The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1415 The Treasure of Luck

Chapter 1415 The Treasure of Luck

"A talisman can actually consume luck? Can it make people unlucky?" An obviously middle-aged talisman master said in surprise.

"You, you are simply rare and strange. Not only the talismans, but doctors and weapon refiners have actually studied some things, which have greatly reduced the fate of the family." A white-haired but extremely rosy-faced talisman master smiled. road.

"Really?" The youngest Fu Lu Master was shocked.

"Our family has a treasure that suppresses the family's luck. But there is something that can quickly reduce the family's luck and pose a threat to it. It is a message and warning." The oldest old man said.

"Our family still has a treasure that suppresses the fate of the clan? Isn't that something that only those sects that have been inherited for more than ten thousand years can possess?" The young master looked shocked.

"The treasure of luck is actually not that rare. It is often auctioned in the underground black market. But the treasure of luck that can suppress the fate of a family and a sect is rare.

Each one can provoke all kinds of bloody battles.

Therefore, if there is this treasure in the family, people who know about it will not tell anyone about it.

I tell you this because you have already started to come into contact with things like talismans. Telling you that our family has a fortune treasure that suppresses family fortune is also to prevent you from receiving the warning of the family fortune treasure, but you don't know what it is, and you don't pay enough attention, thus delaying the big event. "

After listening to the old man's words, various thoughts surged in the young master's heart.

He used to feel that although his family was developing well, there was still a big gap compared with those big forces with strong foundations. But after he gradually came into contact with the core of the family, he was surprised to find that the family actually had many magical treasures.

Taken together, his background is no worse than that of many big forces.

"Actually, you don't have to think too much. Although our Chu family has cultivated a lot of new generation talents, these talents may not always stay in the Chu family. Many of them have left and sought development in other forces.

Of course, those who left did not know the true heritage of the family. Before they had time to get in touch with the true heritage of the family, they chose to leave and seek a larger platform that would allow them to achieve stronger development.

Those who truly know the family background, even if the knowledge is still very superficial, are still very few. No one left either. "

The young master suddenly understood.

"The family has cultivated a lot of talents, but no matter how good the other person is and his thoughts are not in the family, we will not keep him. Basically, we will guide him to leave the family after discovering his thoughts." Another old master also said at this time road. "I have taught a total of about thirty disciples, and half of them have chosen to leave the family. You see, I don't send them away happily every time."

"No wonder the family's basic education, intermediate education and advanced education are separated." The young master once again understood the family's move.

"Yes, half of the common sense things are in basic education. Even the basic education we provide is more comprehensive and complete. Of course, it takes a lot of time, and it is easy to test the other party's character and mentality.

After basic education, there is intermediate and advanced education. It always makes some guys who hide their thoughts completely reveal themselves. "The white-haired master said with a smile.

The closer you are to the core of the family, the more valuable the information and resources you have access to are.

How could the family allow those with other ideas to become the core? !

This is absolutely impossible.

Anyone who enters the core is cultivated by the family according to the rules of the direct line.

“Our family’s most precious treasure of luck is transformed into a nine-story glazed pagoda.

Communicate with you through the tower body and deliver some news and scenes. "

"I heard that the treasure of luck that suppresses the fate of the clan does not actually exist, but is scattered in the hearts of the clan members?" the young master asked angrily. "No, we don't know exactly what form it exists in. Whether it is an entity or not, only the head of the family and his successor will know." Master Baifa said.

"Ahem, cough, master?"

"That's right, how can any clan member see the treasure of the clan? Only the head of the clan and his successor know where the treasure is stored and in what form it exists," said the white-haired master. “But when the treasure wants to warn, it will contact us directly.

According to the pharmacists in the family, that treasure has more personality. He'll also kick people's butts if they seriously damage their family's fortunes.

The weapon refiners in the family also said that the treasure had a violent temper and kicked people's butts, which was all done to the weak guys like the pharmacist. For the family's weapon refiners, they can simply dump a furnace of molten iron, gold juice, etc. on your head.

That feeling, even though it was an illusion, was a terrible death. "

The young master was shocked. "Did this treasure of luck have spirituality already born?"

"Isn't this something obvious? It will be a warning." The white-haired master said in a funny way.

"But is there really no problem with the spirituality of this precious treasure?" Master Nianqin asked worriedly.

"Anyway, looking at it now, there is no problem. Our family is not limited to the most precious creatures of luck. For example, the mountain spirits of Lingshan Mountain, and other treasures, there are too many spiritual beings born.

Not to mention anything else, sixth-level medicinal plants and spiritual trees can communicate directly with people. "

The young master coughs, coughs, coughs.

Yes, the family also planted a large number of sixth-level medicinal plants and spiritual trees. Some families put sixth-level medicinal plants or spiritual trees on the spiritual mountains they ran outside.

Moreover, in addition to medicinal plants and spiritual trees, some fourth-order and above spiritual beasts and monsters can also transform.

Although the transformation is not complete, and some features of the original animal body can still be seen, people can also speak human language, okay.

Those little guys with pure blood lines who have been through multiple generations of breeding, after the fourth level, directly transformed into pink children and worked as errands in various parts of the family. Even there are some children around them who are transformed into spiritual beasts.

Not to mention other things, let’s just say that the few children standing outside the gate waiting to be dispatched are all little ducks.

Especially good at breaking up.

"Actually, if there is any problem, the head of the family will not be without checks and balances." Another old master said very calmly and calmly.

There have been no problems for so many years, which means that there is no problem with the family head's checks and balances.

"So, our research on talismans is likely to be very harmful to the family?" the young master said.

"There may also be a big help. Of course, as long as we control the research hazards within a certain range. Don't provoke the treasure of luck, we will be fine." The white-haired master said.

(End of this chapter)

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