Lou Dan said with some guilt.

Cui Xinyi: "..."

"Okay, okay, just twenty ships. I lent you the money for the ship. Don't worry, I will definitely return it to you." Lou Dan said.

"It's a pity that I don't have much money. If you don't pay, then I can get you five small boats at most."

"Five ships, wouldn't they be too few? You don't have any savings at all, right?"

"I also have a family, and I also have personal guards to support." Cui Xinyi complained angrily.

"You can borrow money from the family..."

"If you say that, then let's stop contacting each other in the future, and don't ask me to lend you five boats." Cui Xinyi was a little disgusted with the other party's extravagance. If you don't want to be shameless, let yourself borrow money to help her. Who are these people?

Lou Dan sighed. "Okay, five boats."

She actually didn't want to do this, but people are poor and have short ambitions. Although she had just left the Chu family not long ago, the pressure on the spirit stone was already very great. It often kept her awake all night. She didn't want to see the disappointed faces of her men.

So I have to feel sorry for these wealthy friends.

Lou Dan followed the fleet with ten small warships, and they were responsible for escorting them.

Fu Yun suddenly smiled when he saw Lou Dan taking away ten small boats. He walked directly to Cui Xinyi and asked, "Did Lou Dan also make five small warships for nothing from you?"

Cui Xinyi sighed and said, "I'm embarrassed not to help."

"She also made five boats for nothing from me." Fu Yun continued to laugh.

"I thought you wouldn't give it." Cui Xinyi also laughed.

"No, Lou Dan is a pretty good person. She just went out and hasn't gotten used to it yet. You see, once she leaves the floating continent, she will be able to catch the wind."

"You actually think so highly of her?"

"Lou Dan is a tycoon, and a tycoon with ideals. This troubled world is perfect for her." Fu Yun said with a smile. "But the Chu family and the Suspension Continent are not suitable for her. The people here are too wealthy, and they will not have the confidence to follow her to their death without relying on her deception.

Even ordinary people know that as long as they are willing to do something, they can earn a lot of money. How could he be willing to fight for her for nothing? Once she cannot fulfill the resource treatment expected by others. The people she recruited were bound to leave. Cui suddenly realized, "But people outside are living a very miserable life. As long as she confuses her with a few words, people outside will easily get enthusiastic and follow her lead." "

Fu Yun nodded, "That's right. The life is hopeless and too miserable. Human life is worth less than grass. How many people are willing to continue living like this. So as long as she bewitches and bewitches, she will lead them to do something and make a breakthrough. Once you say it, you will definitely be able to recruit a lot of people.”

"But what should I do if she has nothing to do to maintain the daily consumption and various benefits of her subordinates?"

"Then go and grab it. Isn't it a good deal?" Fu Yun curled his lips disapprovingly.

Cui Xinyi thought about it, thinking that in the end Lou Dan had to rely on robbery if he wanted to survive.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"Maybe she enjoys it." Fu Yun said. "In this world, there are so many robbers out there. They are on their way."

Cui Xinyi looked at him helplessly.

"Speaking of which, I think you're pretty good. What do you think of me?"

"What do you want to do?" Cui Xinyi asked warily.

"I want to marry you," Fu Yun said. "The main reason is that I'm old enough and it's time to get married. I've been pushed by my family lately. What about you?"

"I am devoted to the Tao."

"Come on, if we get married, you can get more resources and connections. I am worth a lot of money, and my surname is Chu. Your future treatment and the treatment of our children will be top-notch. You really don't think about it seriously?"

Cui Xinyi stopped talking.

"I know that your cultivation qualifications are actually only above average, not as good as Lou Dan. If you want to continue to break through the realm, you can't just rely on hard training. If you want to strive for better resources, then it is necessary to become one of our own. It's still you. Also have a sweetheart?

If you have a sweetheart, then I will give up. "

Cui Xinyi actually knows Fuyun's background. Fuyun is also named Chu, and his father and grandfather are both formation masters in the family. A very rich family.

The Chu family has always been recruiting new sons-in-law and daughters-in-law with foreign surnames. There were no incidents of discrimination. This may be related to the fact that the Chu family was constantly punished by the family head when they first became rich, so they did not develop the weird habits of those cultivating families.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with marrying into the Chu family.

"Let me think about it," Cui Xinyi said. It is said that Fu Yun is a good-looking man. Cui Xinyi did not think about getting married at first because he felt that his qualifications were not very good. If he distracted himself from marrying and having children, he was afraid that his future would be hopeless.

But if she marries Fu Yun, there may be more possibilities in the future.

Fuyun smiled and nodded.

In fact, he does not lack a wife, he just lacks a wife he likes. There were many women of all kinds courting him, many of them extremely beautiful.

But Fuyun prefers women with personality and ability. Lou Dan also made him feel good at the beginning. As for the trouble that her First Legion wanted to occupy her, Fu Yun could actually help her solve it.

But after the actual contact, Lou Dan's personality made him a little crazy. This guy was not suitable for starting a family.

Then came Cui Xinyi. He is relatively clear about Cui Xinyi's situation, and his character has improved after getting in touch with him. So Fuyun confessed directly. If Cui Xinyi agrees, then he can solve the problem of urging marriage at home.

Fu Yun knew the horror of his young master being forced to marry. He was much younger than his young master. The urge at home is not that terrible. But even then, he didn't want to go as far as the young master and find a suitable one, so he planned to get married as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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