The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1423 Abandonment

Chapter 1423 Abandonment

"Who do you think we are moving to guard against? The demonic tide?" Taohua asked again.

Chu Shinian was suspicious at first, and then thought: "Are you saying that what we want to guard against are actually the top forces in this realm?"

"That's right. In fact, it is inevitable that our realm will be swallowed up by the demonic tide. The top forces gave up first and wanted to leave.

Other large, medium and small forces couldn't muster the airs to resist and wanted to escape. "

When Taohua said this, Chu Shinian nodded in understanding. We are all.

"Everyone wants to run away, but who can run away and not accumulate more wealth?" Taohua said again.

Chu Shinian listened thoughtfully.

"For those top powers, asking them to give up the big world where they earn huge amounts of wealth every day is definitely a heart-breaking matter. But if this kind of pain is truly inevitable, what choice do you think they will make?" Taohua reminded again.

"They will divert their pain so that they don't suffer." Chu Shinian suddenly realized. "You mean, they know that they are destined to give up a large amount of property, and they feel unhappy. Once they decide to leave, they will definitely transfer their losses to others through other means?"

"Yes. And what kind of transfer method do you think they will choose?"

"Plunder the wealth of those soft persimmons. Not only do you want to get it, but you may also be able to make an extra fortune." Chu Shinian said dryly.

"The current prosperity of the market and the powerful expansion of many large, medium and small forces are all illusions deliberately created by others. They are watching us silently, just like raising fish in a fish pond. Silently waiting for the fish to be fattened. Then Bring out the big net and catch us all."

After hearing these words, Chu Shinian suddenly felt a chill covering his body.

"Don't forget that many forces think they are connected with the demonic tide, but those top forces that have ruled this realm for tens of thousands of years have actually never really used their deepest knowledge. Once they do, they will Just like the violent tide, beat them to the bottom.

Goulian, before the forces over there could react, they had already started to complete the big task of catching fish.

Nothing will be left to the forces on the other side of the demonic tide. "Taohua said indifferently.

From the moment she began to silently observe and deduce the general trend, she deduced many reasonable and unreasonable secrets one by one. Taohua gradually discovered that all the top forces in the local area had powerful figures in charge.

A stable group of silent operators are the trend.

These large, medium and small forces are simply like puppets dancing in their hands. No matter how they dance, they cannot dance out of their hands.

"If our Chu family wants to escape from this fish pond intact, we must take the first step. If we fall behind, we can only fall into other people's nets. Look at our family, but there is not even a sixth-level person." Taohua He smiled bitterly.

Without the hands of a top monk, it would be really difficult to move forward.

"Actually, you've done a good job." Chu Shinian said. "If someone else had done it, I'm afraid this family would have been broken up long ago."

"I can only do my best." Taohua smiled. She couldn't afford more. If it didn't work out, she could only give up. Of course, she hasn't gotten to that point yet.

"Do you think they have already closed down the net? Otherwise, you wouldn't have just learned about some superficial conditions there and made up your mind to move the whole family." Chu Shinian asked.

"Well, I always trust my intuition. I think something is going to be very bad. Let's go." Taohua said.

"Then I'll send you there first." Chu Shinian decided immediately.

Taohua was speechless, "Why are you sending me there first? I am here to mobilize family resources and integrate them continuously to send them there."

"Nonsense, there are so many capable people in the Chu family, why are they here to sit in charge? Because of you, the Chu family exists. Hurry over, and even if you lose everything here, we can rebuild the Chu family again. Besides, you can stop by. Call your daughter over. I'll take my son here and you can sit here." Chu Shinian made a decision immediately. "I don't have to go through it. You can just go and investigate."

"Want to go? If you don't want to go, I'll ask the secret guards to escort you." Chu Shinian immediately turned his face.

"Chu Shinian, what kind of temperament do you have?" Taohua said angrily.

Chu Shinian directly made a sneak attack, picked up the unconscious Tao Hua, and left. By the way, the main spirit mountain, which had evolved into the Five Elements Spiritual Peak, was also taken away.

Wuyuan Lingshan, the core of the family, was also summoned by him and started moving towards the sixth domain.

The movement of the core of the family actually means that the family's power has begun to shrink and integrate, and resources everywhere are either given up or changed hands.

Many wild herb gardens were simply abandoned, and many industries in small and medium-sized worlds were also abandoned or sold off in large quantities.

This abnormal situation immediately attracted the attention of many forces.

Why do certain forces abandon so many priceless properties at once?

What is this going to do?


Some of the forces that had been staring at the Chu family's appearance as a coalition could no longer bear it. They took action one after another, intercepting people and intercepting money.

When the Chu family was outside, a large number of peripheral forces immediately collapsed like a landslide, and a large amount of property was lost.

The most important thing is that several spiritual mountains were lost.

Suddenly he was kidnapped by some forces and lost contact with him ever since.

Although there are not many spiritual mountains left outside the Chu family, they cannot bear to be robbed like this. In the end, the remaining Lingshan simply ran away as a group, although they were also sniped along the way. But after some ruthless people directly blew up two spiritual mountains, they still broke through the encirclement and returned to the space rift with four spiritual mountains.

As soon as they returned, the Fifth Legion completely sealed the space rift.

Carrying Zhu Biao and others and the Chu forces on the floating continent of the first domain, they began an avalanche-like retreat.

The great retreat came suddenly and quickly.

Zhu Biao and others' Lingshan picked up important Chu family personnel from the mainland and evacuated to the second domain five days in advance.

Before a certain four spiritual mountains came back, many forces in the first domain were kept in the dark.

When the Chu family began to retreat, everyone was stunned.

In fact, there are some people who know the real reason, but in the first domain, this is the world of the Chu family.

Whether it's the huge levitation, the locking of numerous terrifying aura weapons, or the suppression of the fifth legion, even if you have seventh-level or eighth-level forces, as long as you have few experts, you will still be unable to compete with other continents and large armies.

Besides, the Chu family's large-scale retreat was too sudden. They did not receive a decision from the top of their own power. They hesitated and did not react for a while.

After all the retreating teams had retreated to the third domain, experts from outside broke in and contacted their own personnel and numerous sect members who had been abandoned on the suspended continent.

(End of this chapter)

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