The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1424: Daddy

Chapter 1424: Daddy

"What? Who do you think the minor league offended?"

"They have offended the Taichu Sword Sect, they have also offended the Piaohua Palace, and they have offended the Ziyue Immortal Sect... In short, they have offended many top sects, and those sects have issued a death order to eliminate this alliance force. "

"Why, for such a small force, why is it worthy of those big sects to issue a killing order?"

"I heard that this small alliance is actually a force, a family, called the Chu family. This family colludes with the demon clan, and makes trouble in the black market, causing trouble and so on. It has angered many big forces, and those big Only the powerful ones are trained to hunt it down.”

"Hey, being weak is the original sin."

"As long as you kill one of the Chu family, you can get a bounty of one thousand spirit stones. This is still a mortal. I heard that if you kill a direct monk of the Chu family, one head can be exchanged for 10,000 spirit stones. A direct monk with a gold elixir or above , one head can be exchanged for one hundred thousand spiritual stones."

"I'll go, I can't hold my sword any longer. Where should I go to take on this mission?"

"Over there, over there, there is a pursuit mission hall set up over there."


As a result, more and more casual cultivators were deceived by some scammers with ulterior motives.

Wait until the hunting army they organized rushes towards the second domain.

The Fifth Legion, which retreated to the second domain, simply blew up the space crack. The space-time storm swept across the entire rift space, and no one could leave within a short period of time.

The suspended continent in the second domain retreated more calmly after the space rift was blocked. They simply moved the mainland as well. As for the forces and casual cultivators on the mainland who did not belong to the Chu family, simply abandon them to a desolate star nearby.

Anyway, as long as some special magic weapons are used to calm the space-time storm, the space-time rift will not be sealed for a few months. When the crack opens again, these people will be picked up.

After the Chu family retreated to the third domain, the second space crack was also blown up by them.

The space-time storm swept across the crack again, blowing out some small things that existed in the crack.

This crack is the same as the first crack, there are a lot of things inside. Even if the space-time storm inside the crack is calmed down in the future, it will still be difficult to pass through.

There was constant retreat on this side, and there were also teams struggling to pass through a narrow crack on the other side.

It’s really hard to leave.

Fortunately, they passed through this difficult crack. Outside the crack was a large camp built by their own people.

After a few days of correction in the new large camp, they would repack and head to their family's newly acquired family fiefdom.


Zhu Biao drove Lingshan and ran to the sixth domain as fast as possible.

There's nothing you can do about it. If you don't take the initiative to greet your biological father, there's definitely something wrong. Your biological father will use his loving hooves to teach you how to be a human being again.

Zhu Biao felt that he really couldn't bear the clutches of his father's love, so he ran a little faster. As a result, Qiao Lin and the others almost fainted in Lingshan.

"Brother, if you run a little faster, we will all be ghosts on Lingshan Mountain and will never be human again." Qiao Lin complained.

"Actually, I don't want to run so fast, but look who summoned me? I don't dare. When the emperor summons me, I can't run slow." Zhu Biao also complained.

Qiao Lin: "..."

"Then why don't you go quickly and wait for the commander to deal with you?" the deputy mountain master reminded Zhu Biao helplessly.

Zhu Biao: I forgot about business.

Report it quickly.

... Chu Shinian is counting the progress of resource integration and transfer. Zhu Biao rushed in at this moment.

"Dad, how are you lately?"

"No, I'm not good at all. I feel even worse when I see you." Chu Shinian didn't even look up. When he heard this movement, he knew it was that brat.

"Dad, I miss you so much. How can you say that to me? It makes me feel like you are so disgusted by me?"

"Be more confident. Remove that two-character word. I just hate you." Chu Shinian raised his head slightly. "I told you to come to me as soon as possible and help me. As for you, you are so good, you went to play in Lingshan Mountain.

Do we need you as a mountain master in our family? "

"I've never been a mountain master, so I wanted to give it a try." Zhu Biao felt that he was always wronged. My father can't understand me.

"Is Lingshan fun?" Chu Shinian rolled his eyes at his son.

This boy Chu Junshu is not unintelligent, nor is he incompetent. He just won't get down to business. Every time you ask him to do something, he will do something for you.

"It's okay, it's quite fun." Zhu Biao, also known as Chu Junshu, bared his teeth and smiled.

I believe my biological father must know about the loss of a large amount of resources.

He didn't want to say any more.

"Have you had enough fun? When will you come back to work for your biological father?" Chu Shinian couldn't help but ask.

"Dad, I think I can still make a living outside. I'm not suitable to work with you at home, really. I want to walk around and take a look, really." Chu Junshu refused. .

My father is a model worker who works hard every day from morning to night, sometimes even spinning, but he never feels tired, nor does he feel any boredom or discomfort.

He is simply the wonder of the century in the model worker world.

How dare he work beside his father? He would have died early from exhaustion.

You'll die if you try.

"You think I don't know your little thoughts." Chu Shinian was angry.

Don't you just want to be lazy?

Seriously, as a father, he doesn’t know what this kid is?

"You and your sister are both problem children, and you can't fix them no matter what." Chu Shinian complained.

Chu Junshu bared his teeth and smiled. Sure enough, he had a sister from the same country as him.

"Dad, why don't you and my mother-in-law have two children? My sister and I, please let us go free."

"What a beautiful idea, but brave." Chu Shinian snorted coldly, do you think I really can't deal with you? "Our family's move was discovered, do you know that?"

After hearing this topic, Chu Junshu became serious.

"Is it a big trouble?"

"It's very big. Although our family acted a step ahead. The clansmen and dependent talents and most of the Lingshan people have withdrawn. However, there are still some clansmen and dependent talents in important positions who have fallen into the hands of those big forces. .

They're afraid they won't be able to keep their family's secrets.

After more than 200 years of business, our family is like a big fat sheep. Even if we temporarily cut off the opponent's pursuit. But the space channel is there, we can run through it, and others can also run through it. In the end, everyone will meet again in the new airspace. " Chu Shinian said with a somewhat solemn expression.

(End of this chapter)

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