The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1411 Xingang District

Chapter 1411 Xingang District

"We are not here to investigate where the other person's space-time rift leads, so why do we need the other person's attention for a trivial matter?" Wu Yong said angrily.

Hua Chang: "..."

"The space-time rift that our Dao Sect dug out, the accessible place, the surrounding spiritual energy is thin, almost like a land of extraordinary spirits. Until now, there are no other living creatures among our fellow sects, and there is desolation and death everywhere.

If the sixth-level overhaul of the Xuanji Sect had not said categorically that we were not digging wrong and that the place was indeed the upper domain, I would have suspected that we had wasted our efforts again. "Wu Yong said with a sigh.

"We are pretty good here. The space-time rift dug by the Taixuan Sword Sect has hit a good place. But as soon as one person goes up, they are captured and enslaved. It doesn't matter if they give up, and it doesn't matter if they don't give up. The left and right It’s difficult.” Hua Chang and the direct descendants of the big forces still know about the time and space rift, and they also know some details about other sects.

"The crack in the Taichu Sword Sect is not bad. It is surrounded by casual cultivators."

"But the concentration of spiritual energy over there is not high, and cracks appear in the endless sea. The surrounding Sea Clan and Sky Clan are very powerful. As long as they explore outside the island, they will definitely die.

I heard that the eighth-level ancestors from Taichu were seriously injured there. "

"Hey, it's really terrible." Wu Yong said in shock. "I didn't even know that their Taichu and eighth-level ancestors were severely injured."

"I heard that he was seriously injured four hundred years ago, and he is still recovering from his injuries. It is said to be a Taoist injury. This kind of injury will not heal in a thousand or two thousand years." Hua Chang said with a very understanding look.

"I also heard that the crack in Ziyang Danzong is good, and the other party's forces are also very friendly."

"That is, just imprison them in a world and plan to train them to become his subordinates." Hua Chang said sarcastically.

"Ahem..." Wu Yong's mouth twitched in shock.

"I heard that the upper realm across the crack is full of strange things. If you meet a foreign race, you have to be careful about being raised as food. If you meet a human race, you have to worry about being enslaved. It is best to put it into a spiritual land.

Forget it about the land of extraordinary spirits. "Hua Chang thought about the cracks in his sect and curled his lips.

"The spiritual land is good, but if you open cracks into other people's secret realms, it will be troublesome. I heard that the Canghai Sect opened cracks into other people's secret realms, causing the disciples who were involved in the cracks to directly become other people's secret realms. The secret realm tests the creatures.

Once caught, they were trained into various Taoist soldiers and puppets. Hua Chang said again.

Wu Yong looked like he had a headache.

"It's really difficult for us to enter the Upper Domain."

"Why do you think it's not difficult? If it were really easy, why did our Taoist sect dig out four cracks? Only the last one of the four can be determined to lead to the upper realm." The first time the Yin and Yang Dao Palace dug cracks was from Jiu Qian Started many years ago.

I dug intermittently. I don’t know how much I dug. Only four are connected. Three of them had accidents. After they were connected, they were found to lead to the lower realm, and terrible disasters occurred.

Several ancestors were killed in the battle, not to mention other sect members.

The last fourth one can definitely lead to the upper realm, and no one died. But in that kind of place, once everyone enters, when can they find a new sect garrison where they can settle down?

"As far as I know, there are only four companies that have found suitable locations and secured the places."

"No way, there are nearly 500 big forces in the upper echelons of our Divine Court." Wu Yong said in shock.

"The key is not whether we can find the cracks or whether we can penetrate them. In fact, as long as we sacrifice a little and rely on our knowledge, we can basically penetrate the cracks. The question is whether the cracks are right or not, and whether they lead to the upper realm or not. You can’t find a new suitable location for a new sect through the cracks.”

"Then these four families are really lucky."

"It doesn't count. Do you think they can just keep their current territory? This is not the end of the road. At that time, in order to seize the territory, even our sect is willing to sacrifice part of our ancestors. With the same sect." Hua Chang said with a complicated expression. Wu Yong's face turned dark because he knew that what Hua Chang said might become reality.

"Then we came here to survey this place, shall we rob it?"

"What are you thinking about? I haven't figured it out yet. We just came over to take a look. The point is to take a look," Hua Chang said.

"What if after it is penetrated, it still works and there is a suitable place to stay?" Wu Yong said.

"Then this kind of place cannot be owned by small forces." Hua Chang said coldly.

"Actually, I hope they can find a suitable place after they get through it. I'm convinced of our sect's luck. There have been so many cracks in the wasteland, but no one can do anything about it." Wu Yong complained.

After hearing this, Hua Chang's face turned dark and red.

Who wouldn't say, what kind of bad luck did Yin Yang Dao Sect suffer from?


Various resources in the supply port are becoming more and more abundant.

The key is that there are more fleets coming and going. And they are all still the vests of a big force with the name of a small force.

As the Sixth District gradually enters the end of land reclamation, more and more fleets are coming here to donate various resources.

There are five hundred major forces in the upper echelons of Shenting, but on the surface, there are only more than a hundred open wasteland crack areas.

No one knows what they think. Are there more cracks that have been penetrated by them and hidden?

The alien race is still aggressive and using more and more human race people as food.

In short, everywhere within the territory of Shenting is a scene of chaos.

Mortal life is like a piece of grass, and the only way to survive is to become a high-level cultivator.

Fleets of various sizes transported various resources to the supply port, and then brought back special products from the forty-eight alliances' wasteland areas for sale. Looking at the hustle and bustle, there are actually undercurrents.

The people of the forty-eight alliances were overwhelmed, so they began to recruit a large number of casual cultivators.

Anyway, the monthly salary provided is high, and many casual cultivators are willing to bring their families to work in the alliance. On the fourth day after Huachang and the others arrived, the new expansion area of ​​the supply port was towed over by an entire fleet of more than thirty void ships.

Then it was busy splicing and strengthening.

The supply port, which was originally overcrowded, overcrowded, and overflowing with goods, went from four module areas to eight. From a square shape, it became a rectangular hanging port.

After expanding the new area, the supply port has more berths.

Huachang and his fleet finally have a new berth.

However, most of the people who manage the berths are newcomers, and only a few layers of supervisors are old people.

Fortunately, hesitation is hesitation, but if someone makes a mistake and delays things, they will be compensated to a certain extent, which is okay.

(End of this chapter)

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