The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1416 Selling quota

Chapter 1416 Selling quota

Everyone agrees with this.

After all, no one has ever been warned by the Luck Treasure. If they really hit it, they don’t know what will happen. If you're like the doctors, forget it. It's just a shame. If you are trying to commit suicide like the weapon refiners, then there is no need.

There are so many projects they can research, so why bother fighting with Fu Zhong.

Everyone is not short of money, but they don’t want to risk their lives.


While Fu Zhong was studying, Zhu Biao extended his evil hands to other mining areas. Although there are burning stone veins in other mining areas, there are fewer other items dug out along with mining. No relics or anything like that were found.

The newly sprayed palaces are especially favored by legion experts. Although there are many dilapidated palaces, they try to focus on safe exploration, and various life-saving means are also prepared to prevent dangers.

Still, dozens of masters died one after another.

The more one explores the interior of the palace, the more the number of deaths increases.

On this day, Zhu Biao looked at the death list and was frowning.

Then Qiao Lin ran in with a gloomy face.

"Mountain Master, there are masters from other forces who want to apply to enter the palace ruins to explore."

"Yes, one quota, half a million spirit stones. We are not allowed to attack our people inside the palace. Our people will not attack them unless they attack us." Zhu Biao immediately replied.

"What? Do you really want them to go in? If they go in, what if there are some rare treasures inside the palace?" Qiao Lin said angrily.

"It's also possible that the rare treasure itself is a big pit." Zhu Biao said with a smile. "This is not the first time we have encountered this kind of thing. Last time, the guy happily dragged back pieces of metal cow-shaped exotic treasures, but it turned out that they were alive and mutated aliens. His spiritual mountain was almost trampled to pieces.

When it was dragged back, it caused some damage to the headquarters.

If it hadn't been taken down in the end, there wouldn't have been any big embarrassment. "

Qiao Lin: "..."

"I recently discovered that we are losing more and more manpower. This shows that the farther this palace goes to the core area, the more dangerous and complicated the situation becomes. I don't want to lose too many of my own people. So I plan to let them go explore Pathfinder.”

"I'm just worried about losing the treasure." Qiao Lin said with a sigh of relief.

"If it's really a treasure and they still get it, then it means it has no chance with us. By the way, if they find various jade cocoons, books, etc. during their adventure, they must make a copy and give us a copy. This is mandatory. No copying. Don’t let go.”

"Well, that's okay." Qiao Lin nodded in approval after hearing this.


"What, you need half a million spiritual stones to explore the ruins of the outer domain. Why don't you go and grab it? Tell me, I am a monk from the Long Live Mountain. You guys from small sects, don't be too ignorant."

"Why don't you let me in without paying the money? Are you small sects too brave?"

"You are looking for death."

For those who didn't want to pay to get in, both Lingshan and the fleet aimed their main guns at them.

So the masters from other big forces all paid the fees with humility.

A few people dressed as sword cultivators couldn't help but burst out laughing when they saw those people in front of them go from being arrogant to obediently paying their bills. In fact, it wasn't just them, there were many masters from other big forces behind them who also smiled very discreetly.

Anyway, everyone has a background. What’s wrong with being more upright and more humane?

"This forty-eight alliance is still interesting. They sell adventure quotas for spiritual stones. If this is an important opportunity like ours, we will definitely not sell quotas." A young female monk said to the senior brothers beside her.

"Actually, I think people are being smart. Such large-scale extraterritorial ruins are very dangerous. For small forces, developing and exploring them is too wasteful. The death rate is probably high. Instead of continuing to exploit it, we should It is better to sell the quota directly.

Don’t underestimate the quota of 500,000 yuan.

In just a short time, I saw one or two thousand people entering. In less than half an hour, 100 million spiritual stones were obtained. "

After hearing the words of the senior brother next to them, several sword cultivators took a deep breath.

"One hundred million spirit stones?"

"It's not just 100 million spirit stones. If you look back, there are at least thirty to fifty thousand people waiting in line behind us. This ruins is huge. Just exploring it will take at least many days, even months. Bar?

Then do we need to compensate for various resources in the ruins?

If people continue to set up some supply points in the ruins, the amount of spiritual stones they can earn will become mountains and seas. "

"Then isn't this small force going to get rich just because of an extraterritorial relic?"

After listening to the younger junior sister's inquiry, a certain senior brother nodded and said, "You have to know that in some small worlds, it is rare for ten years to earn a net income of 100 million spirit stones. But look at someone who buys a quota, he can probably earn a few in a day." Billions of spiritual stones.”

"This is such a huge profit." A certain junior sister said in horror.

"This is why this extraterritorial relic appears in the time and space rift controlled by others. Unless there is a war, they can't get in. That's why they can make so much money. If this is outside the rift, there will be many All forces will intervene.

After all, I made too much money. "

"The space-time rift actually has great geographical advantages. As long as a few spiritual mountains block the entrance and exit of the crack, this space will be blocked directly." A tall and thin swordsman said in a solemn tone.

The senior brother who spoke before nodded directly.

That's exactly what it is.

"Oh, that's not right. They are selling places so aggressively and at such high prices. Aren't they afraid of offending disciples like us who are powerful disciples?" the junior sister asked suspiciously.

"That's because the main body of this small force has moved into the time and space rift. There are very few people left in Outer Manchuria and can be abandoned at any time. It's because they are not afraid of offending us at all. In fact, people are causing trouble for them and directly destroy the time and space rift. Through the passage, people can still live leisurely and at ease, but we have to completely lose contact with the master and have no chance of returning to the master."

The expressions of several younger sword cultivator brothers and sisters all changed.

The older sword cultivators had expressions that looked like they finally realized that people's hearts are sinister.

"Then wouldn't it be dangerous for us to stay here?" the junior sister quickly asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, if something happens, the master will help us leave here in advance." A certain senior brother said calmly.

"Really? Won't you just give up on us?" the junior sister said worriedly.

"It's impossible to give up on us. There are too many sect disciples who have entered here, and there are many fifth- and sixth-level sect ancestors who have come here to practice. There are even seventh-level ones. How can we not give up? If something really happens, we will We were given advance notice to leave.”

(End of this chapter)

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