The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1410 Bickering

Chapter 1410 Bickering

"Okay, you will be the head of the family then, so work hard."

Zhu Biao instantly became depressed. Oops, no way.

"Auntie, didn't you say that you would pass the throne to me after you reach the sixth level?"

"I will reach the sixth level soon, and I have almost prepared all the resources I need to prepare for the Yan Dao realm. My cultivation has been polished to the point of no progress, and I am just waiting to break through to the big realm." Taohua is confident. The way.

"It takes five or six hundred years for others to advance to the realm of Evolution. Why is it so early, mother? You are not yet three hundred years old."

"I'm over 300 years old, son, you have a problem with arithmetic." Taohua boredly complained to her son.

"Just over three hundred years old." Zhu Biao said again. "Isn't it too early? My father hasn't made a breakthrough yet."

"He's too busy." Taohua complained. "If it wasn't for the purpose of opening up the space crack, he would have broken through long ago."

Zhu Biao was a little confused. "Dear mother, I don't have a Nascent Soul yet. I'm at the peak of the Golden Core. According to my estimation, it will take me at least fifty or sixty years to break through the Nascent Soul. And then from the Nascent Soul to the Yan Dao realm, I will need at least five or sixty years. It will take a hundred years to achieve a breakthrough.”

"It won't take that long. I plan to let you take over the position of the head of the family. You will experience it first, and then let you go out and walk in the new airspace.

It should take less than five or six hundred years to break through to the sixth level. "

Zhu Biao felt that he might have spent more time after listening to what he said.

It's a family, and it's out for training.

Where does he have time to practice?

"Mom, I think my sister can also be the head of the house, what do you think? It's just training anyway, so there's nothing wrong with letting her train for a hundred or two hundred years."

"Well, you and your mother want to go together this time. I plan to push her out to temporarily take over the position of head of the family while you go out for training."

"Mom, you are so wise and decisive. Just do it." Zhu Biao, who had successfully tricked his sister, had a bright smile on his lips.

"Actually, you have to get married and have a son as soon as possible. When your eldest son advances to the golden elixir, won't you be able to smoothly pass the position of head of the family to him?" Taohua said to her silly son.

Zhu Biao was immediately shocked. Yes, why didn't he think of it and just did it?

It's best for his wife to give him more children, so that he can have more goals to choose from in the future.

"Actually, some of my uncle's cousins ​​can also consider it."

"Only your cousin's surname is Lin, who is a bit troublesome. You can take advantage of the rest." Taohua said bluntly. "As the acting head of the family, as long as there are traps to do the work, I will definitely not be embarrassed."

"Okay." Zhu Biao started gearing up enthusiastically.

Taohua smiled, her silly son was indeed much easier to fool than others.

"Actually, you can also check out other people in the clan."

"Forget about the rest of the clan, Auntie, I'm not that stupid. It's not our family. With so many spiritual fields, elixir gardens and workshops in our hands, it's too easy for people to take notice. Now they are worried about it and dare not say it, but once someone becomes the head of the family and truly takes charge of the family, it will be difficult to say.

After all, rights can easily change a person's personality. "

"It's good that you know. Mom is worried that you have been protected too well by me and your father. If you raise a son who is not rare at all and gives up power to the head of any house, mom will really worry about your descendants. .

After all, as long as mom or you and my grandson are there, there should be no problem. But when I am gone, it will be hard to say. You don’t have to be the head of the house, but the head of the house isn’t that easy to do, it’s too hard work.

But you must know that you must retain certain rights in your hands, which will allow you to protect yourself and your descendants to have the ability to protect themselves. Otherwise, you'd better make other arrangements and secretly arrange for your own heirs to come out of the same lineage.

To avoid having an heir in the future. "

Zhu Biao broke into a cold sweat behind his back. Hey, dear mother, please don't say it so tragically, okay?

"Mom, I know. If you only have skills but no rights, you will feel aggrieved. It's not that easy to live according to other people's ideas." Zhu Biao said with a complicated expression.

"So you'd better pray that one of your future sons or grandchildren will inherit your mother's intelligence. Even if it's 50% or 60%, you've won. You'll be able to win in the future."

Zhu Biao: "..."

Taohua looked at Zhu Biao's aggrieved expression and felt particularly amused.

Thinking about her original biological father, if he didn't always want to follow Chu Xi to fight for power and gain, he would just win. Then there would be no such thing as the heavy losses later on. At least she can save some face for them, and she won't be so ruthless in her actions.

"Master, there is something urgent..." At this time, a secret guard reported and delivered a secret document.

After Taohua looked through it, she said, "Er smash, I'm going back to the headquarters. You can dig hard here. Try to use all the broken stars and meteorites here as quickly as possible."

"My Lingshan, I'm afraid it won't be able to eat so much earth and rocks." Zhu Biao quickly stopped. "My spiritual mountain is reaching its growth limit again."

"You let your Lingshan begin to spit out the old and bring in the new." Taohua said, "The unwanted earth and rocks spit out are directly sent by boat to some remote places on the border of the first area and thrown away."

"Auntie, can't you mobilize another spiritual mountain?"

"No, some Lingshans have tasks and are busy. Especially your father's side, which needs a large number of Lingshans to help open up wasteland. If you want to transfer Lingshans, you can apply to him yourself and see if he agrees."

Zhu Biaoxin said, that's fine, I'd better not say anything to save myself from getting beaten up more.

It’s not that he was cowardly, he actually predicted the result early.

Just as Zhu Biao was quarreling with his mother and sending her away by the way, in a small merchant ship formation, people from the powerful Yin Yang Dao Sect of Shenting also arrived at the last supply port outside the forty-eight alliance's wasteland area. .

The supply port was even busier than when Zhu Biao's Lingshan was there. Too many merchant ships and warships were parked at once.

The small caravan carried by the Yin Yang Daozong people actually had no place to stop.

If you want to replenish resources at the supply port, you can only take a smaller supply port cargo ship to the supply port.

This made Hua Chang, the chief steward of the small caravan, very dissatisfied. In his own cabin, he cursed the supply port half to death.

"I wonder if these people can make money. There are not enough berths in the supply port. Why don't you add some berths or directly expand the supply port? What's the point of letting us wait outside? I won't come here in the next life. "

"Manager Huada, didn't I explain that the new supply port is already under construction, but it has not been completed yet." Manager Wu Yong replied helplessly. "As soon as the repairs are completed, they will be towed over directly."

"Where do you stand? Don't you know who gives you your salary?" Hua Chang scolded his subordinates angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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