The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1414 Mildew

Chapter 1414 Mildew

But the palace in front of me is bigger than Lingshan Mountain just by looking at it.

There shouldn't be any gains in such a big palace, right?

Zhu Biao quickly waved people into the palace to search. Because the palace is too big, the sergeants of the entire Fifth Legion here cannot clear much of the place in a short time.

So Zhu Biao simply continued to apply to the headquarters to send more sergeants from the legion to hunt for treasures.

Taohua directly transferred two more teams from the second area and asked them to come over to help.

The other party came overnight, and Cui Xinyi was responsible for receiving his colleagues.

They were not polite to her either. They ate her two months' worth of food in one late night snack and fried Cui Xinyi directly.

Do you want it to be so edible?

Fortunately, Zhu Biao is still pretty cool. She washed away the supplies you replenished for her and gave away the supplies for the other two teams.

Anyway, as much supplies as he sends out now, the floating continent will replenish them back to him.

Because there are enough manpower, the people entering the palace complex this time are all high-level monks.

They excavated the palace ruins very quickly, and all kinds of news came to Zhu Biao's hands every day.

Because of the appearance of the palace, Zhu Biao finally saw human skeletons for the first time.

Ahem, there are all kinds of weird lines on the surface of the weird body. It's also on the bones.

The bodies of the death monks were still intact, as if they had just died. Even the body is not completely stiff, nor is it the kind of swelling and weakness that is completely corrupt.

These humans are different from the humans here in Shenting, with different hair colors and different eye colors.

Even the skin color is very surprising.

There are also various red, purple, green and pink skins and the like.

It feels a bit like the demihuman race on the edge of the divine court and outside.

Some humans are particularly tall and tall, and some humans have slender arms and legs, and they appear to have amazing mobility at first glance.

Tens of thousands of these strange corpses were cleared out of the palace.

A large number of items were discovered along with them.

Just thousands of similar alchemy furnaces have been found. There are also various magic weapons, magic weapons, spiritual materials, etc.

Everyone will go crazy if they find something missing.

These humans also left behind many special books and jade cocoons.

Based on these books and jade cocoons, the monks of the Chu family also deciphered several languages ​​​​of other people.

This is a rune-immortal civilization.

By condensing talisman seeds, the monks allow mortals with and without spiritual roots to practice.

The talisman can also be fused with various spiritual objects, and the same spiritual object can be fused for a long time, and it can also inherit special bloodline in the offspring.

For example, several people's ancestors merged into the spiritual tree purple spruce. After seven or eight generations, their descendants not only possess the wood spirit roots in their bodies, but also possess some special abilities of the purple spruce. Purple spruce itself has the ability to accumulate spiritual power. Children who inherit the special ability of purple spruce can generally accumulate twice as much spiritual power as a human in their Dantian.

There are also those integrated into the bloodline of various spiritual beasts and monsters.

In short, the talismans have a very strong ability to absorb everything, and can be incorporated into almost any heaven-changing spiritual object.

This also resulted in the human race of rune civilization having a variety of bloodlines.

Abilities are also diverse.

Moreover, after the death of such a human race, the power integrated into the talisman species will be directly engraved and condensed into his own bones. Let your bones have a certain strength and become some kind of treasured bones. However, compared to the innate magical bones condensed by the monsters, the ability of the talisman imitated by the talisman is much weaker.

But even so, the Chu family is responsible for researching runes and the weapon refiners of the runes. The rune masters all feel that the invention of the runes is simply an epoch-making work of cultivation.

This talisman is much more practical than spiritual roots.

However, using talismans also has some side effects. For example, monks who use talismans will have very few descendants. The phenomenon of extinct heirs is very serious.

For another example, after using talismans to integrate spiritual objects, you will also pay a lot of price.

Strange price.

For example, if the stone fish talisman is incorporated, although the cultivation will become very fast, the life span will suddenly increase by six times on the original basis. The original life expectancy of eighty years has become four hundred and eighty years.

However, people who use talismans will become more and more petrified and eventually turn into stone.

There are also some talismans that absorb metallic spiritual objects and can easily turn people into metal beings gradually.

The most terrifying thing is that some flesh and blood spiritual creatures are integrated into the talisman and cannot maintain even the most basic human form.

The Chu family monks, who were originally very interested in talismans, were all horrified and had their hairs standing on end.

"This talisman is good, but it feels a bit weird." A certain talisman master from the Chu family sounded a little panicked.

"I don't want to become a dragon, snake, or a monster." Another Fu Lu master frowned and said.

"Anyway, this talisman is quite meaningful."

"Unexpectedly, they also encountered an alien invasion."

"Without the alien invasion, we wouldn't have been able to find a way out."

"How did they get to us?"

"I saw that their records, Jade Cocoon, describe the decline of their side. It's so miserable. The spiritual energy inside the entire realm is getting thinner and thinner, forcing them to flee."

"Well, I also saw it. They simply got lost in the cracks in time and space. The original large team became separated little by little. In the end, they were the only ones who were still holding on."

"We don't know if we will end up like them."

"I don't know about the other forces, but our Chu family probably won't. Our Chu family, just King Hongyun, has already produced five or six people. From the head of the family, to the humanoid treasure detector, so and so..."

After listening to this master's words, a group of talisman masters and weapon refining masters around them laughed.

"Since our head has led our family to develop space-time rifts, it seems that he has never failed." Someone said.

"There are mistakes. There are also times when we dig in the wrong direction. But the owner of the house soon discovered it and gave up digging again. So it's not that there are no mistakes, but mistakes are corrected quickly, and in the end they are all corrected in a very short time. Find the right path within time.

The cost of land reclamation here is relatively low.

There seems to be no luck at all like them, and whatever they do is wrong.

No matter where you go to explore, it's always a mistake. This kind of bad luck opened my eyes. "

"How could it be so unlucky?" A master was puzzled. "No matter how bad it is, it's impossible for a group of people to have such bad luck, right?"

"It should have something to do with the talismans." A talisman master suddenly said.


"Have you not noticed? Talismans can be easily integrated into anything. What kind of monster blood, what kind of spiritual mines, etc. It is all a kind of pure plunder. There is no feedback, only seizing. Think about it, if it accumulates over time, I am afraid that what you originally had will no longer be available. All the good luck will be wiped out.

No one can be lucky enough to be created like this. "

(End of this chapter)

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