The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1425 The Great World of Qingze

Chapter 1425 The Great World of Qingze

"No way, wouldn't it be a happy reunion?" Chu Junshu frowned.

"Will there be joy? Whoever is happy will feel uncomfortable." Chu Shinian said with an unpredictable expression.

"Yes. Did our family lose a lot?" Chu Junshu asked again.

"There are some losses, but no injuries." Chu Shinian said reservedly.

"That's okay then."

"Your father also has some tricks. He has been on guard against those guys for a long time." Chu Shinian said.

"It's still a loss, and we haven't completed the retreat completely without damage." Chu Junshu said deliberately and competitively.

Chu Shinian took a deep look at his brat.

"They do have a deep background."

Chu Junshu nodded. The guy who can make his parents suffer, his background is simply not as deep as ordinary.

"When my mother got there, has she already stood firm?" Chu Junshu asked again.

Chu Shinian frowned slightly again. "No, your mother chose a particularly desolate world. Although that world is big enough, it is said that hundreds of thousands of years ago, this world was still a very prosperous world of cultivation. Later, the sub-world was suddenly invaded into the blue sky. A group of aliens plundered and drained away all the spiritual veins, and even drained most of the earth veins and all spiritual things on the land. "

Chu Junshu gasped after hearing this.

"Then what are the choices left in this world? Hasn't it been drained of its essence? What does my mother see in this wretched place?"

Chu Shinian said, "I'm not sure. The letter your mother brought back said that this depleted world is more suitable for us. My mother had formal discussions with the border patrols of that world several times before. What they proposed We also accepted the conditions of acceptance.

Fifty thousand monks a year are sent to serve in the border army for three years.

The other party also gave us a dozen family territories to choose from.

But most of them, your mother said, will have endless troubles and will most likely be annexed by other forces in the end.

There are only three places that, in her opinion, are suitable for our family.

One of them is this big, desolate world.

Past the great world of Hengshan.

After your mother chose that place, she changed its name to Qingze World. "

"The name has even been changed. Is my mother very satisfied with that poor place? So what are the other two suitable places for our clan to establish a foothold in?" Chu Junshu inquired curiously. He had no intention of changing his mother's mind, he was just out of curiosity.

"I heard that one is a special bloody star abyss for desperadoes, criminals, alien descendants, and demon descendants. The other is a calamity realm where space cracks and various natural disasters occur frequently. The entire Cangqing sky realm is divided into fifty-five A heavenly realm.

Each realm contains a large number of worlds and voids. "

"I understand. Either it's an extremely chaotic place, or it's an extremely difficult place to survive, or it's a desperate place that doesn't give us a way to survive. This blue sky is really not very friendly to us." Chu Junshu said.

"I guess they are not very friendly to people from foreign lands." Chu Shinian said.

Cough cough cough...

Chu Junshu was helpless and thought to himself, Dad, how could you tell the truth in one day?

When you say this, I am speechless.

"Then why didn't you choose Bloody Star Abyss and Disaster Realm?" Fortunately, he suddenly had an idea.

"Because Qingze World is more suitable for us. That's what your mother said. If you have any other opinions later, you can ask her."

"Dad, why didn't you mention it?"

"I have no opinion."

"Why? Why, you never ask your mother for advice? I don't believe that you always think your mother's choice is right?" Chu Junshu asked in disbelief. "Are you a stupid son? Your mother has always made the decision in our family. Why don't you know it now?" Chu Shinian said angrily.

Cough cough cough, Chu Junshu almost coughed and choked.

"Dad, do you still have some family status?"

"Anyway, at least you are taller than your sister." Chu Shinian said confidently.

"Can you find someone else to compare with?"

"No, there are only four people in our family. Who else can I compete with?" Chu Shinian said angrily.

Chu Junshu said dejectedly as if he had failed. "you are hopeless."

"Stop arranging your own father. Hurry up and work for me. Now, the dozens of piles of official documents here are all yours."

"Oh, I have something else to do. How about I come back tomorrow?"

"If you dare to run, I'll break your legs. It's over, and you have to continue working." Chu Shinian said coldly with an eyebrow raised.

"Dad, I just came back."

"You can't even call me grandpa. Hurry up and get to work."

"It's almost noon, can't I rest for half a day?"

"I still want to rest." Chu Shinian said, "Do you think I'm resting? Work quickly, otherwise you won't be able to sleep at night and just keep spinning."

"I'll do it." Chu Junshu cried.

Who told him to have a model worker father?

In fact, Chu Junshu's ability to handle official documents was not weak. He quickly finished processing a pile and then called people to prepare food. Then I asked my dad to start eating. After eating, I could take a nap for half an hour. In this way, an hour and a half passed.

Chu Junshu thought, if he speeds up a bit in the afternoon, he should be able to finish the last three piles before dark.

As a result, when I returned to my desk in the afternoon, I saw that the number of official documents on my desk had changed from three to nine.

"Dad, I protest, how can you secretly increase my workload? Can I complete so many official documents in the afternoon?" Chu Junshu immediately became furious.

"Why are you secretly increasing your workload? I clearly put it on your desk in an upright manner." Chu Shinian smiled reservedly and unrestrainedly.

"Dad, you've gone too far. You gave me four piles in the morning and six piles in the afternoon. Are you planning to keep me from sleeping and do it all to you?"

"Yes, that's what I thought."

"If I don't do it, I won't do it anymore."

"I can't do it. I'll give you two choices. Either I'll break your legs, and then you have to work again. Or you can work peacefully, or I won't break your legs."

Alas ... Chu Junshu's tears collapsed. "tyrant."

"Now that the family is at a critical stage, you don't want to be a good heir or set an example. You still want to be lazy and dream." Chu Shinian snorted at him angrily. "Don't give me any work yet."

Now that his elder son is here, he can finally relax.

Sure enough, raising a son is very useful.

If the eldest son is properly nurtured and nurtured, he will be able to save more worry and effort.

Under his father's nose, Chu Junshu immediately became a downtrodden little pitiful person. He did whatever he was asked to do. He didn't even have the strength to resist, so he could only accept it.

Under the constant pressure from his own father, he burned himself at a high speed, accelerating the entire Chu family's migration project.

(End of this chapter)

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