The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1409 Biological

Chapter 1409 Biological

It's really painful to open up a passage by yourself without any external aid.

If it weren't for the fact that she was still unsure whether the tunnel she dug was the right one, Taohua would have already found a force to share her expenses. But even if we haven't found anyone to share our expenses, she has actually calculated the general ledger. When she clears the way, she will still ask for money.

Those who don’t pay the money to pay for the road in the future will definitely not be allowed to pass.

Speaking of which, Yuebai Qilin is also a powerful will of the world, and everyone thought it would guard the Baidou Realm. Who would have thought that it would actually abandon Bai Doujie.

The will of the world gave up its own body. Ahem, Chu Shinian was probably the first to do such a powerful thing. Bai Qilin was probably led astray by him.

"Speaking of which, Senior Bai Qilin is really powerful. Every time he goes out, he can bring back resources equivalent to a small world. No matter how much our family messes around, there is no way others can hoard resources as fast as others."

"Never compare your collection ability with a world's will. The key is, can you carry so many resources? Others can." Taohua said. She said in her heart that this kind of special talent belongs exclusively to the will of other people's world, and we mere humans really can't do it. "When we build six suspended continents, we need a lot of iron essence, which is brought by others. If we just rely on our own condensation, we won't be able to do it in five hundred years."

Although the Chu family is developing rapidly, it has few manpower and few large workshops. The gap between the Star Refining Sect, which uses the world as its workshop, is as far as the sky and the earth. Even if the Star Refining Sect was less than three hundred years old, it still wouldn't be able to handle so many iron spirits.

These are six continents.

Fortunately, there is a white unicorn.

However, Bai Qilin came here so that he could have a safe escape route, and he came because he liked Chu Shinian. It's definitely not for her Chu family and her as the head of the family, Taohua still understands this very well.

"Mom, tell me, have the other major forces in Shenting already dug out a way out?"

"Not necessarily." Taohua said thoughtfully. "Although we are the latest to dig, things like space-time rifts are not easy to find. Even if we find them, it is not easy to open them up. The fact that we can go so smoothly has a lot to do with your father personally taking charge of opening them. .

This kind of cracked space is really not something ordinary people can do.

It's quite a situation. In order to open up the underground waterway, I spent six years surveying and mapping, and sacrificed many ground engineers just to get there.

But in just over two hundred years, our family has opened up six districts.

Do you think it's fast or not? "

Zhu Biao was silent.

He estimated that it would take hundreds of years just to develop the first area through trial and error.

The key is that if you open the wrong area, you will find out after opening the first area that you made a mistake and there is no second area to open. Ahem, then you have to start over. After decades and hundreds of years of surveying, find a new space crack, and then start over, open up the space crack, and then open up the airspace between the cracks.

The key is who knows whether there will be upward cracks in the new airspace opened up, instead of only downward cracks.

Oops, headache.

"But they have tens of thousands of years to try and make mistakes." After thinking about it carefully, he said.

"Well, so I said, some forces should have found it, maybe they have opened the upward crack channel, and some forces probably haven't."

"But I heard that there are more than a hundred wasteland areas like ours."

"There are more than a hundred, but do you know which one can lead to the airspace above?" Taohua asked.

"That is to say, mother, you think someone has opened a crack channel, but there are not many such crack channels." Zhu Biao guessed again.

"You are finally smart. Their attitude towards large-scale alien invasion is somewhat ambiguous. If there is no retreat, they will not dare to do so. But if there are more retreats, they will have already begun to move resources on a large scale and make the decision to leave This airspace is planned.

But judging from the resource extraction and cultivation from all walks of life, it doesn't look like a big retreat. So I guess that some of their forces may have begun to secretly establish strongholds in the upper airspace and transfer resources. But definitely not everyone does this.

Because the black market has not yet completely become chaotic.

If the black market breaks out first, then the time has come. "

"Mom, how long do you think it will be until this time comes back?" Zhu Biao asked excitedly.

"It depends on when the aliens will fully invade." Taohua said. "The infiltration of foreign races is quite powerful now, but they do not have an absolute advantage. The major and medium-sized worlds are still in the hands of the human race and other indigenous creatures. This is the basic situation of the entire airspace.

They will not leave until the day comes when everything is exhausted.

After all, they have so many privileges here.

Once we go up there, we will all become small shrimps.

There will also be strong local forces there. "

Zhu Biao became even more interested after hearing this. "Then our Chu family will have a better chance."

"If there is a chance, it will be more dangerous. Don't you think it is dangerous to go to a completely unfamiliar and unfamiliar place? At the beginning, we also had a lot of relationships with the Guanghan Sword Sect and the Taichu Sword Sect, but in the end it was not better than forcing Left the Bai Dou world.

There is no apparent room for survival at all.

Fortunately, I decided to split up the sixth-level Lingshan Wuyuan Mountain. "

"Well, I know that some people from the Taichu Sword Sect have been chasing us until now." Zhu Biao said with gritted teeth.

"As long as you know, your father and I are the fastest cultivators in our clan, and we haven't reached the sixth level of Evolution Dao realm yet. Weakness is the original sin, so our family has to continue to survive."

After hearing what his mother said, Zhu Biao nodded helplessly.

To be honest, it is always cruel and helpless.

"But it's not like we didn't get a better start." Peach Blossom said with shining eyes.

Zhu Biao immediately nodded positively. "I just said that our Chu family is not bad at anything, and we can definitely give it a try again."

Taohua smiled directly, her silly son was quite enthusiastic.

Speaking of which, the environment is really good at molding people.

My silly son has lived in a stress-free environment since he was a child, lacking social beatings, and still retains an innocent and romantic element in his personality.

If Chu Shinian, who had been abandoned since childhood and grew up in darkness, would never have said such passionate words.

However, the parents did not want their children to suffer less and suffer less sins.

Even if he is innocent and romantic, he is much more likable than the mature indifference after suffering great hardships and committing serious crimes.

Ahem, she definitely didn't mean to say that Chu Shinian was unpopular, she just wanted to say that although her silly son was complained about by her and disliked by her, she still liked him.


(End of this chapter)

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