The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1407 The Evolution of Taiyin Stone Tower

Chapter 1407 The Evolution of Taiyin Stone Tower

"Who doesn't like something that can bring huge profits? The problem is that it can't bring trouble." Taohua said. "Recently, Ziweixianmen, one of the top fifty overlords in Shentong, sent people to contact us. To be precise, they contacted forty-eight alliances such as Tianzhu Pavilion and Jade Tower."

"People from the Ziwei Immortal Sect contact us? For what reason?"

Zhu Biao asked hurriedly, puzzled.

"They say they are optimistic about our development potential and are interested in taking a stake. They also want to send people to come and play in the reclamation area here."

"Why do I not believe it so much?" Zhu Biao decided that the other party's designation had an ulterior motive.

"Well, I didn't believe it either. So I asked someone to reject it directly. The other party had a very unhappy look on his face when he left." Taohua smiled.

"I'm afraid the people from the Ziwei Immortal Sect didn't expect to reject them, right? After all, although there are many big forces in the upper echelons of Shenting, those whose font size can rank in the top fifty are definitely the best among the big forces.

For example, the Taichu Sword Sect among the top ten sword sects is ranked in the top fifty. The Guanghan Sword Sect ranks over sixty, not even in the top fifty. Zhu Biao said.

"There are less than 500 major forces in the upper echelons of the Divine Court, but these more than 400 major forces have a profound background. No one knows what kind of trump cards they have behind them. They just know that each of them has existed for a long time, and their influence There are so many strong people inside.

Being able to rank among the top fifty within the five hundred quota, Ziweixianmen is indeed something to be proud of. "

"Since the Ziwei Immortal Sect is so praised by my mother, why did my mother reject them?" Zhu Biao asked with a smile.

"Because they came at the wrong time, I planned to scare the snake." Taohua also smiled.

"Wrong time?" Zhu Biao was confused.

"Yes, think about it, why I said the time was wrong."

Zhu Biao: It’s really annoying to test me again.

"Can I not want to?"

"Okay." Taohua said casually.

After Zhu Biao heard this, he was completely stunned. As long as his mother wasn't staring directly at him and asking him to think, he decided not to think. No matter what you think about, your brain will not be tired.

Taohua didn't care that she didn't get her son in the exam, it wasn't a big deal anyway.

Wait a little longer, and there will be news from there.

"I think you still have less work recently. I will transfer the Third Army back later to help you dig mines and speed up the process on your side." Taohua thought for a while.

Zhu Biao suddenly became energetic when he heard that the Third Army Corps was also going to be transferred back. "Mom, why?"

"what why?"

"Our family has a total of fifteen standing legions. The first legion is in the sixth district all year round. The development in that area is very terrible, and my father has to sit there all year round. The remaining legions are closer to the fourth and fifth districts as they get larger. The smaller the number, the more outside it is.

But you first mobilized the fifth legion from the second area. The Third Army Corps originally stationed outside began to be mobilized. Are you planning to give up your outside business and territory? That's not possible. Our family alone cannot support the development of six districts.

Land reclamation requires too many manpower and resources, and we can’t handle it ourselves. "

"I don't think so, son. The good steel of our standing army must be used on the blade. They are especially needed to develop the deserted areas. I sent them back because the sixth area is about to be dug through. Your father has already discovered it. District 7.

Moreover, the resources are more abundant, the area is larger and the length is longer.

Moreover, the spiritual energy over there surged like a river, no longer looking like stars in the universe, but like a secret realm. The geotechnical team went to explore, but they only surveyed a small corner, and determined that it was likely to be connected to a large area. "

"What do you mean?"

"In other words, if the area over there is dug through, we will probably enter another realm. Leave here completely." Taohua said with a smile.

Zhu Biao looked shocked. "What, leave our realm and enter other realms?"

"of course."

"But when we enter other realms... what will it be like?"

"I haven't been there either, how would you know?" Taohua said helplessly. "Originally, people in our realm can only obtain the light of guidance if they are tenth level in this life, leave this realm and go to other realms. However, due to the invasion of foreign races, no monks in this realm have been born to the tenth level for many years.

The legends about the tenth level are only recorded in the time when immortals existed.

So someone thought of other ways. Or maybe they've done something similar before.

After all, the earliest relevant cultivation records in this realm are one hundred thousand years ago, when a tragic battle between immortals took place.

But after that war, it fell into a dark period. It was not until more than 30,000 years ago that the monk world became prosperous again.

This kind of prosperity is strange and rapid, as if a new prosperous circle of monks suddenly appeared overnight.

So I guess that after the Immortal War, the inheritance of monks in the original realm was cut off, and mortals entered the era of primitive wilderness. Then more than 30,000 years ago, a group of monks suddenly arrived here. It also brought new prosperity to the monks. "

Taohua's hypothesis was approved by Zhu Biao.

"Dig the cracks in time and space and enter the upper realm. This is the broken path that Senior Bai Qilin found. The information he obtained was also very superficial. It was an ancient jade book with gold leaves that the monks who later died in the Bai Dou world carried with them. The method of recording in it.

He doesn't have that many ways to detect space-time cracks, nor does he have an experienced geotechnical survey team.

That's why we came to find it.

Your mother and I have been searching for the right upward space-time crack for almost sixty years.

This is the hardest time I've ever looked for. It was so difficult, I had exhausted so many options. "

"Mom, how did you find these space-time cracks?" Zhu Biao asked in confusion.

"Use heavy treasures." Taohua didn't hide anything from her son.

"Chongbao, is the Taiyin Stone Tower or Qitianjian in your hand?"

"Qi Tianjian can search for cracks in time and space, but where they lead and how dangerous they are, they can only use the Taiyin Stone Tower to survey."

Zhu Biao was so frightened after hearing this, "Can Taiyin Stone Tower still do this?"

Taohua nodded very seriously.

"Actually, I didn't expect that the Taiyin Stone Tower could evolve after absorbing the violent power of time and space in the space cracks. The first layer of the originally gray stone tower turned into silver-white stone. Then just throw it in If there is a space crack, you can survey the overall situation of the crack. When the survey is completed or there is an accident in the crack, just call it back."

"It's really what you think about. Auntie, you are so lucky. No one else is lucky." Zhu Biao sighed and said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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