The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1417 Jade Beads

Chapter 1417 Jade Beads

"Then why can't the elders in our sect come with more people to take over this relic and run it themselves?" A disciple asked in confusion.

"It's not worth it. This joint force has put in such adventurers without restraint at once, and it will be hollowed out in three to five years at most. There is really a treasure here, and there are elders responsible for tracking it.

If there really is no treasure, it would not be worth the trouble for the ancestors of our sect to come and take action. Earn too little.

Which of our sects in the affiliated world has less annual income? During that time, the ancestors might as well sit in those attached worlds. "Looking at the most mature senior brother, he said.

This man's face looked a bit weathered, and he had obviously been out many times.

The more you have experience, the more you know.

In his opinion, the ancillary world is where the real money comes from.

The affiliated world, especially the affiliated world, really makes a lot of money, huge profits. But there are also many hands that share the wealth. There are local indigenous forces, there are ancestors who are in charge, and there are other princes of the sect. In the end are the benefits to the sect and some low-level disciples involved.

In fact, there aren’t that many in the end.

The main reason is that the sect has many ancestors and disciples, so the cost is high. In addition, in the big world, many forces want to get involved, so there is still a lot of profit to be diverted secretly.

So when it comes to making money, their large world doesn't necessarily have to make money from some wild medicine gardens that the Chu family keeps in the void. After all, it costs almost nothing. Also leave some seeds and picking labor behind.

The seeds of low-level elixirs are not valuable.

Tens of thousands of mature elixirs are valuable.

Of course, this is not one of Chu's most profitable industries. The most profitable thing for the Chu family is actually those remote small and medium-sized worlds that no one knows about. Through communication and sharing with those worlds, the Chu family cultivated more elixirs and collected more various spiritual minerals.

And the cost is simply cabbage price.

The other party was very grateful and grateful for Chu's support and help.

In addition to these remote small worlds, Chu's various workshops and plantations have generally been moved to six suspended continents. Many mid-level elixirs were planted on the three suspended continents at the back.

Only low-level elixirs will be planted on the first three continents.

Each of the six suspended continents is actually larger than the last.

The smallest one is in District 1, and the largest one is in District 6. And in the sixth area, Chu's floating continent technology has become increasingly mature. The continent in District 6 was directly built with three floors.

All three floors can be used, greatly increasing the planting area. Various spiritual plants that like shade, like water, like humidity, like dryness and other special habits also have their own categories and exclusive medicinal gardens. These medicine gardens are large-area classified medicine gardens, and the terrain has been specially reshaped.

However, having elixirs and selling elixirs on a large scale are two different concepts. The first is not to cause trouble, and the second is to keep the price of the elixir high.

Therefore, most of Chu's elixirs are processed and then sold, such as making various elixirs to assist cultivation, medicine bags, various clothes, jewelry, cushions and furniture soaked in medicine.

Anyway, the workshop can process and sell it, and the Chu family encourages everyone to innovate and sell it outside.

Various poisons sold to the underground world are also the bulk of the Chu family's sales.

Because the cost is low, the profit from diversion is also small. In the end, the bulk was recovered to the monks' hands, so when it comes to huge profits, the Chu family is actually no worse than those big forces that control the big world. But the love between four people is a big force, controlled by so many profit diverters. The Chu family only has one family, and the number of people in the family is far less than the huge value created by the industry. Not only are there few other people who distribute profits, but the profits they distribute are also relatively small.

Therefore, the Chu family almost went into battle lightly and developed rapidly.

This is the case for many forces in the early stages of their establishment. The scale of the industry expands rapidly, but few people enjoy vested interests.

Therefore, the profits recovered by industrial entities are huge, and the total scale of the industry is growing like a snowball.

When the development years pass by, the group of people sharing the benefits expands to the point where the total scale of the industry can no longer bear it. That designation will be riddled with contradictions and gradually decline.

Many big forces in the upper echelons of Shenting are maintaining a stage of gradually decreasing profits. There are real contradictions and there are some that are declining, but not many. After all, there is an attached world that can continuously suck their blood.

Generally speaking, big forces that have entered a period of decline are trapped in their own subordinate worlds and have problems. Either the local resistance is so strong that the struggling sects cannot continue to suck blood, or there is an invasion of alien races and they cannot defeat the alien races, and finally they are defeated. I have no choice but to give up on the wonderful ancillary world.


Everyone spent half a million spiritual stones to enter the ruins.

As soon as you enter the gate of the ruins, you can see an endless army of stalls.

There are really too many talented people setting up stalls. Almost every stall can be squeezed into a small space. Except for the sidewalks that have been marked off by people who have joined forces and cannot set up stalls, all kinds of stalls occupy almost all the places where you can put your feet.

Various gadgets, gadgets, and strange items excavated from the ruins were placed in stalls of various sizes.

Some broken stones that looked ordinary were put up.

A young man, obviously wearing the uniform of a patrol guard, and a few companions occupied a three- to four-foot-long stall. Most of the things they sold seemed to have been scavenged from the ruins or the soil of other places.

The junior sister pretended to pick up a slightly damaged jade bead casually and asked, "How do you sell this?"

"Big sale of 1,500 spiritual stones."

"What? You have the nerve to sell a broken bead for 1,500 spiritual stones. Are you trying to trick people?" the junior sister exclaimed.

"You just came here, right? Or are you pretending to be confused because you understand? This is a space jade bead. Not only does it have a small space inside, it can also grow elixirs. If the outer restriction hadn't been damaged, the space that was originally three acres inside would have collapsed. It’s an acre and a half. You can’t even buy 1,500 spiritual stones. I need to buy at least 5,000 spiritual stones.”

"What, it turned out to be a space jade bead?" The younger junior sister was surprised and quickly used her spiritual sense to detect it. It’s really a space jade pearl. There are also some low-level spiritual wheat planted in the beads. "Oh, you can really grow spiritual medicine, why do you want to grow low-level spiritual wheat?"

Hearing the little girl's question, the other party said calmly, "You guys probably don't believe us when we say we can plant it, but we have planted low-level spiritual wheat, so you have to believe it, right? This jade bead can definitely be planted. of.

Portable medicine field, does the little girl like it? With only fifteen hundred spiritual stones, you will never suffer a loss or be fooled. "

Many fellow disciples: "..."

 The author, Jun Eryang, is extremely weak, so the recent updates are not effective. When I get better, I will update again.



(End of this chapter)

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