The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1408 A Complete Set of Heavy Treasures

Chapter 1408 A Complete Set of Heavy Treasures

"In the small world we come from, mother told you, some people are born with all kinds of important treasures. Some of the important treasures are of no use, and it doesn't matter whether they have them or not. But some of the important treasures are still very useful. For example, the one from Chu Moyan Medicine Cauldron has been making progress as well.

There are also some other people’s treasures. Before we left that small world, many people came to take our Lingshan to leave the small world. Then when we arrived at the Great World of Shenting, many people who owned the accompanying treasures left Lingshan and blended into the Great World.

There are also people who randomly scattered among us along the way, and there are also people who have accompanying treasures. Even now, my mother doesn’t know how many valuable treasures there are still in the world. But the two treasures my mother brought out were definitely a big help.

Without them, my mother would never have developed so well.

Being able to own so many rare things makes me feel that the small world we come from is unusual. "

"Mom, the small world you mentioned has now been annexed by the Divine Court. Regarding the matter of the heavy treasure, I also asked someone to investigate secretly. It is said that the people who are still in that small world, those who own the heavy treasure, there are many heavy treasures. They have all changed hands, and I don’t know who it belongs to specifically.

However, there are people who have been acquiring those valuable treasures. In the beginning, there were several other valuable treasures that had wandered into the real world and were auctioned off.

That small world was also named the Lingbao Small World, and the one you called Chongbao is now called Houtian Xiaolingbao in the black market. In the great world of Shenting, there are people who see one or two pieces at auctions.

I really don’t know how many acquired little Lingbaos have wandered out of the Lingbao world. "

Taohua smiled after hearing this. She also knew that there were auctions of the world's most valuable treasures in the black market.

"The term "acquired little spirit treasure" actually makes sense. In short, it is a treasure recreated by the power of creation in the world." Taohua said with a smile. "But I think the two pieces I have are a bit of a waste when they are called acquired little treasures. I think it is quite appropriate to call them innate little treasures."

Cough cough cough, Zhu Biao was speechless.

"Mom, I said that I took a photo of a very useful little magic weapon earlier."

"What kind of little thing? Show me."

"Here." Zhu Biao handed a jade token directly to Taohua.

There are four things that look like patterns and words on the front and back of the jade tablet.

Taohua really knows that this is the ancient spirit pattern of heaven and earth.

"It turns out to be the Wind and Rain tile. I also have a Lightning and Thunder tile, which is exactly the same as yours." Taohua directly dug out the Lightning and Thunder tile that she accidentally obtained from the Taiyin Stone Tower. "I bought this at a street stall in a small area. At that time, I felt that it was very destined. It turns out that it is not my destiny, but yours."

My mother is really lucky, her luck is beyond repair.

Zhu Baole took the jade token excitedly. The two jade tablets stuck together and turned into two white lights that flew into Zhu Biao's sea of ​​consciousness. Two huge white jade pillars immediately appeared in Zhu Biao's sea of ​​consciousness. They are called wind and rain and lightning and thunder.

"Mom, I directly gained two magical powers. But these signs are not one pair, but four. There are also two signs: Soaring into the Clouds and Overturning the River and the Sea."

"These are the four great innate powers of this dragon series. How come this kind of thing also appears?" Taohua clicked her tongue. "Okay, later I will ask someone to go to the secret vault of our black market and look for it for you. I remember that they purchased some valuable treasures."

"Can you find it?" Zhu Biao asked timidly.

"It should be possible. After all, you have already got the Wind and Rain and Lightning and Thunder. According to my luck, as long as these things appear, they should be in complete sets."

Others would not dare to say such things.

My dear mother, you are extremely lucky, that’s why you dare to say this.

"Mom must look for it for me." Zhu Biao didn't have much extravagant hopes for his own luck. He might as well hope for his mother's success.

"Okay, okay, I'll keep an eye on it for you." Taohua said with a smile. "But this magical power is really good. It will be convenient to grow medicine in the future. It will be much easier to make it rain."

Zhu Biao: "..." "Fortunately, this is a magical power. If this is a spell, just rely on your fire and wood dual attribute spiritual roots. I'm afraid you don't know how long it will take to learn it." Taohua smiled again.

Zhu Biao felt guilty and forgot that his spiritual roots did not agree with him.

"Mom, I have this magical power of the water system. Is there really no problem if I want to use it? If I don't know how to use it, I can't use it, right?"

"How is it possible that a pig has obtained this kind of jade token and can continue to use these magical powers? With these jade tokens, there is no problem in using magical powers and honing magical powers. This kind of magical jade token is more powerful than artificial artifacts and spiritual roots. too much.

But the essence is still the same.

In the future, you will continue to make breakthroughs and strive to make your magical power manifest as soon as possible. That's really awesome. "

"Can supernatural powers also transform into shapes?"

"Not only can supernatural powers transform into shapes, but after being promoted to rules, they can also directly transform into gods. Innate gods are all transformed by rules.

The gods are too far away from us. Son, you may not be able to see them. But you must have seen a lot of innate elves, they are all born with magical powers. But in essence, they are actually fragments of rules and transformations of magical powers. "

"Oh, I said many evil cultivators simply refuse to bother with refining and just eat it." Zhu Biao suddenly said.

"Yes, eating elves is actually easier for evil cultivators to accept than eating humans. After all, it is just eating some magical transformations and fragments of rules."

"No wonder the elves ran faster than rabbits when they saw us humans." Zhu Biao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Can you not run? Anyone can run." Taohua said with a smile.

"By the way, mother, where is my sister recently? Why can't I contact her?" Zhu Biao asked curiously.

"Your sister ran away to live with your father. She insisted on causing trouble for your father, and I couldn't help it. She is the youngest in our family." Taohua said.

Zhu Biao wondered, "Can my father stand her?"

"Your father takes her to fight this and that every day. He is very busy and happy." Taohua explained.

Well, he wants to go too.

"Mom, how long do we have before we can open up the sixth area and open up the seventh area?"

"It's about this year."

"So fast?"

"There are five legions over there, working continuously to open up wasteland." Taohua said, "Our family has to invest 10 million spiritual stones in one day there." Taohua said in pain.

Zhu Biao coughed and coughed one after another.

It's too fierce.

"So many spiritual stones, my father spends a lot of money."

"What do you think? Fortunately, we earn a lot and have a lot of things to hoard. There are still many resource points in use outside. Otherwise, how can we afford it? It is too expensive to open the time and space rift. Senior Bai Qilin asked for support in order to support We open up the cracks and move a lot of basic resources, otherwise..." Taohua showed a lucky expression.

(End of this chapter)

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